§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *3*

§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *DBSK/TVXQ*

Yep..hopefully the story should pick up from here... :P I will start using Korean words and such from now on, and the some of the conversations are meant to be in different languages but will be in english i'll indicate them! ^_^ ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Summer Dream" By DBSK/TVXQ {K} - spoken in Korean


A Plane flew overhead…

“That’s ing loud ain’t it?!” Kim shouted in an angry tone.

“No Kimberly, you’re just hung over,” My dad grinned.

I laughed, “You can talk dad… Mister ‘the radio’s too loud, it’s hurting my brain’!”

Ryan and Kim laughed, while my dad gave his, eyebrows raised, jaw clenched ‘I’m not impressed’ look.

“Anyway, are you excited?” Ryan asked as we began walking to my gate.

“Yeah and nervous…I have no idea if I’ll understand what my Korean boss will be saying, I only know some Korean and what if my band doesn’t know a word of English and they don’t know mandarin and what if-“

“Stop…You’ll be fine, won’t she guys?” Ryan successfully stopped my freak out.

My dad nodded, “Your boss speaks English,”

Kim smirked, “See, you’ll be fine…Oh, remember to bring back some Korean hotties, I need to get laid…better yet, bring back y Jin and we can have a !”

“Kim shut up!” Ryan growled while I laughed and my dad shook his head.

“I’ll try!… You two be good and dad, don’t over work,” I said hugging him.

“Flight KE908 for Seoul Korea Now boarding!” The announcement rung in my ears, this was it.

“That’s me…Okay everyone hugs!” I squealed making everyone gather around, this would be the last hug for 9 months that I got from my friends and family.

We parted and I looked at Ryan,

“Hey…don’t get all teary eyed on me, you got an 11 hour flight to do…you’ll soon be back in my arms in no time,” Ryan whispered to me.

“Alright, I’m off to Korea!” I screamed heading through my gate.

I looked back to see my dad waving, Kim slightly teary eyed and Ryan smiling. I hoped when I got back everything would be the same.


I arrived in Korea in the late morning. I walked outside the airport and found some driver holding my name up on a large placard.

“I’m guessing you’re Tianna then?” A woman behind me said

I turned around and looked at her, “Yes I am,”

The woman bowed, “I’m Su dae, I’ll be taking you to your hotel so we can drop off your things, then I’ll take you to SMEntertainment headquarters,”

She explained to me then led me to the car door, where the driver with the large placard was standing. I watched them pack all my stuff into the boot of the car, I’m surprised they had space.

Su dae got in the car with me and the driver headed off to my hotel.

I looked through the car window, the city was so different from how I remembered it, but then again I spent most of my time with Jin looking up at the stars, hoping our dreams come true.

“I hope you got some sleep Tianna because we’re going to give you your work load for the next 9 months today,” Su dae distracted me from my memories.

“Yeah, I just woke up actually so I’m ready to work,” I smiled.

We soon arrived at the hotel, it was amazing, the luxury famous type, you’d expect a Korean pop star to stay here. I shook myself out of my daze and followed Su dae.

She checked me in and sent my bags up to my room then we headed to my room via elevator.

When we got to my room, Su dae handed me my key and I opened the door…

“Oh my god, this is amazing!” I squealed.

The room was like a mini apartment, the front door lead to the bedroom with the king size bed, and there was a sitting area next door. There was also a bathroom with a shower and bath, as well as T.V. and mini kitchen appliances, not forgetting the mini fridge!

“You like?” Su dae smirked.

“It’s amazing, Komapseumnida!” I screamed silently gob smacked. {Thank you}

“There’s no need to thank me, I’ll be waiting downstairs…We leave in an hour so, do what you need to do…” Su dae walked to my hotel room doorway and stopped.

“By the way, good pronunciation…Do you speak fluently?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No…I can say some words but I do understand if spoken to in Korean,” I smiled sincerely… I didn’t want to sound big headed.

“Good because you’ll need it for the work load we’re giving you!” She nodded and disappeared.

I shut the door and ran to my massive bedroom window,


This was gonna be an awesome 9 months.


I followed Su dae to the main office floor.

“Okay Tianna, this where I leave you in the capable hands of your new boss-“

“Call me Mr Sagong, how are you?” A very smartly dressed businessman interrupted Su dae.

“I’m fine,” I bowed to him, Su dae winked at me and departed. I probably weren't going to see her for a while.

“So Tia, let me take you to the waiting room and discuss your work load,” Mr Sagong led the way. He told me he was in charge of interns, schedule making, setting up interviews and publicity stuff, that sort of thing.

I found myself in a red and white room beautifully decorated. I sat down on the red soft sofa while Mr Sagong remained standing up and explained my duties.

“You will be assisting one of our top acts, you’ll have some paper work but you’ll mainly be in charge of keeping the schedule together and the act organised, basically their assistant…From what your company has told us about you you’re very good with people!”

I nodded, “Yeah, I haven’t got any complaints yet!”

“Good, because the boys might be a bit of a handful!” He laughed.

“Boys?” My head began to filter through SM’s top boy bands.

“Speaking of them, they should be here by now!” Mr Sagong looked at his watch furiously.

I began to hear voices in Korean, they seemed to be getting closer and began to get nervous.

Mr Sagong huffed and walked back to the waiting room door and opened it,

{K} “What’s taking you so long?” I heard Mr Sagong shout in Korean

I giggled to myself, just as Mr Sagong walked back towards me followed by ‘the boys’.

My eyes lit up when I saw who I’d be spending my time with for 9 months.

Mr Sagong cleared his throat, “Tianna…This is the band you’ll be working with…”

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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
I love loe love the story and ending!!! ^___^
bwahahahahaha!!!! <3

Good good job!! ^_^
i loved the story................please have another good story like this it was awesome........what country is your mom from ......in this story.......i'm from trinidad............update soon..........annyeong unnie ^_^ congrats
Awww guys!!!! *cries a little* Thank you so much for your kind words, this story is my first completed story, my pride and joy and loved writing it. I'm really glad you all liked it! :D
(Y) (y) (y) (y) I love this fic!! God!! Aaaaah you make such a great fic!! XD
drizzleandrain #6
aaah! I loved this. she comes back and everyone's happy. :D Sorry I came by your story only now, but I'd liek for you to know that I'd root for you from the first chap. (well, if we could rewind some things) seriously, this is greaaattt! :D and you featured Yoochun, eek! I have the hots for the guy. okay, let me clear that up. I have the hots for all the DBSK members. *fans myself* haha. :D thank you for posting this. Congratulations!
kannielove #7
p.s.<br />
why does this only have so little subscribers?!! >.<<br />
You deserve to be featured unnie~! you worked so hard!!! ^_^<br />
oh and another thing........ ^^<br />
I'm CONGRATULATING you for successfully making Mr. Park Yoochun as my new bias... LOL! o.O I can't believe it either!!! what about yunnie u-know who~!!!! HAHAHA! I guess I have two biases now... but I have to admit... there are only very little fics that make me crazy like this :)) hwaiting! again~! ♥♥♥ xoxo
kannielove #8
amazing~! seriously~!! unnie i don't know what to say~<br />
it was simply perfect! ^_^<br />
i know how hard it is to write a fic... lol! (I experienced it) XD<br />
but you were really good! no I mean amazing! XDD<br />
The plot, how the story went it was really good! and to think that I only found this because I was super bored but this fic kept me busy for two days! :)) It was hard though since I have school and I was being a little naughty ... but still! It was all worth it... ^^<br />
although I did think the story kinda went slow... but that's not a problem! I loved it no matter what~! ♥♥♥ and I feel like crying since this already ended... *sigh* T.T anyways... I'm off reading your other fics~! HWAITING unnie! I'll support you! ^_^