§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *21*

§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *DBSK/TVXQ*

Part 21 ^_^ ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Colors~Melody and Harmony" By Jejung & Yuchun (Japanese spelling ^_^) {K} - Spoken in Korean


It had been nearly two weeks since well… ‘The incident’ in which Mr Park Yoochun and I kissed. We spent these two weeks avoiding the subject and making sure we weren’t alone in the same room for long. We’re still friends I guess but it was just a little awkward.

We had been through tons of interviews for Jaejoong and Micky, as well as live performances of their new single, Colors~ melody and harmony. Today was the video shoot, at the moment I was having lunch with Junsu. I hadn’t seen much of him since he was working in the studio making and composing future song ideas.

Honestly I wasn’t thinking about my lunch with Junsu but that small gentle kiss…

“Tia, what’s on your mind?” Junsu asked me before sipping his tea.

We were in a sushi bar across the street from the studio set for Jaejoong and Yoochun’s single.

“Nothing…Wae?” I spoke solemnly.{Why}

“You just look like you’re thinking hard about something,” Junsu replied staring directly at me.

I sighed, “Oh…it’s nothing really,”

“I wouldn’t say it’s nothing, you keep…what’s the word….Daydreaming!” Junsu said clicking his fingers.

“Well…It’s just that…” I stopped, I couldn’t tell Junsu.

“It’s okay you can tell me,” Junsu said before stuffing food in his mouth.

“I kissed Yoochun,” I spoke casually.

Junsu spat out what he was eating, “Mwo yo?!”{What}

“Well we kissed each other…” I revised my words.

“Ai when? Where? Did you feel anything?” Junsu threw questions at me.

“Two weeks ago at the house, just before you and Jaejoong came through the door and yes I did,” I replied answering each question in order.

“Wow, I knew something was weird that day…Wah? Did you say you felt something?!” Junsu asked in a shocked voice.

I glanced at him and nodded, “I shouldn’t be but I am…I can’t stop thinking about him and our kiss…”

Junsu stared at me glossy eyed, “That’s so romantic!”

“Junsu that’s not helping, I don’t know what to do,” I whined.

“It could be just a crush, for both you and Yoochun, just let it fade…It’s understandable that you'd want some sort of love connection because you are far away from your boyfriend,” Junsu made a lot of sense.

“Yeah, you’re probably right Oppa….Oh crap! We have 15 minutes till we need to get back to the set!” I blurted out.

Junsu nodded and began to eat fast pulling the most cutest face. I really hoped that what Micky and I had was just a crush or I would be in serious trouble.


“Junsu hurry up we’re 5 minutes late, I bet they started already!” I yelled back at Junsu as I pushed the door open.

“Ai ya…I think I ate to fast!” Junsu yelled back gradually catching up with me.

I stopped and looked at Junsu, “Awww Junsu, come on!” I squealed dragging him by the wrist and into the studio set where the crew, Jaejoong and Micky we’re waiting.

“Oppa Mianhae, Junsu was taking long to eat!” I said hugging Jaejoong. {Sorry}

“Its fine,” Jaejoong smiled and stretched out, I looked around and noticed they hadn’t started filming again.

“Why haven’t you guys started?”

“Because we were waiting for you,” Micky appeared beside me.

I began to feel slightly flustered, “You were…waiting for me?”

Micky smiled and nodded then that tense feeling came over us. There was so much I was beginning to break.

“Yoochun, you ready?” Jaejoong called to us from the set.

“I guess it’s time to look pretty!” Micky chuckled, I giggled along with him.

He waved to me before joining Jaejoong on set.

“Well that was interesting!” Junsu whispered in my ear.

“Shut up Junsu!” I replied playfully pushing him.

“Come, let’s watch melody and Harmony do their thing!” Junsu laughed pulling me to the watching area.

We sat down and watched Jaejoong and Micky talking about something and laughing then the director called for the song play back.

I watched as the boys mimed to the song, Jaejoong looked amazing so full of life and different not to mention as hot as could be but I guess that’s Jaejoong for you, the eye candy!

Junsu had a big smile on his face watching Micky, he was trying to make Micky laugh, and he was quite successful. Then Micky looked at me, the sweetest look came from his eyes. It made me feel…Lost but so drawn to him, I was falling deeper.

It wasn’t long before the first few scenes were done. The boys then moved on to the white wall and began to paint words and pictures. They looked so cute painting on the wall like little kids they were so adorable. I couldn’t help but smile widely.

Junsu nudged me and pointed to the left top corner where Micky had drawn lips and the words ‘Kiss me’ above them.

“I think that might be for you!” Junsu teased. I blushed and elbowed Junsu.

It was really fun watching Jaejoong and Micky make their video, I wish that Yunho and Changmin were here though…

Junsu and I heard the director call cut, the boys now had a 5-minute break. I decided to get up and talk to the boys while Junsu talked to the crew.

“So Oppa Yoochun, does that mean anything specific?” I asked pointing to the drawing he did.

Micky smirked, “Maybe…do you want it to be?”

I laughed, “You just don’t quit, do you Yoochun!”

He smiled and patted me on the head, “Nope, it’s only because you’re so cute!”

I looked to see where Jaejoong was, he was talking to the offset camera men which meant Micky and I were alone on set.

“Tianna I-”

“I guess I should get back over there, we’ll talk later,” I said cutting Micky off and escaping a really awkward situation.

I took a deep breath and sat down on a chair just as Jaejoong got back to the set, from then the filming continued.

Many hours had passed as did many glances exchange between Micky and I. The filming was now over, I was walking over to Junsu, Jaejoong and Micky.

Then my phone began to ring, the number that appeared on the screen was from South Korea, no doubt it was SMEntertainment, I stopped and looked at the guys with a smile then picked up my phone,

“Yeboseyo?” {Hello}


{K}“I bet that’s SMEntertainment,” I sighed watching Tianna take her call.

{K}“Yeah…I’m going to get a drink,” Jaejoong sighed with me before heading to the vending machine.

I nodded to him then turned to Junsu, he was staring at me with a devious smirk.


Junsu just shook his head as to say ‘nothing’ but continued to stare at me with the same devious smile.

{K}“Seriously Xiah, WHAT?”

{K}“Nothing,” He smirked at me again then it clicked.

{K}“She told you!” I gasped.

Junsu nodded, {K}“Yes Tia did!”

{K}“I don’t want to talk about it!” I said bluntly knowing full well that Junsu would ask many questions.

{K}“Okay we won’t talk about it but Micky can I ask you a question,” Junsu smiled brightly.

I huffed, {K}“Okay, shoot!”

{K}“Why is it that when I nearly kiss Tianna, you shouted at her but when you actually kiss her, nothing seems wrong?”

Junsu’s question caught me completely off guard, what was I supposed to say?


“Hey Oppas, what you talking about?” Tianna appeared in front of us followed by Jaejoong.

‘Thank god!’ I thought to myself.

“Well we’re just talking about what to eat tonight,” I lied.

“I don’t think I’ll have time for dinner, I got to go back to Korea tomorrow,” Tianna sighed.

My heart sank a little but I couldn’t let her know.

“Aww that’s horrible, so they’re going to assign you to another group?” Jaejoong asked resting his head on Tianna’s shoulder awkwardly.

“Yeah…So, this is my last night with you guys,” Tia’s voice held such sorrow, it was quite upsetting.

“Tia, what if I came back with you?” Junsu blurted out.

“Huh?” We all said.

“Well…I’m finished with all the recording and I was planning to go back home anyway,” Junsu explained.

“Umm okay, we can get you a ticket as soon as we get back!” Tianna smiled.

We all nodded then I looked at her, fortunately she looked back at me which made it so much more awkward. We both knew we had to talk before she leaves just in case we never saw each other again.

“We should get going so Tia can pack!” Jaejoong interrupted my thoughts.

“Okie dokie!” Junsu and I laughed as we began walking out of the studio with Jaejoong and Tianna.

As much as I didn’t want to talk about what happened between us, I really needed to talk to her.


We had got back to the house an hour ago, Jaejoong and I were in my room slash Changmin’s room, Jaejoong was helping me pack.

“Jae, you know I don’t need your help to pack right?” I said packing my tops into my suitcase. We were sitting on the floor sorting out my clothes.

“I know but I like to h-” Jaejoong suddenly gasped.

“What?” I turned round to see Jaejoong holding my bra in amazement.

“JAEJOONG!” I squealed snatching my bra from him and hiding it in my suitcase.

“You know there’s more over here!” Jaejoong giggled like a little girl.

“JAE!” I screamed grabbing all my underwear and stuffing them into my suitcase.

“Mianhae Tia,” Jaejoong gave me a puppy dog pout that I couldn’t be angry at.{Sorry}

I rolled my eyes, “”Oppa you’re so lucky you’re handsome!”

He laughed and we continued to pack,

“Hey Tia?”

“Yeah Jae?”

“How did your s get so big?”

“Jae!” I squealed reaching for a pillow from the bed and throwing it at him.

It hit Jaejoong right in the face and he went tumbling back against the wall.

“Oppa I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I tried not to giggle as I crawled over to him.

“I’m okay,” He smiled weakly, “But you didn’t answer my question?”

I laughed and hit Jaejoong with the pillow, “Just help me pack, Byuntae!” {ert}

“Ay….I’m not a ert!” Jaejoong spoke in a high pitched tone.

“Yeah right Jae!” I giggled as did he. Then there was a knock at the bedroom door.

“Come in,” I called to whoever was behind the door.

The door opened to reveal the cute Mr Park,

“Hi ya Yoochun!” I chimed out.

“Hey Micky,” Jaejoong grinned waving cutely.

“Hey Jae, Tia….Tia, can I talk to you?”

Both Jaejoong and I looked up at Micky, it was finally time to talk.

“Ummm sure, Jae?”

Jaejoong nodded and got up hugging Micky briefly before exiting the room. I got up and sat on the bed while Micky shut the door.

“So…Yoochun, what’s on your mind?” I smiled patting the space next to me on the bed so he could sit down.

Micky walked over and sat down, “Well, it’s about the kiss...”

I bit my lip, “Figured…so what about it?”

Micky rubbed his chin, “I need to be honest with you Tianna…I felt something, I’m not sure what it was but I know it’s real…and I like it but it’s wrong cause you have a boyfriend and I-”

I put my finger to Micky’s lips to stop him from talking, it was my turn to be honest.

“I know…I felt something too, I kept pretending that didn’t but I couldn’t get you out of my head,” I flustered out.

“Chinchaaji?” Micky spoke somewhat surprised. {Really}

“Really,” I smiled.

“Maybe it’s just a crush,” Micky said trying to figure us out.

“That’s what Junsu said,” I giggled lightening the mood.

Micky looked at me, “What do you think?”

“I think he’s right, it’s probably just because we’ve been getting too close too fast, we’re both lonely and like spending time together,” I replied.

Micky nodded, “Yeah, you’re right…it’s probably a crush thing!”

“Yep and I’m thinking me going back to Korea will help create that space for friendship and make the crush fade away,” I grinned.

“Yeah I hope so cause I really do like having you as a friend,” Micky’s voice was so sincere, it made my heart flutter.

I giggled nervously, “I like having you as a friend too but right now you’re not helping the crush by being so sweet,”

Micky chuckled, “Mianhae Tia,” {Sorry}

We smiled at each other then the silence kicked in, Great! Just what we needed more silence, that’s what got us into this mess in the first place.

Then I decided to open my mouth, “You can kiss me goodbye, right now…”

Micky’s eyes glazed over me but he soon replied, “If you want me to?”

I stared into Micky’s eyes, he could obviously tell what I was thinking because the next thing I knew Micky’s lips were caressing mine in a passionate kiss, I held the back of Micky’s neck as he gently placed his hand on my chin pulling me deeper into the kiss.

I smiled into the kiss making Micky break it and move back slightly to look at me.

“We shouldn’t do that again,” I whimpered out slightly light headed.

“Yeah or it might lead to something else,” Micky added slightly flustered.

“Is Park Yoochun blushing?!” I teased nudging him playfully,


Micky and I laughed but soon reality hit us again,

“We’re friends, right?” Micky looked at me intensely.

I nodded, “Yeah, just friends….So being that you’re my friend, you gonna help me pack?”

“Sure,” Micky said before we moved to floor and began packing once more.

I did still love Ryan but this thing with Micky was messing with my head but I’m sure it meant nothing, just a lustful crush…Only time will tell.

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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
I love loe love the story and ending!!! ^___^
bwahahahahaha!!!! <3

Good good job!! ^_^
i loved the story................please have another good story like this it was awesome........what country is your mom from ......in this story.......i'm from trinidad............update soon..........annyeong unnie ^_^ congrats
Awww guys!!!! *cries a little* Thank you so much for your kind words, this story is my first completed story, my pride and joy and loved writing it. I'm really glad you all liked it! :D
(Y) (y) (y) (y) I love this fic!! God!! Aaaaah you make such a great fic!! XD
drizzleandrain #6
aaah! I loved this. she comes back and everyone's happy. :D Sorry I came by your story only now, but I'd liek for you to know that I'd root for you from the first chap. (well, if we could rewind some things) seriously, this is greaaattt! :D and you featured Yoochun, eek! I have the hots for the guy. okay, let me clear that up. I have the hots for all the DBSK members. *fans myself* haha. :D thank you for posting this. Congratulations!
kannielove #7
p.s.<br />
why does this only have so little subscribers?!! >.<<br />
You deserve to be featured unnie~! you worked so hard!!! ^_^<br />
oh and another thing........ ^^<br />
I'm CONGRATULATING you for successfully making Mr. Park Yoochun as my new bias... LOL! o.O I can't believe it either!!! what about yunnie u-know who~!!!! HAHAHA! I guess I have two biases now... but I have to admit... there are only very little fics that make me crazy like this :)) hwaiting! again~! ♥♥♥ xoxo
kannielove #8
amazing~! seriously~!! unnie i don't know what to say~<br />
it was simply perfect! ^_^<br />
i know how hard it is to write a fic... lol! (I experienced it) XD<br />
but you were really good! no I mean amazing! XDD<br />
The plot, how the story went it was really good! and to think that I only found this because I was super bored but this fic kept me busy for two days! :)) It was hard though since I have school and I was being a little naughty ... but still! It was all worth it... ^^<br />
although I did think the story kinda went slow... but that's not a problem! I loved it no matter what~! ♥♥♥ and I feel like crying since this already ended... *sigh* T.T anyways... I'm off reading your other fics~! HWAITING unnie! I'll support you! ^_^