§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *13*

§Summer Dream§ Micky Yoochun *DBSK/TVXQ*

Part 13 Junsu's date! ^_^ ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Lump of affection" By Uverworld :D


Jaejoong handed me my Dim sum and sat next to me.

“So what do my Oppas have planned for our day off tomorrow?” I asked watching T.V.

It had been nearly 2 weeks since my date with Changmin, we hadn’t had any time off since then and I’ve had so much paperwork to do. I was glad we had the next day off tomorrow.

“I want to sleep all day,” Changmin stretched out.

I rolled my eyes, “Lazy….Yunho?”

“Jae and I are going shopping!” Jaejoong nodded along with Yunho words.

“What about you Junsu?” I said catching his attention.

“Oh…I wanted to see a late horror movie but everyone’s busy so I have no one to go with,” He replied shoving noodles in to his mouth.

“Why don’t you ask Micky,” I suggested.

“Micky’s busy tomorrow,” Junsu sighed.

Funny enough Micky was in his bedroom sleeping. We hadn’t really talked at all just nods here and there nothing more.

“I’ll go with you!” I smiled at him. Junsu nodded and smiled.

“So is that like a date?” Changmin asked Junsu and I.

Junsu shrugged, “Well…I guess so, since we haven’t had any time alone together,”

“Okay!” I smiled and focused back on the T.V.

“Soon you’ll be going on a date with Micky!” Jaejoong teased.

I burst into laughter, “That’s never going to happen!”

“Yeah, you’re right Tia, Yoochun is too stubborn!” Yunho added.

“Hey…what makes you think I’d even go out with him?”

“Good point!” Changmin nodded along with me.

“Well, at least he can’t complain about being left out since he doesn’t want to have a date with me,” I stated before zoning out and watching T.V.

Hmm…Movie date with Junsu…Fun times!


“Changmin, we’re going now!” Junsu said as I grabbed my bag.

There was no reply from Changmin who was lying down on the sofa.

“Changmin?” Junsu shouted to him, still no response.

“Let me try!” I giggled walking over to Changmin.

He looked so adorable sleeping, I just wanted to curl up beside him. I bent down and his hair.

“CHANGMIN!” I shouted as loud as I could.

Changmin shot up like a light, “Mwo yo?!” {What}

“Junsu and i are going now!” I said smirking.

Changmin looked at Junsu and then at me and nodded. I guess he was still sleepy.

“We’ll be back before 12!” Junsu explained as I walked over to the door to join him.

“Okay…Bye bye!” Changmin said before laying down back on the sofa.

Junsu and I laughed and left the suite room, heading to the hotel parking lot.

“I’ve never seen any of you drive and I’ve been here nearly 4 months now!” I commented as we approached Junsu’s car.

“Well it’s easier if we travel together when we are working,” Junsu opened the car door for me.

I got in the passenger seat then Junsu closed the door and got in the driver’s seat. I watched Junsu start up the engine.

“You might want to use the seat belt,” Junsu gave me a smirk.

I decided not to question him and put on my seat belt.

“Good…here we go!” Junsu smiled beginning to reverse out of the parking space.

This took less than a minute to do, Junsu looked at me as devious smile consumed his face. I gulped hard as Junsu speeded out of the parking lot and into the streets of Seoul Korea.

Amazingly he was such a good driver but very bad with speeding. The car came to a stop and Junsu turned off the engine.

“You okay?”

I took off my seat belt, “I’m fine!”

“Good,” Junsu smiled and got out of the car, he walked round to the passenger car door and opened it for me.

“Komawo!” I replied getting out of the car. {Thank you (informal)}

Junsu shut the car door and locked it, I hooked onto his arm and we walked into the movie theatre.


Junsu was huddled up close to me not because he wanted to but because he was scared.

“Tia…are you not scared?” Junsu whispered in my ear.

“No…I watch movies like this all the time!” I whispered back not taking my eyes off the screen.

“You are brave,” Junsu whispered before nearly jumping out of his seat.

I giggled…I never thought someone so y and manly could be reduced to a quivering little girl by a horror movie.

“I am glad you’re here,” Junsu said staring back at the screen.

“I’m glad to be here with you,” I whispered back.

Junsu looked at me and smiled before jumping and snuggling closer to me. I chuckled and held his hand, this was turning out to be another great date.

It wasn’t long until the movie was over, Junsu’s head was buried against my shoulder, I was still holding his hand.

“Oppa…the movie’s finished now,”

Junsu sprung up and looked around then looked at me, “I wasn’t that scared!”

I laughed then got up, “Yes, you were!”

Junsu stood up with me, “No…I was just smelling you’re shirt!”

“Yeah yeah, if you say so!” We began walking out of the movie theatre not before stopping to get some ice cream.

We soon stood in front of Junsu’s car, I was still munching on my giant waffle cone.

“You know you’re not getting in my car with that!” Junsu warned me as I the mint chocolate chip ice cream off my lip.

“Aww Oppa…Come on I’m special!” I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

“Cute, but no,” Junsu waited with folded arms.

“Fine,” I moaned stuffing the rest of the cone in my mouth.

Junsu looked at me with a shocked expression.

I swallowed what was in my mouth, “What?”

He looked slightly baffled, “Oh…nothing!” Junsu proceeded to unlock his car.

“No, it doesn’t seem like nothing...” I questioned him as I got into the passenger seat.

Junsu got into the car and started up the engine, “It’s just something Micky said once about girls from England,”

“Okay…what did Micky say?” I asked Junsu as he drove round the street corner.

“You sure you want to know?” He briefly looked at me before focusing back on the road.

“Just tell me!” I squealed.

Junsu shrugged, “He said, unlike Korean girls, English girls have big mouths for a reason,”

I thought for a second, “I don’t get it!”

Junsu began laughing at me.

“Don’t laugh at me just because I’m a bit sl-…Ewww…So gross Junsu!” I finally got it.

“Hey, don’t blame me Micky said it!” He laughed pulling into the hotel parking lot.

“Well…It is true!” I smirked.

Junsu quickly turned to look at me, he had a rather interesting shocked but intrigued expression.

“Oppa, I’m kidding! I’m not like that!’ I laughed opening the car door.

“Oh...” Junsu said nervously as he got out and locked his car.

“Not like I’d tell you,” I mumbled under my breath hoping he didn’t hear me.

“I heard that!” He chuckled running towards the elevator.

I blushed with embarrassment and got into the elevator with him.

“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone you have a talented mouth!” Junsu giggled pushing his floor button.

“How do you know I have a talented mouth?” I asked looking at him.

“Just the way your tongue moves when you speak, it’s y,” Junsu replied not looking at me.

I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling to hard,

“That’s cute too!” Junsu added as the elevator doors opened while I blushed.

“Come on,” Junsu held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand and he led me out of the elevator and down the hall.

“I’m glad you came with me tonight,” Junsu was so sweet, this was like a really good cliché date.

“Yeah, I had fun with you even though you spent most of the movie buried in my shoulder!” I giggled.

“You have nice smelling shoulders!” Junsu laughed out as we stopped in front of the DBSK suite room door.

There was an awkward pause while Junsu stared at me,

“You’re very beautiful,” Junsu spoke softly.

“Thank you…you’re amazingly cute and you have really nice lips,” I replied slowly being drawn to them.

“So do you,” Junsu came closer to me.

Then the silence kicked in, it wasn’t awkward more of an intense ual one as Junsu and I drew closer together. My heart rate began to increase as did Junsu’s breathing. I felt each breath he exhaled on my lip, we were that close. Just as our lips were about to touch, the suite door opened.

“Ah Junsu, what are you doing?!” Jaejoong and Changmin squealed as Junsu and I jumped back and pretended nothing was going to happen.

“We weren’t doing anything!” Junsu lied trying not to blush.

“It didn’t look like that to me,” Yunho butted in with folded arms.

“Wait…were you guys watching us through the peep hole?” I narrowed my eyes at them.

Yunho, Changmin and Jaejoong gave me guilty looks.

“I thought so,” I shook my head at them.

“Mianhae Tia!” They said together in cute kid voices. {Sorry}

“You should be…anyway I’ll see you Oppas tomorrow and Junsu thank you for tonight,” I smiled before leaning over and giving him a little peck on the lips. It didn’t mean anything just a friend kiss,

“Ah!” Changmin, Yunho and Jaejoong gasped. Junsu stood there blushing sweetly.

“Night boys!” I waved lightly walking to the elevator.

I really liked hanging around DBSK not just because they are Korean gods but because they’ve become really good friends to me…minus Mr Park Yoochun of course.

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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
I love loe love the story and ending!!! ^___^
bwahahahahaha!!!! <3

Good good job!! ^_^
i loved the story................please have another good story like this it was awesome........what country is your mom from ......in this story.......i'm from trinidad............update soon..........annyeong unnie ^_^ congrats
Awww guys!!!! *cries a little* Thank you so much for your kind words, this story is my first completed story, my pride and joy and loved writing it. I'm really glad you all liked it! :D
(Y) (y) (y) (y) I love this fic!! God!! Aaaaah you make such a great fic!! XD
drizzleandrain #6
aaah! I loved this. she comes back and everyone's happy. :D Sorry I came by your story only now, but I'd liek for you to know that I'd root for you from the first chap. (well, if we could rewind some things) seriously, this is greaaattt! :D and you featured Yoochun, eek! I have the hots for the guy. okay, let me clear that up. I have the hots for all the DBSK members. *fans myself* haha. :D thank you for posting this. Congratulations!
kannielove #7
p.s.<br />
why does this only have so little subscribers?!! >.<<br />
You deserve to be featured unnie~! you worked so hard!!! ^_^<br />
oh and another thing........ ^^<br />
I'm CONGRATULATING you for successfully making Mr. Park Yoochun as my new bias... LOL! o.O I can't believe it either!!! what about yunnie u-know who~!!!! HAHAHA! I guess I have two biases now... but I have to admit... there are only very little fics that make me crazy like this :)) hwaiting! again~! ♥♥♥ xoxo
kannielove #8
amazing~! seriously~!! unnie i don't know what to say~<br />
it was simply perfect! ^_^<br />
i know how hard it is to write a fic... lol! (I experienced it) XD<br />
but you were really good! no I mean amazing! XDD<br />
The plot, how the story went it was really good! and to think that I only found this because I was super bored but this fic kept me busy for two days! :)) It was hard though since I have school and I was being a little naughty ... but still! It was all worth it... ^^<br />
although I did think the story kinda went slow... but that's not a problem! I loved it no matter what~! ♥♥♥ and I feel like crying since this already ended... *sigh* T.T anyways... I'm off reading your other fics~! HWAITING unnie! I'll support you! ^_^