So Harsh...

Is Everyone Here Like This?!

Ji Yong POV

“Ugh…school is starting again.”

“I know…” Me and Chunji groaned when the teacher started a lecture on blood cells. So boring… We were actually supposed to be out of school again today. Apparently, although Sandeul, Ricky, and I didn’t know, the tennis team is getting ready for their yearly tournament. Since we’re also on the soccer team, no one bothered to tell us until we got back… Now on top of the soccer nationals in a little over a month, I have to deal with a tennis tournament for next week! Why is life so stressful…

After class, the tennis team met up. Before L.Joe got there with the equipment, Gongchan grabbed me over to the side of the courts.

“What?” I asked.

“I got an idea. We should set L.Joe up with Yun Ki-ah. They’d be cute together, no?”

“I have been thinking about that for a while, but I don’t know…L.Joe has never been very friendly with her.”

“Yeah, but she seems to be friendly with him. It’s like me and Sandeul. I liked him, but he never liked me before.”

“Does Yun Ki even like L.Joe?” I asked, skeptically.

“I think so. So, what do you say? They would be cute together!” I noticed L.Joe enter the courts with rackets.

“Ok, let’s start a plan.” I joked, us going back to the others. We all got our rackets when L.Joe started an announcement.

“For the tournaments, I was planning on reevaluating your performances to choose the people who play for doubles and singles.” Me and Gongchan smiled to each other. This is the perfect opportunity. “We’ll just start with drills and then matches to pick. We need two players for singles and at least two teams for doubles. First, Ricky and Niel should go against Sandeul and Gongchan.”

The rest of us watched them rally. I discretely pulled Yun Ki over to sit with me, and also next to L.Joe. These small things can always lead to bigger ones haha. Even though L.Joe was obviously completely into the game, I observed Yun Ki’s behavior. I can’t tell if she likes him or not… We watched the match, Sandeul and Gongchan easily winning.

“Ok, next, Yun Ki-ah versus Ji Yong.” Hmm. He calls her with an honorific still… I glanced toward Gongchan, exchanging evil smiles.


Gongchan POV

Ji Yong and Yun Ki went on with their match. It ended so quickly…Ji Yong was clearly much more talented in comparison to Yun Ki.

“Ok, that was…actually very easy to decide on the pairs and singles. Sandeul and Gongchan are a great double pair and will be together. Ji Yong and me are going to be the main pair, since we all understand why. And the three of you…” L.Joe looked towards Niel, Ricky, and Yun Ki. “To be honest, I don’t want to send any of you to singles. I would choose Niel and Ricky as a doubles pair for sure though.” Ah…L.Joe is always so harsh once he gets on the court. He didn’t even include Yun Ki…

“I have a suggestion!” Ji Yong blurted out. “Why don’t you and me both go for the singles and you and Yun Ki play as doubles. That way we have three teams for doubles and two singles.” Yes! We should do that! L.Joe narrowed his eyes at Ji Yong like she was a total idiot.

“Why don’t you just listen to your captain?” He said in such an icy voice. Oh gosh… I looked towards Yun Ki, who was attempting to keep a smile on. “Yun Ki-ah. You won’t be playing in the tournaments. You can leave for now.” He should at least let her stay to practice with us!

“Ok.” We could all see her tight grip on her racket until L.Joe yelled at us for not starting to practice. I felt bad for her…L.Joe didn’t have to be so mean.


Yun Ki POV

Tch. That jerk, L.Joe. Thinks he can be so harsh since he’s the captain? Yeah right. I stomped back to my room. I lay on my bed, thinking about how I could have been in the tournament. Stupid jerk. I hate you. …No, I don’t… I’m just very mad now. I could have been on the same team with him! Why couldn’t he at least consider Ji Yong’s suggestion?! I groaned.

Gongchan already dragged it out of me yesterday that I liked L.Joe. I could tell that him and Ji Yong were trying to help me out, but it’s that stupid L.Joe who is so uncooperative.

I liked him ever since I came here. It started with thinking he was cute and then I liked his personality too. He was only ever really nice to Ji Yong and never me and Eun Hyun. I mean, he’s nice, but there’s a difference still. And he’s always been a bit hostile towards me especially…

Whatever. If we do well in the tournament, maybe I’ll get my chance to be a part of it next year. We still have senior year! Wait. Ah…they would probably rather use the current positions to make next year’s teams too, since they all work well together. Maybe I just came too late…I don’t feel like I’m a part of this team. The guys are nice to me and Ji Yong is my friend too, but…when it comes to playing with each other, I always end up being that last kid to be chosen. Sometimes I just play by myself.


Ji Yong POV

We started going back to the dorms and Gongchan and I both knew that this was the best time to speak with L.Joe. “So~ L.Joe, you should go talk with Yun Ki-ah. I thought she might cry before!” Gongchan exaggerated.

“She’s probably fine.” I sighed with Gongchan. I got an idea for later though.



“Ji Yong! Come quick!” I heard yelling in the hallway and Gongchan opened the door in wonder. I peeked out the door from behind him. Eun Hyun was freaking out about something, pulled JI Yong and flailing around. Then her eyes caught me and started to glare. She walked over with such an upset face. “It’s your fault!”

“What?” I asked, a bit taken about by the sudden accusation. She dragged me with her, outside the dorms to her dorm instead.

“Yun Ki has been crying all day! It’s your fault!” Seriously…? She actually cried? And all day at that? She pulled me to her room; Yun Ki wasn’t even there? “She’s in there.” Eun Hyun pointed over to a closet. “Talk to her. Now.” She left after pushing me towards the door more.

“Um…Yun Ki-ah? Are you in there?” I asked, crouching next to the door.

“What do you want?” she asked. She didn’t sound sad at all. Well…she does seem to be good at hiding her feelings.

“I’m sorry about what happened on the courts. I didn’t mean to sound so…harsh.”

“Yes, you did. You clearly said that you didn’t want me on your team.”

“I didn’t say that!”

“You pretty much did!” Her yelled back. I sighed. I totally didn’t say that, but whatever.

“Well, I didn’t mean to. So, just come out and we can talk.”

“What’s there to talk about? That’s right; nothing.” So annoying…

“I heard that you’ve been crying all day. That’s something to talk about. I didn’t mean to upset you that much; I just wanted to let you know that you wouldn’t be playing in the tournaments this year.” She opened the door, glaring at me.

“I haven’t shed one tear over the issue.” Her eyes looked normal, nothing puffy even. “I know that I can play next year, so stop bothering me and leave.” Wah…and I thought she was sad and upset…she’s more mad than anything.

“Ok then…You…should come to practice tomorrow.”

“Why? I’m not even in the tournament.”

“If you want to be next year, you better come to practice. You need it to be as good as someone like Ji Yong.” Her jaw dropped.

“Now you’re even comparing me to her since you loved her so much? Wow.”

“What?!” Where is this coming from?! She stood up, coming out of the closet.

“Well, I can’t be like her. I’m different. I can be different and still get you to like me!”

“What the heck about you talking about?!” I yelled before she hugged me tight.

“I didn’t think you were this stupid, captain.” I’m not as stupid as you think…I could already tell that Yun Ki liked me. I don’t like her though. Barely at all.


Ooo~ We get to see how Yun Ki feels for like the first time and that L.Joe already knew that she liked him. Oh, Gongchan and Ji Yong, you little match makers haha. Shouldn't you be focusing more on Sandeul, Gongchan? Haha

So, this is the first update all week on this story! I mainly wrote this because of someone asking me update(that demanding person...gah~) haha but I'm happy I did since I was just procrastinating it off... I hope you readers liked the update~ ^^

Anyways, if you have anything to say, feel free to comment as always~ ^^

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD