You Want Me To Leave?

Is Everyone Here Like This?!


Gongchan POV

He’s doing it again… “L.Joe, you should talk with Eun Hyun-ah, she’s really nice, you know?” I wanted him to go talk to her, hoping that maybe they could move past Jinyoung and Ji Yong.

“Why?” He asked, lying on his bed.

“She…really wants someone to talk to these days.” I attempted to get him to grab the bait. “I know she would really appreciate your company. Could you please go?” I asked. He thought for a second.

“Ok then.” He got up and left. He really went on the first try? How weird.



I went to Eun Hyun’s room. I got a plan.

“Oh L.Joe-ah!” Yun Ki opened the door. I sighed.

“Where’s Eun Hyun-ah? I want to see her.” She led me in, leaving us alone. “Hey.” It was so obvious that her eyes were puffy.

“What do you want?” she said sharply.

“I got a plan. Do you want in?”

“Plan for what?” I scoffed.

“It’s obvious.” She smirked.

“You’re serious about this?”

“Of course.” She pulled up a chair for me.


Jinyoung POV

I sighed. I have to stop thinking about L.Joe…it’s so bothersome. I know I shouldn’t, but my brain just believes that Ji Yong will go to L.Joe if she stops liking me…I even know that I’m being stupid, but once that hint of doubt comes in, it doesn’t just leave in an instant.

“So, when are we going to practice coach?” Ji Yong asked. “We haven’t been practicing for the tournament that much lately.”

“It’s your fault.”

“How so?”

“The team captain wouldn’t be so distracted if it weren’t for you.”

“But he wouldn’t be as happy either.”

“I suppose so.” We laughed. I really should start getting back to making sure everyone practices. We only have less than a month left. Actually, there’s only…3 more weeks! Gosh, I gotta get my head back on so the team and I can focus.

I hate to do this, but…I won’t try anything with Ji Yong until after the tournament and maybe even if we can make it to nationals. I can’t focus with her.

“Is something wrong?” she asked. “You’re making a weird expression.”

“Oh no, everything’s fine.” She smiled.


Eun Hyun POV

“Wow…You really think it’ll work?” L.Joe’s plan was genius.

“Yeah. I know Jinyoung and I know what he’ll be thinking. He’s definitely not going to be too close with her during the tournament.”

“Why? Just because he’s the captain?”

“No idiot. He won’t focus if he’s thinking of Ji Yong-ah. He’ll start to grow a bit distant and we’ll take that chance.” She smirked.

“I guess that works. I’ll try my best boss.”


Sandeul POV

Ugh…we have to start practice again… Jinyoung was only giving us a break for a while. He said it was to “replenish our strengths,” but I’m pretty sure he just wanted to spend time with Ji Yong. Well anyone would do that.

I hope we don’t run into any problems with the other schools guys. They had moved into the third dorm last week, the one that Eun Hyun and Yun Ki stay in. I don’t get why we didn’t just let them stay there in the first place!

We started practicing again. Luckily, there were no more of those weird trust exercises like the one with the cloth ties again. We just did drills until my legs were sore enough to fall off! I suppose that’s better than being tied to random guys. Jinyoung and the other teams captain, Ki, came up.

“Ok, we’re looking good today. We should just keep practicing and for some certain players, please try and pass more to the other team. I know it’s hard, but we are a team right now.” They said. We may be a team today, but it’s  obvious that a lot of us don’t like each other. Some of the guys seem nice on the other team, but some are just jerks too.

Whatever, I’ll try my best to help us all get through the tournaments and then to the nationals! We all started going back to the dorms. Jinyoung, that idiot. He’s purposely walking farther away from Ji Yong. He does realize that Eun Hyun is walking closer to him though, right? I have no jealously towards him for being with Ji Yong. I really don’t. But, he shouldn’t be distant from her now! It’s probably just for the tournament. He probably can’t focus with her around now~ Hehe.

“Gongchan.” Jinyoung whispered to me as we got into the dorms. “Can you do me a favor?”

“What is it?” Gongchan asked. He got a serious expression.

“Can you switch roommates with me for a while?” Gongchan looked so confused.

“What? You want to room with L.Joe over your girlfriend?”

“No. I can’t focus on soccer with Ji Yong next to me. I can play just fine with her on the field, but I can’t make techniques and plans from the tournament with her there. Plus, I might be able to deal with L.Joe too. Please do me a favor this one time.”

“Ah…ok. Sure.” Gongchan smiled. Jinyoung is so weird. If I were him, I wouldn’t dare let Ji Yong sleep in the same room with another guy. Does Jinyoung not get that type of jealousy? Weird. Maybe I’m just weird?


Ji Yong POV

“You should go to Gongchan’s room.” Jinyoung said.

“Why?” I sat up. My legs were sooo tired! We had just finished some intensive practice.

“I…wanted to deal with the L.Joe thing, so Gongchan agreed to switch roommates for a while.”

“But--” I protested.

“Please, could you just do it?” He pleaded.

“Ok then, if that’s what you want…” I left. Jinyoung has been looking a bit weird all day. Wonder what’s on his mind.

I knocked on Gongchan’s door; L.Joe opened it. “Oh? Hey.” He smiled. I just find him creepy now that I know his “plans.”

“Is Gongchan-ah here?” I asked. He frowned.

“Yeah. But don’t you want to talk to me too?”

“Uhh…” How can I put this gently…? “I just need to see Gongchan-ah right now.” Gongchan came over, pushing L.Joe out the door.

“Sorry L.Joe~” He pulled me inside. “Stay with Jinyoung for a while!” He quickly shut the door before L.Joe realized what was happening. “Haha, did you see his face?” He laughed. “So, you’re staying with me then? This will be fun. A total change from living with the depressed L.Joe.”

“Is he that depressed?” I asked.

“More like insane. But anyway, we’ll have fun, yes?” I nodded happily.


So L.Joe and Eun Hyun are working together? Nothing good can come from that... But Jinyoung...sending her away to be with another guy because you can't focus and want to deal with L.Joe? I applaud you, yet I deplore you. What if Gongchan does something? We have never even gone into his feelings before, what if he actually liked her!?! I just don't know anymore...

I actually had trouble with writing todays chapter. That doesn't happen. EVER. I usually just write what comes out. I never really paln anything except my foreword... I guess after 56 chapters my magical brain that just keeps writing couldn't work today haha. Must be because of my other story?

Thank you for reading and please check out my other story~ I know I probably bother with my self advertising, but I just love that story too much!! I'm at that stage of love where you just can't stop writing chapters~ So if you're bored or interested, check it out!

PS: BTOB just came out with WOW!!! I absolutely LOVE it! Oh Eunkwang, why do I like your voice so much? Well and your face too haha. And that falsetto singing? Just lovely~ But I feel a little bad for laughing at the ' ' dance as I call it. I'm sure some fans can defend that as y, but I just can't stop laughing at it XD Maybe just cause Eunkwang literally points to it haha. Plus, I never saw HyunSik as super attractive until this video, so thank you BTOB haha ^^

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD