This Is a Dream. It Must Be.

Is Everyone Here Like This?!

Jinyoung POV

I only saw the last line on the note. I like Jinyoung.

Is she serious…? I ran after her. “Ji Yong!” She looked back, running faster. “Yah! Don’t run!” She didn’t stop. “We’re roommates, you can’t run forever!!” I yelled to no avail. “It’s ok! Just stop running!” She ran even faster. She’ll get tired eventually!

She turned a corner, by the time I got around it, she was gone. She didn’t go very far though. I could hear the rustling of bushes. I looked around. That one.

“What a bad hiding spot.” I said, grabbing her around the waist, making sure she couldn’t run.

“Ah! Jinyoung-ah! Let go!” She struggled hard.

“Did you really write it? Did you mean it?” She continued to claw at my arm, attempting to break free. “I won’t get my hopes up if you didn’t mean it and I’m not letting go until you answer me.”

“I…” She looked down. “I meant it…” I felt like I couldn’t move.

“…Ji Yong…” She broke out of my grip which had loosened. She quickly left, but I just couldn’t walk. S-She can’t be serious!? No no no! Ji Yong doesn’t like me! How can that be, she likes L.Joe… Is this really happening?! I pinched my cheeks hard. I think I’m awake, but it doesn’t feel real.


Ji Yong POV

OH MY GOD!! That didn’t just happen, I quickly ran back to my room. I took the note in my hands, wanting to rip it up, but at the same time wanting to keep it. I took out my diary, looking over it. I looked at that one excerpt from before the break. The one I didn’t want a soul to see. With that one line.

I flipped to it, trying to find it quickly. I re-read what I wrote, sighing in frustration. Why did he have to find out…? Stupid Eun Hyun. I re-read the line again. Did I really write this before the break?

I hope Jinyoung and I can be more than friends someday.

I shut the diary, stuffing it in under my mattress.


Jinyoung POV

I went back to my room; Ji Yong must be there. I turned the door knob, but it was locked. “Ji Yong.” I knocked on the door. “Open the door.”

“N-No.” I heard her say.

“Don’t be like this…Just open the door…” She stayed silent. “I’ll just have to pick to lock then. Do you want me to do that?” She still didn’t answer. I went to Gongchan’s room, trying to find a bobby pin. I’m seriously going to unlock it.

I found one, going back to the locked door. I thought she would have opened it by then, but she kept it locked. I tried unlocking the door, but I couldn’t. Why? It’s not that hard. I kept trying. Ah! She’s holding it from the other side so I can’t unlock it correctly!

“Ji Yong! Just let me in! Are you afraid to see me now!?”

“No…but I just can’t see you right now!”

“Well, when can you see me?”

“I-I don’t know…” I gave up on the door.

“I’ll come back later, ok?” I left wondering if she’d let me in later.


Ji Yong POV

I heard his footsteps leave. Thank God… I-I don’t have the courage to see Jinyoung’s face right now… I didn’t want that note to be found. I mean I do like Jinyoung, but…it’s not like I wanted to tell him… I like him; I just didn’t want to let him know yet. What if my heart wavers? I just like him, what if he wants more from me?

I took the note, crumpling it up and stashing it next to the mattress.


Jinyoung POV

“So what was that note?” Niel asked as I sat back down in the cafeteria.

“None of your business.” I said.

“Was it a love note~?” Ricky cooed.

“Just shut up, ok?” I don’t need you guys to do this right now.

“Wah! It must have been. Look at his frustrated face~” Baro joked.

“Can you guys just stop?” I said annoyed.

“Was it really?” L.Joe asked with a serious expression. I got up.

“I’m going to go practice.”



“Eun Hyun-ah! What was on the note?” Changjo asked her. She got all upset and walked out. Yun Ki came over instead.

“It was about Jinyoung-ah.” We all leaned our heads in as if we couldn’t hear her. “There were a lot of questions on it, about Jinyoung-ah. At the end of the note, it said I like Jinyoung.

My heart slowed.

I like Jinyoung.

Are you serious?

I like Jinyoung.

Can you not be?

“I’m going to practice.” I left for the tennis courts, but found myself walking to the soccer field. “Jinyoung.” I said, seeing him with a soccer ball.

“L.Joe…” He responded, not knowing what to say.

“Is it true? The note?”




“Why did it have to be you…?”

“L.Joe…” I rubbed my head.

“Let’s just leave it at that.” I walked down the field alone.


Ji Yong POV

What should I do…I can’t take it back, but I don’t want to take it back either. I mean it’s not like I love him…I just really like him…what if he expects more from me now…I’m probably just overthinking it.

It’s all Eun Hyun’s fault! I could have told him one day when I was surer of everything! I sighed. I suppose I am a little happy though…

There was a small knock at the door. “Ji Yong…can you let me in?” It was Jinyoung again. I was half ready to open the door, half wanting to keep it locked forever.

“O-Ok.” I opened the door, immediately being brought into a hug. “J-Jinyoung-ah.” I knew this would happen.

“I can tell you’re not comfortable about everything that’s happened. I’ll wait until you are, but don’t avoid me like this, especially not now when my heart is so happy on the inside.” He let go. “I hope sometime you’ll be able to fully accept me.” He gave a slight smile. Don’t smile so sadly.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head against his chest. “J-Ji Yong?” He asked, surprised.

“Jinyoung-ah…what did you do to me? Before you came in I thought that I could just ignore this whole situation, but now that I’ve seen you again, I just want to hug you and not let you go. What did you do?” He lightly put his arms around me.


Jinyoung POV

This is too good to be true. This has to be a dream.

I should wake up and go back to trying to win over the real Ji Yong.

“Jinyoung-ah….I really like you.”

I hugged her tight. I don’t care if this is a dream anymore. Please just be mine.


My God!! Ji Yong and Jinyoung have mutual feelings!! Poor L.Joe, I wonder what he'll do, will he keep trying or move on? And Eun Hyun too.  Haha I'm sure like barely any of you remebered that 'line' that I mentioned a LONG time ago from her diary the one she wanted no one to see- I think everything has a purpose to be written haha. But seriously!! Are Jinyoung and Ji Yong going to get together now!?! Gah, so many possiblilites >< What could happen!?!

Hello my lovely readers ^^ I've come back from my hiatus, it was well used time to deal with school and life :) I think my procrastination was cured for the time being haha. Thank you guys SO much for being nice and supportive! To be honest, I actually teared up a little on one of your comments. So thank you again to everyone.

I hope you guys liked the chapter and would read my other story because I just think it's super cute- but hey, that's just me - (Completely and shamelessly advertising) I actually am kind of attached to it haha

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD