What Am I To You??

Is Everyone Here Like This?!


“Is everything ok out here?” L.Joe came over.

“Yeah, my dad’s just being…well my dad.” I said.

“So he’s getting married? I overheard.” He asked.

“In a few months, she seems to be a good person. I’ll see another time.”

“So…” he started. “What do you wanna do now, my mom lifted out lock down.”

“I don’t know. What do you usually do at home?” I asked.

“Not much, just sit around.”

“We can just sit around, you know.” I don’t really want to go anywhere else.

“Ah! I can show you last year’s yearbook from school. You’ll be surprised.” He smiled. We went to his room, sitting on the bed. He opened the yearbook to the school photos. I looked at one.


“Who’s that?”

“That’s CAP.”

“WHAT!?!” His hair was brown and longer. I looked over to another. “Is that Changjo-ah!?” His hair was black and un-dyed.

“Yup. We have a tradition at the school. Everyone has to dye their hair and cut it over the winter break. Otherwise every yearbook we have would be the same thing.” L.Joe explained.

“Do I have to dye mine?” I liked my hair as it was.

“This is your first year here; you can leave it the same. I on the other hand have to dye mine…” He said. Aww, I liked his light brownish hair… We kept looking through the photos. Jinyoung’s hair used to be black and Chunji’s was brown. So different! I think Chunji would look nicer if he dyes his blonde hair to a darker color. I looked at L.Joe’s photo. Hmm…so his real name is Lee Byunghyun…I never knew.

“So what color are you going to get?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, probably an orange color.” We got bored after a while. L.Joe suddenly asked, “So, Ji Yong-ah who did you think looked cute?”

“…That’s private information.” I said. I can’t tell him~

“Why? You told my sisters.” He pouted.

“T-That’s different.”

“Just because they’re girls doesn’t mean we can’t talk about this~” He smiled. “There’s nothing else to do anyway.”


“Number 1, Ricky.”



I really want to see her opinions about them. I know this is kind of a low way to do it, but I wanna know so badly!!

“Ricky-ah…” She thought.

“You have to rate on a scale of 1-10.”

“What!?” She eventually agreed. Muhahaha.

“Ricky-ah…6.” Heehee. I pointed to the next photo.

“Niel-ah 9.” He’s pretty high… I kept pointing.

“CAP-ah 7.” I guess that’s average.

“CNU-ah…7 maybe 8.” So far Niel is the only above average one?

“Gongchan-ah 10.”

“10!?!” I yelled from the sudden rise in ratings.

“He’s so cute! Of course it’s a 10!” She yelled back.

“Ok then.” Gongchan is pretty good looking. I pointed to the next one.

“Changjo-ah 8.” Really? I would say 7…Ah! Why am I rating my male friends!?!

“Sandeul-ah 10.” Another 10…I hope I’m not like a 4 or something…


“Jinyoung-ah.” She paused. His takes some thought. “10.” Hmph full marks.

“Chunji-ah.” She paused again. “10.” I do admit Chunji is handsome, but Jinyoung? Pssh. Lastly I pointed to my photo.

“I refuse to answer.”

“What!?!” That’s what I wanted you to answer the most!!

“Confidential information.” She firmly said, crossing her arms. GAH!!

“Tell me.” She shook her head. “You told me everyone else’s, why not mine!”

“I don’t want to.” She said.

“Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me.” I tried annoying her. She stayed quiet. “I guess I’ll just have to call Jinyoung and tell him bad things.” I took out my phone.

“…Like what?”

“You don’t need to know, you just have to deal with him afterwards~” I opened the phone. As I dialed she gave in.

“Ok fine! You’re a…” At that moment, my mom came in.

“What are you two doing?”

“MOM!!!” I shrieked.

“Whoa! I’ll just go then!” My mom left and Ji Yong got up.

“I guess I’ll be going then~”

“What!?! You didn’t tell me!!”

“I said the score while you screamed.” She stuck out her tongue, walking out… Arg!! Why can’t she just tell me straightforwardly!?! I went to the kitchen, all the girls were helping my mom with cooking. We ate dinner.


“So what do you two plan on doing tomorrow?” Ji Seung asked.

“Don’t know, maybe we’ll just sit around here.” We all went to our rooms to sleep. I got in my bed, wondering what Ji Yong really would have rated me. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep. However, my thoughts kept wondering back to what Ji Yong might’ve ranked me as.

I heard someone open the door, I kept my eyes shut. I heard them come close, but then they left, shutting the door. I cautiously opened my eyes, who was that and what did they do??

I turned my lamp on, trying to see if they took something. Hm? What’s this? There was a note.

You’re a perfect 10 to me.

-Ji Yong ^^

I smiled really big, lying back into my bed happily. I put the note under my pillow. Finally being able to fall asleep.


Aww how cute!! How many of you guys ship Ji Yong and L.Joe?? They are so cute together!! But what about Jinyoung??

This was a pretty short chapter in content. I'm totally holding myself back from posting the next chapter, I should wait a while, right~? All this cutesy fluff will be ending soon! No, not the story! But things will just get a little less...fluffly...

If you have anything to say, feel free to do so ^^

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD