Are You Serious...?

Is Everyone Here Like This?!


Ji Yong POV

“Mmm…” I rubbed my eyes.

“Oh you’re awake?” L.Joe asked. “We only have another half hour to go. That traffic jam took forever.” I looked at the sisters, both were asleep.

“You didn’t sleep?” I asked L.Joe, yawning.

“I couldn’t fall asleep…… So did you sleep well?” he smiled. I nodded happily.

The next half hour went by quickly. “We’re home!” his mom yelled. The two sisters were still sleeping. L.Joe got out of the car.

“Shouldn’t we wake them up?” I asked

“After we put all of our stuff away.” We both took our bags out of the trunk. I looked outside. His house looked really nice, the scenery around was really beautiful. I guess that’s the benefit of living away from the city.

L.Joe led me inside. Their house looked nice and simple. “You’ll be staying here with my sisters.” There were two beds. “You can put your stuff down and help me wake them up.” We went back outside. “I’ll take Eun Myeong, she tougher to wake up.”

I just lightly shook Ji Seung and she woke up instantly. “We’re here?” she asked sleepily.

I could see L.Joe having a rough time in the back. “Ugh! She won’t wake up!” he yelled frustrated. “Well she’ll wake up eventually. Let’s go inside.” He said.

“You can’t just leave her there!” I tried waking her. She woke up quickly. “See, it’s not that hard.” I smiled.

“Maybe only a girls touch can wake her…” We all went inside. His mom, Seong Hyeon, was already working on making dinner.

“Oh I can help!” I ran up to her.

“REALLY!?!” she said in happy disbelief. She hugged me tight, spinning me around. “L.Joe, bring her again next time!! These kids don’t ever volunteer to help!” she yelled.

“Seriously? I can help. What are you making?” I asked.

“Just some simple noodles and vegetables, with my own flare.”

“We’ll help too~” Eun Myong said. They all came over. We had fun cooking together. We sat down to eat. Surprisingly they all ate silently. “Ok now, let’s have fun!” The sisters pulled me to their room after dinner. They shut the door, saying, “You better not come in, L.Joe!”


“Now that we are alone, we can really talk.” We all sat on the ground. “So tell us about the boys there, are they cute??” They looked so curious.

“Actually I have pictures of us all on my phone.” I took my phone out.

“Seriously! Lucky!” They yelled. I showed them all the guys and the random pictures I had. “Wah~ They’re sooo cute and even handsome! And you’re the only girl there? That must be like heaven~” I laughed. “So which one’s do you think are cute? We need opinions on ALL of them from you.” I flipped through the pictures one by one.

“This is CAP, he’s pretty handsome and nice, but not really my type.” I flipped to the next photo. “This is CNU, the basketball captain. He’s sure nice and calm, but also not for me. This is Changjo, he’s just adorable, but only a friend.” I smiled, they looked so curious about my opinions. “Ricky…he’s like my kid brother if I had one. Niel is like the same thing.” I kept going. “Baro and Gongchan are just friends too.”

“Get to the ones you like!!” Eun Myeong got impatient.

“I have to build suspense first~” We laughed and continued. “This is Sandeul, I’m pretty sure he likes me, but I just see him as a good friend. This is Chunji, he’s super cute!” They squealed in agreement. “He’s my very good friend, but I don’t think I especially have any feelings for him. But I do admit I’ve blushed a few times around him.”

“This is gold!” They yelled excited.

“This is Jinyoung, he’s my roommate. He’s hilarious and really cute. I don’t know exactly how I feel about him…” I said blushing.

“So it’s him??” They leaned closer.

“I’m not sure, he might be one of them.” I changed the picture. “And of course L.Joe, he’s nice, funny, and just adorable.” They smiled.

“So what do you think about L.Joe?”


“WAIT.” Ji Seung got up, opening the door. L.Joe was sitting there. “You can’t listen anymore, leave.” She said simply.

“Noona, you can’t ask her things like this!”

“This is our conversation. Please go now.” She bent down next to him, whispering something. He left.



 “Just leave and come back after I close the door. We’re trying to find out her feelings for you.” Ji Seung whispered to me. I left, she closed the door, and I came back. I could hear them quite clearly.

“Ok, back to our conversation, you can say all your feelings now.” I heard Eun Myeong say.

“Well…about L.Joe-ah…” Ji Yong said, she was talking so quietly, I could barely hear her.

There was a long silence; the next things I heard were ear shattering screams from inside. I backed away from the door.

“REALLY!?!” Ji Seung screamed.

“OH MY GOD!!” Eun Myeong yelled. What did she say!?! I have to know now!!

“Wait, back to this Jinyoung person. How do you feel about him?” I heard someone say. I pressed my ear to the door.

“Jinyoung-ah…he’s a special person to me for sure. I just don’t know how special yet…but I get really nervous when he hugs me these days.” Ji Yong said. I got up. So she thinks Jinyoung is special…she even gets nervous with him… But I don’t know what she said about me yet. I’ll ask Noona later! I heard someone get up. I silently ran back to my room across the hall.


I pretended to be reading on my bed when Ji Seung came in.

“Don’t even try to pretend you weren’t sitting outside.” She laughed.

“What did she say?” I sat up.

“You didn’t hear?”

“She was talking so quietly, I couldn’t hear through the door.”

“Well then I guess you’ll find out another day, baby brother.” She shot me an eye smile.

“What?! No! Tell me!!” I begged.

“Do you want her exact words or a summary?”

“EXACT WORDS!!” I yelled.

“Whoa there, calm down.”

“Hurry up!” I was getting so impatient.

“She said - …Well about L.Joe-ah…I think he’s really cute. Sometimes when he flashes me a smile I don’t know what to say or do or even think. Sometimes when I hang out with him, I try to sit farther away or else I might blush…He’s my doubles partner and I know we should just be good friends, but…sometimes I just want to hug him and things…but I don’t think I should tell him about my feelings. We might drift apart…I’d rather have him as a friend forever than that.”

My eyes were wide open; I was trying to process everything I just heard. “She likes you; you better catch her before this Jinyoung person takes her.” She left.

I lay on my bed. She wasn’t lying right? For Ji Yong to say those things… I can’t imagine it. We’ve never talked about things like that; maybe that’s how she is. My face was getting hot. She’s returning my feelings.

I have to use these two weeks well.


You better not screw this up L.Joe!! So she does kind of like Jinyoung, but she likes L.Joe too! Gah! What's going to happen in the next two weeks!?! >x< Once again, any suggestions? I can't promise I'll use them, but you never know~

Thank you to all the recent subscribers!! I swear 2 days ago I had like 20 subscribers, now there's 70!!! Thank you so much!! And they say you need to write EXO for people to read!! haha (please don't kill me for saying that EXO lovers)

If you have anything to say, feel free to comment ^^ I'll update again at night, maybe in the evening~

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD