Who Should I Choose?

Is Everyone Here Like This?!


Dear diary~ Today was great! I know I haven’t written in a while, so I’ll update you, I know you love to hear all my secrets ^^ I got to go practice with the tennis team again. I became a doubles partner with L.Joe since Ricky and Niel were a pair like Gongchan and Sandeul. L.Joe is such a nice guy! He’s always so serious when it comes to tennis, but after practice he’s such a different person. I hope we become better friends, even though we are pretty close already!

Also Niel told me that if you drop a racket, you have to do 100 pushups. O_o I really didn’t believe him until I saw Sandeul drop his. L.Joe totally went all ape on him! It was really kind of scary! I hope I’ll never drop mine, I should be careful; I can’t do 100 pushups T__T

In soccer, it’s not too bad. Me and Chunji became pretty good friends and we do drills together a lot. Jinyoung is still very friendly with me, you know, being my Appa and Umma and all :P That will always be funny! Me and Sandeul started being really good friends, I do see him in tennis and soccer. Same with Chunji and Jinyoung since I see them in basketball and soccer. Oh! And CNU, CAP, and Changjo are good friends too ^^Here, everyone one on the teams with me is a good friend~ So I guess just Baro isn’t very close…. I hope we can become better friends during the year.

By the way, the break is coming up!! It starts on Friday. It’s already Wednesday!! I’m so excited! Wait…did I ever tell Dad about the break. I better call him to make sure… Well I’ll write later diary, hopefully I’ll have something more interesting to write for you~ ^^


I hid my diary under my mattress and called my Dad. “Hello?”

“Ji Yong! How have you been!?” It sounded like he was outside.

“I’m fine. I forgot to tell you about the 2 week break we have starting Friday!”

“THIS FRIDAY!?!” he yelled. “I’m not going to be home for the next month!!”

“WHAT!?! So I can’t come home!?!” He’s not serious is he?!

“Yeah, I’m on a trip with my new girlfriend! She’s so nice, maybe next time you can meet her!”

“New girlfriend!?! Anyway, what should I do!?” I asked frantically.

“You can probably just stay at the school. I’m sorry; you should have told me earlier!!” I know…I’m just so stupid…

“Ok, I’ll ask the principal if I can stay.”

“Ok bye! I’ll talk to you later!” He hung up quickly. I should have asked him before! I’m so dumb!! I went to the principal’s office. I’ve only seen him once, he didn’t seem mean. I told him my situation.


“Sorry, but no one will be on campus during the break, we can’t just leave one student here. You have to make an arrangement. Maybe you could go home with someone else?” Aish. I left. Who can I ask? Who do I want to ask…?

I went back to my room, making a list of everyone and who I could and wanted to go with.

I determined it down to Chunji, L.Joe, and Jinyoung. Let’s see Chunji is nice, he would let me come. L.Joe is a really good friend and has offered his house to me before just like Chunji had, one time. Jinyoung…it would be really fun to stay with him…

At that moment, Jinyoung walked in. I instantly crumpled up the paper. He looked at me suspiciously.

“What was that?” he asked, coming closer.

“Nothing.” I stuffed it in my pocket, walking out of the room quickly. I have to ask L.Joe if I can come. I want to go with him.

I knocked on his door. “Oh hey.” He said, opening it.

“L.Joe-ah I need to ask you a huge favor, can we talk outside.” He agreed, we walked outside. “About the break on Friday……”

“Yes?” How can I say this easily?

“C-Can I come to your house?” His eyes widened a little. “I won’t be able to go home and…yeah.”

“Um, sure you can come with me.” He smiled.



She wants to come with me!?! It would be really fun…but just thinking about it made my face feel really warm. It was dark outside; hopefully she didn’t see my pink face.

“So what time are you going on Friday?” she asked me.

“Right after school, my mom and sisters are coming to give me a ride.”

“I’m sorry for being such a bother.” She said.

“It’s not bothersome at all!” On the contrary, I was excited. “Well we should go to sleep then.” We went back to the dorms, I went to sleep, super excited for the break now!


Ji Yong POV

The next day, we had volleyball…great, I still haven’t improved much during the month here. After class, everyone started packing their things. I packed all my clothes and various things. I really need to buy more tampons next time; I only had a box… Jinyoung was packing his things too. Of course I remembered to pack my diary. No one can ever see the contents. I don’t write things like ‘he’s so cute!’ or anything, but there is that one line in there……Anyway no one can see that line especially!!

The next day, our last day, we played some basketball. I didn’t try as hard today, since L.Joe said we were going right after school. I didn’t want to sweat and be all stinky. I mean it was the first time I was meeting his family! What if they all thought I was a dirty person…


“Ji Yong-ah.” L.Joe came in while I was picking up my bag. “Let’s go.” On our way out, I noticed everyone saying goodbye.

“JI YONG-AH!!” I was attacked by Sandeul, Ricky, and Niel. “We’ll see you in 2 weeks!!” They left together.

“Make sure you still stay in shape.” CNU and CAP said leaving with Baro. Gongchan and Changjo also left with a simple goodbye.

Jinyoung grabbed me into a big hug. “You better not see any boys while I’m gone!” he hugged me so tight. I better not tell him I’m going with L.Joe for the break… L.Joe pulled me arm back.

“Ji Yong-ah let’s go.” He smiled. Chunji and Jinyoung looked at us.

“Are you two taking the bus together or something??” Chunji asked curiously.

“No we’re--” I covered L.Joe’s mouth.

“Ok bye!” I took L.Joe’s hand and ran. They’ll just make a huge deal about it!! I thought we ran far enough, but Jinyoung and Chunji actually chased after us!!!

“Stop!” Chunji grabbed L.Joe, holding him captive.

“Just where are you two going?” Jinyoung questioned me, crossing his arms.


“Spit it out!”

“I’m going to stay with L.Joe-ah for the break.” I said quietly. Their eyes widened.

“WHAT!?!?!” Jinyoung and Chunji freaked out.

“No one’s going to be at my house, so I can’t get in and I don’t even have a ride and the principal said I couldn’t stay here, so…”

“You could have asked me! Why go to L.Joe’s house!?!” Jinyoung screamed.

“What do you mean by that!? Me and Ji Yong-ah are very good friends.” L.Joe yelled.

“You could have told us!” Chunji said.

“I’m sorry; I thought you guys would make a huge deal about, like you are now.” I said. L.Joe’s phone rang.

“Hello? Yes. We’re coming right now. Yes, ok.” He hung up. “We have to go now.” He looked at me.

“I’ll see you guys in 2 weeks.” I smiled at Chunji and Jinyoung. They both hugged me.

“You call me if you get bored of L.Joe ok?” Jinyoung said. “And especially if he does something bad!”

“Haha I will, bye!” Me and L.Joe walked across the parking lot over to a small red car.


She's going to stay wih L.Joe >x< So many things can happen!! I wonder how his family will react to her?? And aww Jinyoung would have taken her if she asked him instead. I will tell you the next chapter is definitely one you don't want to miss~ (I'm so cruel, aren't I? Enticing you like this.)

Thank you for all the recent comments and subscriptions! Apparently yesterday I deprived a few of you guys of sleep and indirectly forced you to read all the chapters in a row...Great! I feel mean for being all happy about it :P Thank you for sleeping a little later hehe.

If you have anything to say, feel free to do so~ ^^ I'll update again sometime at night!


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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD