Bonus chapter part 2:)

I love you, why can't you love me back? [editing]
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Hee Rin and I live together with a wonderful life... far more amazing. Yes, we argue sometimes, that is normal.. But we always make it up before the day ends. And I wonder why Hee Rin is always angry and she'll smile after, she's so hard to predict. And that's when we realize something is going on with her body.
A doctor's announcement makes my heart tingle by hearing the "congratulations, you're now a daddy". I was more than happy to hear those words, I mean who wouldn't be right? 


9 months have passed and we finally have the most wonderful blessing God has given us. Our first baby, she's a girl.
Carrying her little fragile body with my arms, it feels so.... matchless. Nothing can ever compare with this feeling.

When she reaches my pinky with her small hand, as if trying to say "hi daddy, I'm glad to meet you" it is truly amazing. Now I know how it felt like to be a dad. 

She's a wonderful child, a very obedient one. She kept Quiet when told and will talk when needed. She's a smart one. I know someday, she will find her Man, but now.. Let me be my daughter's knight in shining armor.


and soon.. 2 years after that when we got our second blessing. A baby boy.  


Now, he is 5 years old. He's stubborn at times but there are times when he acted like a mature man, copying me. I always remind him that he has to take care of his older sister and he nodded with his puffed chest, he said he is superman or sometimes he would whisper in my ears "dad, I'll tell you a secret. I am Iron Man" then he'll make a cute pose, I acted as if i was shocked, just to please my child. 


One day afternoon, I decided to take my family out since I'm always busy with my work. I fixed my colar when I felt someone nudging me, I turn to my left to find my little boy looking up at me. he said "dad, can you fix this? I don't know how to tie it" He grumbles as he pointed at his shoes. I crouch down to reach his shoes and tie the laces. "I hate my shoes daddy. buy me another one" He sobbed and wiped his tears. I guess he got Hee Rin's attitude huh?

"Luhan, can you be more faster?!" Hee Rin shouted from downstairs.


"come on son, mom is angry. She'll turn into lion if we don't hurry" I chuckled as

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I will soon open a new fic that is inspired by this fic:) hope you'll support it.


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amming #1
Chapter 53: This is still my fave chapter of the story. And my all time fave story. ?
Chapter 9: Oh my god.. why i crying reading this chapter :'( ..
Chapter 1: Im reading again this story... altho the sequels not done
ByunBinita #4
Chapter 60: Soooo cute
Fall in love with your story
Best fanfic of luhan
Dorjie #5
Loved the Foreword
Chapter 63: Wow i never thought that i'll read this fic until the end like omg your fic is so good and thanks lord i found this fic. But i feels sad for zitao tho lol, we need to find him a woman.
slushyplushie #7
Oh god, I didn't read this yet, but I know I'm gonna needd a damn lot of tissue.
14 streak #8
Chapter 65: At first the thought hee rin would be the antagonist in the story and try to ruin luhan and ji euns relationship but I love this storyline!! ^^