
I love you, why can't you love me back? [editing]
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not edited.



I sat back on the couch here in Hee Rin's room with a hole in my heart. All I can hear is the wind tapping the glass window, I don't know what to think right now.. 

I stare at the plain envelope that Hee Rin left.. I don't know what's inside this but i'm not planning to open it.. I'm afraid.. afraid of knowing that maybe Hee Rin did leave..

I shove the envelope in my pocket and drove my car heading to Tao's place. I don't know why am I heading to Tao, but my mind seems telling me that I have to.

this traffic jam irritates me alot.. I want to run and leave my car behind but then ofcourse I can't do that.


as I arrive at Tao's place, i quickly get out of my car without closing it back. i ran to their door and was panting heavily. i hate it how big this house is that I need to ran for 2 minutes just to reach their door, even though my parents house is kinda bigger than this, but i kinda get used to our(hee rin and I)'s little house.

i was shouting Tao's name while running and i can see him through their glass window, and i think it's kinda stupid of mine to call him cause i know he won't hear it.. 


When I reach their door, one of their maids greeted me and I told her that I need to see Tao.

as Tao step out of one of the rooms with his pajamas on, he greeted me with a big smile and a hug.

"hyung~~~" he whined.

"tao, i have no time for this, have you seen my wife?" i asked with my desperate look.

Tao's smile disappears and his eyes widened, i ask him twice but he looks shock. "s-she left?" he asked with a concern look.

"i don't know Tao" i said as i run my fingers through my hair out of frustration. 

i ask him if Hee Rin told him where she go, but he said he didn't know. i ran to my car again without saying goodbye to Tao.

i drove my car wherever my mind tells me to go.. but i didn't find her.. i even go to the orphanage but they told me that they haven't seen Hee Rin for too long.. i ran to every shop that Hee Rin would probably go but she's not even there, and as i step out of the last shop that i remember, someone bumped me and in that i realize.. there were lots of people walking by the streets, there were teenagers who's busy giggling with their friends because of their brand new dress, and there's these man with a cup of latte in his hand, watching the people struggle trying to get out of the crowd.. and some busy people with their phone glued on their ears arguing with maybe their business partners.. while there's these guy just standing blankly here in the middle of the crowd, trying to find his wife with a little hope in his heart and that was me.. isn't it stressful to think? all of us have different problems and we don't care about others problem cause we all know that the biggest problem is the one we are facing..

and the last place that ended up my mind was our school..

i was walking fast as i enter the gate of our school.. there are no students since it's saturday and no classes.. i check every corner of the school hoping that Hee Rin was here.. but she's not.

should i go home? should i give up? i was so tired of running and running.. i went back to my car with a pang in my heart. i hugged my steering wheel and started to cry just by thinking that what if Hee Rin did really leave me?, i can't hold it back anymore.. i need to cry it out. praying that Hee Rin didn't leave me, praying that she's just somewhere else and would come back home later.. 

then i remember that envelope.. i took the envelope out of my pocket with my hands that are still wet because of my tears. i place it in the passenger's seat and start my engine..

i decided to go home and maybe read the letter there..




i was watching the avengers when luhan hyung came.. i was so excited and greeted him with my power hug..

"have you seen my wife?" he asked suddenly.. my smile disappears and my mind travels through time where i last saw Hee Rin.. in the school.


i was walking in the corridor lazily with my hands in my pocket, i was humming carelessly when i saw Hee Rin noona.. she was running towards our professor.. 

omo.. my professor.. i should run as fast as i could so that i'll get in the room before him..

but when i was about to run, i noticed Hee Rin looks so sad while talking with my professor.. and ofcourse i got curious, so i lean against the other side of the wall where Hee Rin and my prof was on the other side.. and i can hear Hee Rin's shaky voice, as i listen i heard Hee Rin explaining, she said that she'll drop her subjects and that she'll never come back.. my eyes widened of what i just heard, i want to ran to luhan hyung and drag him here so that he can hear it too.. but Hee Rin saw me.. she was shock to see me and she looked tense.

"are you leaving?" i asked with my serious voice.

"oppa, didn't see you there" she smiled.

"don't change the subject.. i'm asking if you're leaving" i said. then Hee Rin look away. 

"yes" she simply answered. 

"where are you going?" i asked with my cringed eyebrows.

"somewhere that is far from him" she said. then she look at me expressionless.

"please don't tell luhan" she begged.

"what?! do you think i would agree?" i exclaimed with my irritate look.

"fine, whatever.." she rolled her eyes and walk away.. i don't know what happened to Hee Rin.. but she really change alot.. i try to understand her since maybe she was traumatize about what happened to her and Ji eun..

as i walk back to our room, i can't keep what Hee rin just told me and i want to tell it to luhan hyung, but when i was about to tell him, kai interupted us.. 

and i realize.. i should be happy right? that Hee Rin would leave luhan hyung? but i kinda feel sad for luhan hyung.. for the both of them..

i'm sorry but, i think i'm not going to tell this to luhan hyung.. i mean, atleast for once, i should let luhan hyung find it out himself.. cause we are always the ones who would help him and tell him if ever Hee Rin has a problem.. and i guess this time, i should let him do his job as a husband.

*end of flashback*


i never

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amming #1
Chapter 53: This is still my fave chapter of the story. And my all time fave story. ?
Chapter 9: Oh my god.. why i crying reading this chapter :'( ..
Chapter 1: Im reading again this story... altho the sequels not done
ByunBinita #4
Chapter 60: Soooo cute
Fall in love with your story
Best fanfic of luhan
Dorjie #5
Loved the Foreword
Chapter 63: Wow i never thought that i'll read this fic until the end like omg your fic is so good and thanks lord i found this fic. But i feels sad for zitao tho lol, we need to find him a woman.
slushyplushie #7
Oh god, I didn't read this yet, but I know I'm gonna needd a damn lot of tissue.
14 streak #8
Chapter 65: At first the thought hee rin would be the antagonist in the story and try to ruin luhan and ji euns relationship but I love this storyline!! ^^