one on one

I love you, why can't you love me back? [editing]
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I lie on my bed while thinking of Hee Rin again..

is this love?...... I really don't know.. I just can't find my true feelings for her. Do you know what I mean?

all I know is that she's really driving me crazy..

my eyes were about to close when I heard a noise outside the house.. I think it's a car? 

so I peek through the window of my room, enough to satisfy my eyes of a sudden sight. 

it was Tao's car, for a moment I ask myself if I invited him to come today or he just wanted to visit me, but then someone came out of his car that made my whole body froze. It was Hee Rin.

they waved goodbye to each other.. then Tao leave as soon as Hee Rin entered our house. Is it really true that they are into each other? Oh No, this is bad.. Really bad.


I walk to the living room with my hands in my pocket, pretending like i don't care.. Which is not really true. I really care!! Duh! Just what the heck is Tao thinking dropping my wife in our house without my permission?! can someone explain this nonsense? 

"where have you been?" I asked casually while Hee Rin is busy fixing her hair..

"omo.. you're here already?"

"I'll cook some dinner.. what do you want to eat?" she added while smiling.. Is she smiling because she saw me or she's smiling because she had a good time with that friend of mine that name is Tao? 

but nevertheless that smile... at first, it really annoys me!! but now... when I see that smile, I feel like my heart was melting.. And I hate it.

"yeobo?" she asked as she waved her hands infront of my face.. 


"are you okay? you seem so shock" she said as she raise her eyebrow..

"I-I'm okay.."

"so what do you want to eat?"


"anything? there's no such food as that" she giggled.. she's so cute. 

I lean my back against the fridge as I watch Hee Rin cook.. she was smiling by herself while preparing the ingredients.. She seems so happy while cooking. I can't stop staring at her determined face while she's humming a heart was beating so fast and I can't control it..


"omo!" she pouted.. she overcooked the beef.. but I am not mad and I find it cute to see her in panic..

"I'll do it" I said.


"it should be like this.. first, you should boil the beef..." I instructed.. 

she nods while biting her index finger.. she looks so serious and determined to learn.. and it's kinda cute.. Wait, Did I just think how cute she is again?


Hee Rin decided to fix the table while I cook.

after I finished cooking.. Hee Rin and I prayed before eating..

"wow.. this looks so yummy" she smiled while clappping her hands..


"yeobo.. you're great!!" she giggled while giving me her thumbs up.. then s

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amming #1
Chapter 53: This is still my fave chapter of the story. And my all time fave story. ?
Chapter 9: Oh my god.. why i crying reading this chapter :'( ..
Chapter 1: Im reading again this story... altho the sequels not done
ByunBinita #4
Chapter 60: Soooo cute
Fall in love with your story
Best fanfic of luhan
Dorjie #5
Loved the Foreword
Chapter 63: Wow i never thought that i'll read this fic until the end like omg your fic is so good and thanks lord i found this fic. But i feels sad for zitao tho lol, we need to find him a woman.
slushyplushie #7
Oh god, I didn't read this yet, but I know I'm gonna needd a damn lot of tissue.
14 streak #8
Chapter 65: At first the thought hee rin would be the antagonist in the story and try to ruin luhan and ji euns relationship but I love this storyline!! ^^