worried eh?

I love you, why can't you love me back? [editing]
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Hee Rin drags Tao to find people crowding make shift or portable stalls in the street. She forced him to eat street foods.. She said that she never tried it before.. But she wants to try it anyways.

They ate a lot of different street foods and even drink some soju.. Not that Tao wants to.. But Hee Rin forced forces.

She would laugh like every minute? And Tao somehow loves to see her happy.. To be honest.. At first, he really hates her because she annoys Luhan and Ji eun.. But after spending some time with her, he think he kind of like her now..

I mean.. Not like her as a lover.. But he likes her as a girl..

Wait?!! Does that make sense?


Anyways.. they were drinking some soju when she starts to become serious.. Tao think she's starting to get dizzy and he kinda felt worried. He should’ve stopped her from drinking.

"I hate myself" she muttered while playing with her fingers and her head was hung low..


"I'm such a bad wife" she pouted and sheepishly smiled at Tao, who looks at her with furrowed brows. Hee Rin was cursing herself again and again.. She’s so naive.. She hates herself because Luhan can't love her..

It’s not her fault.. It’s just that Luhan already got Ji eun before he met Hee Rin, that’s Tao would always think while gazing at Hee Rin.

"You know.. You can't blame yourself about that" he protested.


"Yes.. You’re just hurting yourself"

"I know.." she looks down.

"Why don't you just give him up?" He suddenly asked. He always wonders why she wasn’t giving up on Luhan when she can see it right on her face that he doesn't like her a bit.

"Because I love him.. And I'm not just going to give him up like that" she murmured, as if that was the most valid reason she can come up to.

"Is it painful?" He asked out of nowhere.


"You know.. When you love someone that doesn't even care about you" He shrugs and leaned back on his chair. Hee Rin stared at him for a minute and blinked.

"oh... yeah.. it hurts.. But I'm fine" she croaked and Tao doesn't know but when she said that, he feels like he can feel what she is feeling right now. And he swears it hurts his chest and he thought he can't breathe for a moment.

"Why don't you just cry it out?"

"Because I'm not weak" she said while smiling.. She looks so innocent and fragile to say such things. Tao didn't know she's like this.

"Crying doesn't indicate that you're weak.. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you're alive" He explained, trying to ease the tension of their hot topic.

She just looks at him and her eyes starts to become watery.. But she just smile again and never say a word..


*Now I realize one thing about Hee Rin. That silence is her loudest cry. I admire her for being strong.* Tao thought while staring at her amusedly.

"You know you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy. Someone who doesn't complicate your life." He stated and he himself was shock about what he just said. Where did it came from?..

"Somebody who won't hurt you" He even added.

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I will soon open a new fic that is inspired by this fic:) hope you'll support it.


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amming #1
Chapter 53: This is still my fave chapter of the story. And my all time fave story. ?
Chapter 9: Oh my god.. why i crying reading this chapter :'( ..
Chapter 1: Im reading again this story... altho the sequels not done
ByunBinita #4
Chapter 60: Soooo cute
Fall in love with your story
Best fanfic of luhan
Dorjie #5
Loved the Foreword
Chapter 63: Wow i never thought that i'll read this fic until the end like omg your fic is so good and thanks lord i found this fic. But i feels sad for zitao tho lol, we need to find him a woman.
slushyplushie #7
Oh god, I didn't read this yet, but I know I'm gonna needd a damn lot of tissue.
14 streak #8
Chapter 65: At first the thought hee rin would be the antagonist in the story and try to ruin luhan and ji euns relationship but I love this storyline!! ^^