decision making (part 2)

I love you, why can't you love me back? [editing]
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so hard to think on what will happen next:D

ahaha.. my notebook, that happened to be the notebook where I wrote this story was lost:/ tsk..



[the next day]



I didn't eat my lunch.. I just stayed here in the classroom alone.

I just stared at the blank white board, thinking of nothing?

Ji Eun won't stop calling me, but I didn't answer.

and I realize one thing..

I don't care if she calls, not like before I would quickly answer her call... or if I missed her call, I would quickly call her back..

but now? I don't know..

and before... All I think about is Ji eun.. but now, my mind is fully occupied by Hee Rin..

I don't know what Hee Rin did to me that I became like this..

I mean.. there's something about her that makes my life complete.

something rare about her that I can't explain.

something beautiful.. something extraordinary.. 

I can't explain why I love her so much.. but I know.. now that I love her, I am afraid to lose her..


as my mind was floating... suddenly, someone calls my name..

and it was Ji Eun.

"oppa!" she smiled as she went closer.

"you didn't answer my calls" she added.

"sorry" I apologized.

"I thought you're with your so called wife" she rolled her eyes in a so boring manner.

"why?" I asked.

"nothing.. you know what oppa, I think we should show her how sweet we are.. oh or maybe we should kiss infront of her right? hmmm... that would be awesome.. then.. she'll just accept the defeat" she smirked.

see?.. this is one of the reason why I lost my feelings for her.... I mean, she thinks that she's on a competition and Hee Rin is her opponent.. 

I don't know if she still loves me for who I am or just treat me like a prize..

she changed alot..


"oppa.. what's wrong?" she asked as she pouted.

I didn't answer.. I just twiddled my fingers..

she keeps on staring at me.. I think she's studying me?

"you've changed" she sighed.

I just looked at her.. expressionless..

"Ji Eun" I muttered.


"I think I'm inlove" I sighed..

she looked at me as if she is puzzled..

I glanced at her then I keep my head down.


"w-what do

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amming #1
Chapter 53: This is still my fave chapter of the story. And my all time fave story. ?
Chapter 9: Oh my god.. why i crying reading this chapter :'( ..
Chapter 1: Im reading again this story... altho the sequels not done
ByunBinita #4
Chapter 60: Soooo cute
Fall in love with your story
Best fanfic of luhan
Dorjie #5
Loved the Foreword
Chapter 63: Wow i never thought that i'll read this fic until the end like omg your fic is so good and thanks lord i found this fic. But i feels sad for zitao tho lol, we need to find him a woman.
slushyplushie #7
Oh god, I didn't read this yet, but I know I'm gonna needd a damn lot of tissue.
14 streak #8
Chapter 65: At first the thought hee rin would be the antagonist in the story and try to ruin luhan and ji euns relationship but I love this storyline!! ^^