Another Roller Coaster Ride -_-

Surprising Encounters

After playing 10 rounds in Tekken on our Playstation 3, I got bored after playing other games too. I went to my room and took a book. I took "A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks one of my favorite author since, I only experience love through books and mangas and not to mention fanfics where you're the character. hehe hmmm. While reading I find myself dozing off, then I went to sleep. After an hour I woke up from a nightmare, I jumped off the couch and fell on the floor and checked the time at the wall clock and hour has passed it was 5pm, my nightmare shocked me. I was at chapel and was holding a bouquet but I wasn't in a gown but in a dress that usually bridesmaids used, and at the aisle I saw a woman wearing a beautiful long gown that was pure white with such delicate details on the gown and she had a long veil covering her face, and I looked at the altar waiting for her was Yoochun, dressed handsomely and he had the most gentle smile waiting for his wife-to-be. I stood there confused and as she reached the altar, they were already saying their vows and as the priest said

"Now you're husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." the priest said smiling. 

Yoochun raised her veil and it was Shin Hye both looked wonderful together. they practically shines together.

Before they could kiss I woke up in desperation since I didn't want to see that. and that's how I woke up.

But why would I dream of such a thing and why did I feel my chest tightened in my dream. then I realized my cheeks were wet. and remembered in my dream I had tears streaming down my cheeks since I couldn't speak because of the pain I felt at that moment. do I love him? to make me feel that much pain in a dream. I pressed my lips together in confusion on what I should do. Then I finally heard the door knob being opened. 

"Ya! How are you? are you ok now?" she run towards me and threw her entire body on top of me. 

"Ya! I can't breath, is this how you treat a sick person?!" I said trying to get her off me. by hitting her lightly to let go.

"Ok I'm sorry, I miss you at work. and we'll have DBSK as our next guest next week!!!" she giggled with glee.and this woman is supposed to be DEEPLY inlove with Yoochun.

"Miss me? you see me everyday everynight you're not sick of my face yet?" I asked looking at her. she just gave me a look and looked away. she had a lot of shopping bags. 

"Wow you went shopping, what's the occassion for you to buy too much?" I said smiling at her teasingly. 

"Well, you see I encountered Yoochun-ssi outside on the way home." She said smiling with satisfaction. when she turn her back to her shopping bags. I couldn't help but feel my chest tightening.

"And?" I asked this time curious because I want to know for myself what they talked about that made her this happy.

"He asked for coffee tomorrow." she said grinning. all her pearly white teeth showing.

"Just the two of you?" I said smiling and pretending to . but the truth is I wanted to know if it really is just the two of them.

"Yup. just the two of us. isn't that great?" she said looking so happy and cheerful. well I did decide on just being friends but I never knew this would hurt so much. I felt tears forming but I tried my best to hold it back.

"Yeah! that's great. all my hard work paid off for you two." I said smiling holding back tears. Shin Hye never notices when I feel bad. I'm always the one who is aware of her feelings but I realized she never realizes if I'm the one in pain.

"Yeah." she said smiling while looking at the dresses she just bought. I stood up from the couch.

"Shin Hye-ah I'll be resting then I won't be having dinner ok?" I said as I walked towards my room.

"Oh really? well ok. have some plenty of rests." she said cheerfully.

"Yeah! you too! do your best tomorrow with him." I said smiling before going in.

"Fighting!" I said cheerfully and finally went in my room and shut the door. I rested my back at the door and slid down to the floor and I crouched and cried silently. warm tears flowed down my cheeks I cried for ten minutes and thought that I should stop crying and just move on. but why of all things to feel hurt is by having my first love that didn't even started. as I stood up my phone rang on the table, I picked it up.

"Hello?" I choked since I still have trouble talking since I still felt like crying.

"Hello? Mi An are you ok?" this voice was his, and felt more tears were forming and this time they were flowing nonstop.

"Y-y-yeah. why? do I sound weird?" I said trying to laugh.

"Yeah, you sound like you have been crying. are you really ok?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I was having a drama marathon and I've been crying for awhile now." I lied and laughed.

"Oh you are? well that must have been a very sad drama. since you sound really bad." he said laughing.

"Yeah, um...I gotta go I'm tired. sorry." I said I felt my voice was trembling and I'm really tired.

"Oh ok...have some rest then I'll call you tomorrow then." he said cheerfully and he hang up.

Yeah tomorrow as if he'll have the time to even call me. I threw my body on my bed and burrowed my face into my pillow and took my blanket and covered my whole body like a cocoon. 

The next morning I heard my alarm and as usual I woke up, then I looked around for my phone and it was dead. I did a facepalm and charged it right away. what if the PD was calling me. I'm so dead and I realized I was late for work I hurriedly took my towel and took a bath and brushed my teeth and unplugged my phone right away even though it was just charged for 30 minutes. I took a taxi and realized I haven't even got time to comb my wet hair. this can't be happening and I recalled what Yoochun said last night that he'll call me. but I guess he wouldn't why would he? 

I finally arrived at work and Minho and Minji pulled me right away to the restroom. 

"Oh dear! what happened to you?!" Minho said as he plugged the hair dryer. 

"Yeah! this is the first we see you in a mess." Minji chimed in as she combed my hair first.

These two are the one's that I can truly rely on without them hurting me. they may be harsh with their words when they talk to me. but them being harsh is how they show me they care.

After blow drying my hair, Minho seemed impressed with his work but he wasn't done yet he took his flat iron and made some waves on my short hair. after doing that both felt proud on what they did.

"Ah...Mi An-ah you look so adorable with waves." he said smiling and giggling.

"I do agree." Minji gave me a nudge on my side.

"Let's go while there's no work yet to be done." Minho said smiling.

"You did hear DBSK's going to be the guest next week from Shin Hye right?" Minji asked 

I nodded as a response.

"Yeah she did." I said smiling.

"Minho-ah don't you like Changmin?" I asked teasingly and laughing

"Ya! stop joking that way it hurts me that I wasn't born a woman." He said pretending to be hurt. 

"Well my eyes are on Yunho." Minji inserted. she made a look that was hilarious like she wanted to eat him up.

"How about you? who do you like to get your hands on between the two?" Minho asked.

"Hmm...sorry Minji I have my eyes on Yunho too." I said jokingly. 

We were joking around at the office at our desks. Then Shin Hye emerged from the door. She looked bright and all smiles.

"Ohoho someone looks inlove?" Minho jokingly commented as soon as Shin Hye approached us.

"Well of course, anyone would after having coffee with Yoochun." she said confidently

Both Minho and Minji looked at me with surprise.I just shrugged and smiled.

"You and Yoochun?!" both sounded outraged and were shocked.

"Yes, ME and YOOCHUN" Shin Hye confirmed.

"B-b-but we thought-" they looked at me. and I shook my head while smiling.

"Ohhhh...."Minho and Minji sounded disappointed.

"Why? don't I and Yoochun looked like a perfect couple if we were really together?" she asked us three. I nodded. but the other two gave a harsh comment that made giggle inside.

"What's there that's nice? maybe hasn't known you too much yet" Minho said leaving my desk going to his. his is just across mine.

"For guys like Yoochun I think cute girls suits him better than super pretty ones." Minji left a comment too and went to her desk beside Minho both gave each other a high five and left Shin Hye frozen.


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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day