Having Them With Me Is The Best! Part 2 Confessions

Surprising Encounters

As soon as we got settled in out home clothes. We sat in a circle at the living room. 

*"It's time to spill everything now." Ritz said 

*"You can cry all you want even if you'll look ugly." Jasmin added laughing 

*"And even have snots cover your face mixed with tears." Jann added.

*"EWWW JANN!!!" all three of us against on what she said.

*"What? no one cries prettily except in dramas you know except for old people they cry real cries." Jann defended herself laughing.

*"Ok, I met himby weird events." then ritz cut me through my sentence.

*"Skip that, we want to know when have you been in constipated pain." Ritz said. scolding me.

*"Stop saying "Constipated Pain"." I said laughing.

*"Ok, this was yesterday, after encountering him at his mom's ice cream parlor we enjoyed eating ice cream and joked a bit he even fed me." I was embarrassed saying he fed me.

*"Oh right who's the guy?" Jasmin asked.

*"He's a member of JYJ now his name's Yoochun." I said just saying his name makes me feel a bit of pain.

*"Did this guy do sweet things since the first time you met?" Jann asked concerned. since they know I'm inexperienced with love.

I nodded feeling tears forming already since my memories since the first time I met him flashed through my mind. All three of them approached me.

*"Anne don't hold it in, Let it all out Anne." Ritz said patting my back.

*"It's just that when I finally found someone that I may you know love and this has to happen." I said choking since I tried to speak while crying.

*"Then when I felt like being friends with him was enough-" I couldn't continue tear kept streaming down my cheeks.

*"Oh look snot is flowing too." Jann pointed out looking at my face. And I laughed while crying. Jasmin took tissue and gave it to me. As I looked up at them they had tears too.

*"Hey. Why are you guys tearing up too?" I asked while smiling but tears were still flowing.

*"Because we think we should've been here earlier and comforted you." Jasmin said her tears fell. while she smiled.

*"We can't believe we left our cry baby of the group alone." Ritz added she had tears flowing too. 

*"We should've came with you here and applied a job here instead." Jann said 

I shook my head. 

*"No, I don't want you guys changing your dreams because of me. how am I going to be strong if you guys keep on protecting me?" I asked smiling.

*"Ok stop with this stuff what else happened?" Ritz cut in.

*"Ok, He invited her for coffee this morning and it seems like they are going well and they may even be having dinner now." I said smiling.

All three looked at me with concerned eyes.

*"And it's just that I feel pain in my chest, whenever I think that all I can be is a friend to him because of her. And she liked him first too. so...I...." I couldn't continue.

*"It's not because she likes him it will work out, have you ever thought what he may be feeling right now?" Jasmin asked.

*"Did he tell you he likes you?" Jann asked

I nodded in response.

*"But you rejected him, because of her. does he have a clue the reason of your actions?" Ritz asked. I just nodded.

*"Then he doesn't just like you, he loves you and right now we can see you love him too." Jann smiled.

*"B-b-b-but we just met not a week has passed yet?" I explained.

*"Well I don't want to sound cheesy but Love is always unexpected and is sometimes fast and sometimes slow no one can ever tell how love works actually." Jasmin explained.

I looked at her more tears falling.

*"You're always slow with your feelings when you already feel hurt you still don't have a conclusion on your feelings.You need us to always tell you when you like or love a guy." Ritz said laughing.

I laughed because she was rigth. she knows me better than I know myself. After that drama. We prepared snacks. and made videos of crazy things from making parodies to doing the chubby bunny game. while sharing jokes and stories my phone rang so I excused myself. 

"Hello?" I aswered the phone. there was a bit of silence. 

"Mi An, Is it true you're seeing someone that you turn your phone off early this morning?" This voice was Yoochun's 

"Um...No It ran out of batteries last night and I didn't notice and who said that?" Who would say that. 

"But why weren't you at the cafe with Shin Hye this morning too?" Yoochun sounded pretty down.

"She said you only invited her, and it was just supposed to be you two." Why would she say that if Yoochun invited me too. she would've told me too right?

"What? I told her I was inviting both of you." He sounded surprised.

"You did? but didn't you guys had dinner tonight too?" I asked

"Yeah, but she said you were coming but then she said you were busy preparing for next week."

both of us went silent.

"Where are you right now?" Yoochun asked

"Somewhere in Kangnam I'm with my friends." I said

"It seems like Shin Hye-ssi lied to me a lot today." Yoochun said. he didn't even accuse me of anything.

"You believe me?" I can't help but asked.

"Yeah I trust you. And let's play with the kids tomorrow and stop using friendship for me get closer to you. Since I don' t feel like Shin Hye deserve you being her friend." He said.

"But Shin Hye's not that bad really" I still defend her even if she lied to me too.

"I know not everyone's bad but I don't want to lie to myself and pretend I like her because you asked me to be just friends with you. that seems impossible for me." he sounded hurt

but before I could reply Ritz took the my phone.

*"Hello? is this Yoochun?" Ritz asked she's confident to ask in english since when I was fangirling about him with Ritz and shared some facts about him like him knowing to speak in english. and Ritz asked me to make it into speaker phone

*"Umm yes" Yoochun answered back 

*"Do you know how many times she said that you were going to be her future husband when we were teenagers? she said it a lot of time." Ritz is embarrassing me instead of helping me. I could hear Yoochun laughing.

*"Well that aside, Do you love her? don't lie or else we'll beat the crap out of you." Ritz said I couldn't help but silently laugh because of her threat

*"Yes I do, don't worry I'll protect her." Yoochun reassured her.

*"You're a celebirty and a big one too, are you sure you can protect her no matter what?" Ritz this time was serious.

*"I will do my best. But I can't assure you I won't make her cry." Yoochun said seriously

*"Oh don't worry about she cries easily. So don't worry about that." Ritz said 

Yoochun laughed again.

*"And oh, protect her from that woman ShinHye that woman I heard has a temper I heard from Anne before." Ritz added 

*"And we won't let Anne hold her phone tonight so tell her what you want to tell her now." Ritz said anticipating what he's going to say.

"Mi An-ah stay safe and I love you." Then Yoochun hang up the phone. 

All three were looking at me.

*"Even if we don't understand anyone would know what "saranghae" means." Jasmin said and all three pretended to cringe.

*"We're your lucky charms you know all three of us." Jann said confidently. 

Then that night went own nicely. Except that every now and then his words repeated again and again. I couldn't believe he said that. I slept soundly that night. 

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: Wahhhh..it's the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day