Family and Friends

Surprising Encounters

As I got home, everybody had excited expressions seeing me. My Uncle and Aunt and cousin from our hometown came to the city for a vacation. My Uncle Peter was especially happy and Aunt to see me.

*"It's more than a year now since we saw you." He said smiling. He had a semi-bald head just like my dad and wears glasses. and he's very health conscious.

*"I've missed you too." I gave him a hug, I'm very thankful for all his efforts taking care for me even if it was only half a year with him it was fun to be living with them.

*"Anne!" My cousin Marie gave me one big bear hug. 

*"Marie! How's it going? how's High School?" I patted her back. She released and grabbed my arms.

*"It's ok, But what suddenly brought you here?" 

Nice Marie, you're question is so straight on. No one asked me till now why I suddenly went home for a break, I think I should break it to them now. So this will be finish once and for all.

*"Ummm...the guy that I'm dating proposed to me and I said 'Yes' and I'm here to tell everyone that personally." I said it in lightning speed. 

My dad,uncles, aunt, stepmom, and everyone who were present went silent. Everyone was looking at me like waiting for me to say 'Just kidding'

*"You serious?" Marie asked me blinking at me. 


*"So, he really proposed to you, you didn't trick him right?" My dad asked me.

*"Daaaaad...." I looked at him. They were shock because they doubt that he'll be able to propose to me, Ok I know he's to good to be true. They don't need to be this way. 

*"Ok, but are you sure he proposed to you, maybe he just wanted to give you a ring." My uncle wally said. 

Why are you guys so mean to me? At least there's no negative comments.

My mom already knows about this, she was worst she kept on teasing and joking when I told her about me and Yoochun.

-Couple Days Ago Phone with Mom-

*"Mom, you wouldn't believe this, Yoochun proposed to me!"

*"Anne, dear it's not even April for April's fools day, please I won't fall for that."

*"M-mom, seriously. I'm serious." 

*"Honey, doesn't mean you're working in Korea you magically met him and dated and he proposed. I don't really believe you." Mom was laughing.

*"Mom! take me seriously for this time only."


*"I seriously met him and date him and he proposed to me, can't you at least be happy and not sarcastic?" 

*"Honey, since you were 13 you kept on telling me, these number of Korean guys being your future husband."

*"Mom, I'm 21 now why would I can't you just be serious for a moment here?"

*"Ok, since you're so persistent I believe you, you didn't threaten his family right?" 

I made a huge face palm, Oh my gosh, mom is like a teenager when teasing me, she's not a normal motheryly mother. She feels like she's a teenager.

and she has 4 children me, Bryan, Ray, and Rina. and she still acts this way.

*"NO, mom no...He did it on his own without me threatening him."

*"Ok, honey let me talk to him, is he there?" 

To be honest Yoochun has been beside me the whole time and now is actually dying of laughter on the couch.

*"He's dying of laughter right now, thanks mom." 

*"Get him on the phone." Mom was laughing too.

"Here, my mom want to speak with you." 

*"Hello, Nice to meet you maam, I'm Yoochun Park, Your daughter's Fiance." 

the phone was on loud speaker, so that's why Yoochun kept on laughing he heard everything.

*"Oh! it's really you, you have the voice."

*"My daughter didn't threaten you right? or made you drink something?" 

*"No, I don't think so." Yoochun was laughing. 

*"Be careful of my daughter, she may have been a culinary student, but she's been lazy all her life." 

*"I will."

*"At least I confirmed it was you and my daughter wasn't fooling me, nice to meet you." 

*"Nice to meet you too." Yoochun reached the phone to me.

*"Mom, why?" 

*"What? I was just checking if you did something fishy to make him ask that BIG question, even your grandma doesn't believe you." mom was laughing as she said that.

I can't believe I'm even planning on inviting them in the future, they're gonna make fun of me. 

*"Ok, grandma's always like that, mom I'm hanging up. take care always ok?"

*"You too honey, and you better invite us here or you're afraid I'll share embarrassing things to Yoochun."

*"Mom, you always do that I can't stop, and of course I will."

*"Okaay...Chill my dear daughter. Bye. Love you!" 

*"Mom please don't speak like that. Bye. Love you too!" 

We finally hang up.

"Your mom is funny and cool."

"I know, she's too cool to have a daughter like me who's the opposite." 

"But I'm glad she had a daughter like you." He hugged me from behind. 

-End of that day-

Everyone is chatting happily, and it seems like they're so happy after hearing my news.

*"My baby girl's getting married soon, when actually?" Dad asked me while hugging me.

*"Not now, soon. He has carreer so I want him to enjoy what he loves to do." 

*"He's lucky to have you, my daughter is so nice I raised you well." 

Well, I lived my with my dad when I was 17 to go to college and I learned a lot while living with him.

I finally escaped the crowd and went to my room. It's been so long since I saw this room. Everything's still in place. I plopped down on bed and laid down for a while.

My felt my phone vibrating it was a call from Yoochun.

"Hello, how's the hotel?" I asked him.

"It's good, how's everything there?" 

"Well, you're lucky. they like you and they won't believe me either that you popped the BIG question."

"Really? even your dad?"

"Yes, even my dad. They plan on having lunch tomorrow together with you. wow they're paying more attention to you and for you to enjoy your break here." 

"Someone sounds jealous." he said laughing.

"Excuse me, I am not. well you're a foreign person so they want you to enjoy." 

"I miss you." Yoochun just said that so suddenly, that I felt my cheeks were burning hot.

"I miss you too, wait you missed me right away?" 

"I proposed to you didn't I? that means I want to see you everyday for the rest of my life, we may not be getting married now but maybe in 2 years time." 

In 2 years? he already planned on getting married that early.

"Are you sure in 2 years?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I can't wait any longer than that." 

"Ok, mr.smooth talker I have to go, I'm having dinner with the family. see you tomorrow."

"See you." 


A/N: my inspiration for the mom here, is my mom. she's kinda like that :)) LOL

I hope you enjoyed this, I was supposed to update yesterday but something came up :D

thanks for reading ~^^


P.S I didn't notice I didn un-click the hidden option, My apologies OTL

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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day