Well This Is Unexpected...

Surprising Encounters

When It was early in the morning and snow was till everywhere I can't wait for Spring to come. It's so cold. I finally arrived at the office.

"Mi An-ah how was spending time with us later for dinner with your friends too." Minho offered. Too bad they're not here anymore and they just left.

"Um...They just left this morning." I saif laughing. Minho looked surprised and shocked.

"I thought...they were going to stay for a month." Minji joined in. 

"Yeah, that was the plan but they were already needed back for an emergency." I explained to the two.

"We wanted to get closer with them too." Minho and Minji pouted. 

"Ok, when they comeback for a visit let's have dinner together." I reassured them. Then as I glance behind them, Shin Hye was there I smiled at her and she did too.

"Good Morning." Shin Hye greeted me. Minho and Minji looked at us. 

"What?" I asked them.

"Well you guys never greet each other 'Good Morning' since you guys like live at the same roof." Minho pointed out. I scratched my head.

"Ah...About that I moved in another aparment. My friends rented it and they told me to take care of it. And it's somewhere in Kangnam." I explained to both. Both Minji and Minho took my arms and dragged me to a corner.

"That means, you're not with the wicked witch anymore?" Minho whispered. 

"Stop saying she's a witch she's good well she's that really evil." I whispered back.

"Don't be fooled yet, she's good at deceiving people we're warning you, when she retracts her claws that means something's worst is gonna happen." Minji added. Both looked actually concerned. 

"Ok I'll stand guard." I reassured them smiling. Then we went back to our desks. 

"Ah...I can't wait to meet Changmin." Minho let out a sigh while smiling dreamily. 

"Me too Yunho's too hot. Why are they telling us to behave that's impossible." Minji agreed and looked dreamily at her phone. Which made me stifle a laugh.

"Mi An-ah how are things going with you two?" Shin Hye asked suddenly while she was at her desk.

"hm?" I looked at her, wondering who is she talking about.

"You and Yoochun?" She added and both Minho and Minji stood from their chairs and looked at me with bewildered eyes.

"I was going to tell you guys this lunch break but we still have work to do." My voice got softer and softer.

Both just nodded and went back to their work and I heard Minho adding situations Changmin getting wet or making him show his body. Minho is so...

"We're good." I responded to Shin Hye's question.

"Well that's good, you should be really strong to be with him. you can't be always emotional that will just annoy him." Shin Hye said smiling then she went out since she was called by the PD.

That means if I'm upset about something I should just pretend that everything's ok. That will just hurt me and possibly him too. Shin Hye, why would she say that of all things? and I thought everything between us were already ok.

A few hours passed and it was lunch break. As Minji and Minho sat at table. As soon as I took my seat. I felt I was the police station interrogation room.

"Mi An-ah when did you start seeing each other?" Minji asked while muching on some salad.

"Just last Saturday?" I answered with uncertainty.

"Ya! Mi An-ah give us a sure answer." Minho said scoldingly.

"Just last Saturady." I said firmly.

"So it's just that recent...ohh....see we told you, you guys will end together sooner or later." Minho said proudly. They gave each other a high five.

"................." I just kept silent I don't know what to say. Because they're so damn true.

"Look at her...she's speechless because we're right." Both started bursting out laughing. I just smiled at them.

While chatting with them I realized I needed stuffs for the apartment like bathroom stuffs and kitchen stuffs. Oh my gosh I'm too lazy to do that but I will Saturday.

A few days passed by quickly, I woke up at Friday morning ready for work and for filming the program for it to air on Saturday. The staffs were preparing the props as usual. And the cue cards are being prepared too. And did I mention Park Myungsoo and Yoo Jaesuk and Shin Bongsun are our Mcs. They're really funny before filming. They make the atmosphere feel lively even if we haven't started yet.

"Mi An-ah don't I look better than Yunho?" Park Myungsoo asked me with such a straight face.

"Yes...Myungsoo-ssi. you're the best." I said giving him my two thumbs up. But I see Yoo Jaesuk laughing so hard and Shin Bongsun too.

"She agrees with you because she pities you." Yoo Jaesuk said dying with laughter. 

When we film this always happen this Mcs are like little kids. They sometimes bother the PD alot. like asking him to focus more on them.

And they even fight over who sits beside who. So that they'll have more screentime.

After the preparations Changmin and Yunho arrived on time. They greeted the staffs. As I was fixing one prop that's going to be used there was a tall figure standing in front of me. AsI looked up it was Yunho. He was smiling at me.

"So you work here?" He asked smiling and looking around. I just nodded. And was surprised that he still remembers me.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: Wahhhh..it's the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day