First Meeting

Surprising Encounters

I was about to get in the building but it seems like there were a lot of fans outside, well it can't be helped. I shrugged and thought of waiting till everyone goes home. but as I waited and waited it seems like they're not moving at all. all the girls had their cameras and gifts with them. I'm a bit in a hurry to get in since I'm one of the scrip writers for a variety show and I have to show it to the other staffs in charge for them to check if what I'm planning for the show is okay, but with these girls blocking the entrance I think it's kinda impossoble, So I had no choice but to push myself in the crowd, as I was trying to get through. The girls suddenly starts shouting and screaming at first I couldn't understand then I finally heard it clearly "Yoochun". I tried to push myself in then one of the girls pushed me and I grabbed on the the shirt nearest to me and as I look up I realized I grabbed on Yoochun's shirt, he was about to raise his hand maybe to push me away but I let go of it right away and covered my face just in case he'll hit me. well I've seen some videos of him well hitting a girl. I know he did that since he was fed up in my point of view, but just in case he will it's better to block it, but as I peeked in between my fingers that was covering my face. he looked at me and said "sorry, It's kinda like my reflex" I just nodded and smiled and waved my hands in front of me and saying " no, it's ok" then I bowed and went towards the entrance. as I entered the building I felt relived escaping the crowd outside. I went to the conference room and discussed on my script and it went well combining our ideas.I excuse myself first and went home. On my way home I stopped by a cafe. at first I wondered who were those three men sitting at a table and was enjoying their coffee as I approached the counter it was JYJ I noticed Jaejoong first, since his face really stood out. As I was looking at them Yoochun looked at me but I avoided his gaze. I felt uncomfortable. I continued to the counter and ordered, as I was about to pay a hand behind me reached out holding a credit card. so I turned and checked who it was, I felt my eyes got wide with surprise. it was Yoochun. 

"Umm...excuse me?" I didn't know what to say actually I was pretty nervous since he was behind me. he didn't look at me at all. and the cashier was a bit confused on what to do too.

"Please charge it on my card." he just decided on his own to pay for me. I was kinda pissed to be honest.

"Why did you pay for me?" I couldn't help but ask with a slightly irritated voice.

"Well, I felt bad on what happened a while ago, so I couldn't help it." he said coolly.

"Well I can manage to pay for my coffee, and what happened this morning was just an accident no need to feel sorry." I scowled and walked away.

As I got of the cafe, I felt I was stupidest being on earth.

"Damn it...I forgot my coffee." I tried to peek at the cafe but as I was about to turn a hand reached out from behind me again.

"You forgot this." I felt his breath near my neck that made my hair stand on end.

I took it without looking at him, but with the sound of his voice I knew who it was. It was none other than Yoochun. As I was walking to the bus stop. I can't seem to get him out of my thoughts. finally the bus finally arrived and I got in and found a seat. as I was sitting I kept on thinking about Yoochun. What the hell is wrong with me? well the truth is I never encountered such things with a guy. Ok I'm an NBSB( No Boyfriend Since Birth) so having a guy pay for me and being that close behind me makes my heart beat, is that wrong? I blame myself for rejecting guys so much. That I don't even know how to handle these kinds of situation. Finally I reached my stop and got out and went inside a building where I rented an apartment I don't really know how to say it it's called an officetel I think. but it's a pretty cool place it's comfortable and has everything we need. I live with my friend here. we got to know each other when we started working. She gushes over a lot of idol groups from guys who are 8-10 years older than us to guys who are 2-3 years younger than us or more. well me and Shin Hye are the same age so we're really comfortable with each other. As I got in our home, I saw Shin Hye lying down on the couch with snacks on the coffee table, she was on a fan cafe again. Then she stood up right away as soon as she caught a glimpse of me as I hang mmy coat on the coat rack.

"Lina, I heard you encountered Yoochun!" she grabbed both my shoulders with wide eyes and said it with an excited voice. 

"Uhhh-Yeah...wait how did you know?" I asked bewildered since it just happened this morning and Shin Hye didn't go to work today since she said she wasn't feel well, it's a complete lie she just wanted to stay at home  since she didn't feel like going to work.

Shin Hye just pulled me over the couch and showed a video on naver. it was a fancam with a title "Yoochun and his girlfriend?" ok wait what was the title again? I checked it one more time. even though it was in Korean I'm pretty sure I read it right since I've been speaking the language for over a year now. I just blinked and stared. how can they think I'm his girlfriend just because he talked to me? netizens are scary and fans too. Then Shin Hye showed me the same video this time in Youtube. The same caption, the I read the comments which made even more shocked.

"omo...look at how oppa's looking at her XD" 

"I hate her, no way I'm giving my Yoochun to her!!!"

"guys calm down, maybe she's just lucky enough to be speaking with him. and maybe she's not his girlfriend since she bowed and excuse herself."

I thumbs up the 3rd comment she/he is so right, I can't believe how people assume without knowing the truth first and whoever uploaded this just wants Yoochun's attention I guess, I know this will die down soon I'll give it a week. As I looked away from the screen Shin Hye had a look on her face which shows dissatisfaction.

"What? I swear I have nothing to do with that guy." I defended myself.

Shin Hye got closer to me, I backed a little...when she's like this it's kinda scary.

"hmmm...well you never know. did you encounter him again?"

ok Shin Hye's good at this, she should really be a host for gossips.

I looked around for a moment then looked at her, I was planning on keeping my mouth shut but I don't want to hide anything from her maybe she could even help me.

"Fine, I met him again by ACCIDENT in a cafe." there I said it, but as I looked up. She was still eyeing me suspiciously.

"Ok, and he paid for my coffee, and I forgot my coffee and he brought to me outside, happy?"

Finally she had a satisfied smile then it changed to a I call a "scary" smile, it's a smile that she has scheme in mind. which is always not a good idea involving me doing a favor that I usually don't like.

"What are you planning?" I looked at her in fear.

She just kept her "scary" smile plastered across her face.

"No, Shin Hye no way. whatever you're planning right now. just forget about it."

"But, this could be a chance for me, to at last date him. you know how much I love him from the start." Shin Hye puts on her puppy dog eyes.

"No way." I stood up and went to the kitchen, she ran after me and clinged on my cardigan.

"Please, we like him both but you're not that into him, so how about helping me out?"

I looked at her while still holding a pitcher and a glass on my other hand.

"How can I possibly help you? we just talked twice that's all."

"Still, he knows you now and recognizes you, all you have to do is introduce me to him. but first try being friends with him. hm?"

"How can you tell that he won't forget my face?"

"Well you have a very recognizeable face, like you don't seem like korean so yeah he'll remember you." she had a wide grin on her face now.

"Fine! ok now stop bothering me and help me plan on what to do on tomorrow's variety show, we should arrange the order of the games to be played during the show."

Shin Hye nodded and listened to me diligently the whole night. wow the power of her love for this guy is amazing. 






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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day