
Surprising Encounters

We finally got back to Seoul, I felt tired and sleepy as I got home, Yoochun went ahead to check with his manager since he has a CF offer. I went to my room and went to bed right away.

I woke up because I can hear clinking sounds it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. Who would be in the kitchen? Yoochun doesn't cook...and Jaejoong doesn't even have an access here. I took my stool while cautiously opening the bed room door, and to my surprise it was just Yoochun all along.

"Yah! you should've called if you were dropping by." I scolded him I was still holding to the stool.

"Why? I always come here uninvited anyway and what's with the stool?" his eyes went wide open when he saw the stool.

"I know that, but you don't I thought it was some creepy guy, This one? it's for self defense." I lifted the small stool.

"You're planning on hitting someone with that? you're scary." I just noticed he was wearing an apron it was the one with the flowery prints. I took out my phone and took a snap shot.

"Well, that's what suspense thriller psycho movies taught me. pretty useful." I went to the counter top and peeked over what he's cooking.

"That's safe right?" I gave him a doubting look.

"Of course it is, Jaejoong hyung taught me anyway." he frowned at me.

"Is that Jjigae?" 

"Yeah, I like how Jaejoong hyung cooks Jjigae." He said happily.

"Marry him then, I can't cook like him." 

"Are you jealous by Jaejoong hyung?" He asked jokingly

"No, I'm just saying that I can't cook the way you like your Jjigae." I said playing with a pot holder.

"Well, I would still enjoy your type of Jjigae." he said giving me a puppy like smile. 

"Whatever, is that almost done?" I looked over again. he took some soup and brought it to me.

"Here." I leaned closer to take a sip, surprisingly it tasted good. He's good at everything then.

"How is it?" he asked me smiling brightly. He knows it's good.

"It's unexpectedly good, happy?" I asked him and he gave me satsfied smile and I helped prepare the table it seemed like we're having early dinner.

We sat down and we both looked at each other and we just both smiled. It's a normal thing now.

"So what CF are you doing?" I asked him.

"Well, me, Junsu and Jaejoong hyung are having a Pizza CF" He looked happy...Food.

"That's great then!" I looked at him smiling brightly.

"You? what are your plans for work?" He asked me.

"Well, we'll have Exo-K on the show. I heard from Minho and Minji they're kind boys." 

" like them too don't you?" He looked at suspiciously.

"I can't lie, yeah but I only fangirl about them. it's a different thing."

"Well that's good, you're mine anyway." He said laughing.

"But if I take the ring off and change my mind that changes everything right?" I asked jokingly.

"Yah! don't be like that. I gave that a long thought before asking you." he frowned.

"Aigoo...I was just kidding." I pinch his cheeks.

After eating we washed the diishes together, I just thought that this kind of thing will soon be an everyday thing whenever he's free that is.

Yoochun suddenly turned to me.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"Can we get married sooner? I've been thinking we can still be married secretly." he looked at me with determination.

"Why are you like this all of a sudden?" I asked him I'm quite surprised myself.

"You don't want to?" he looked back at the dishes and started drying them. he looked disappointed.

"It's not like I don't want to, that's a bit hard right?" I asked him.

"Well we can try and sneak off." ok I can say even though he jokes most of the time. he's serious this time.

"Well, yeah. but---" 

"We can have the formal ceremony later on, you know we should do the papers first then."

"That's ok too." I said blankly. 

"Really?" he looked at me surprised.

"Really." I nodded, he hugged me right away.

I wonder how will the fangirls react to this if they found out, I am so dead.

A month has passed so fast and Yoochun gave me time to think about it first. Well he just started filming for his new drama this week. I the Tv and catch his presscon for the drama. It's a Joseon setting kind of drama. he really fit to those kind of characters like seriously.

They were asking him some questions regarding the drama, well the drama is about a marriage candidate and him not being on good terms.

they asked him about marriage, he looked at the camera and looked at the interviewer.

"Well, actually I've already proposed to someone special. so I hope the fans would gladly accept this fact, and I find that marrying her would be the happiest Marriage for me." he said smiling. 

everyone obviously in chaos now, but I can't believe he made that big of a decision telling the whole nation, you Park Yoochun are full of surprises everytime.

I'm not mad or anything since he didn't discuss this with me, but for some reason I fell glad and happy he did that. maybe that means no more hiding the fact that we're together? 

I wonder how things will turn out from now on...

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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day