What Should I Do?

Surprising Encounters

Shin Hye has been my friend from the first time I started work and even helped me in my Korean and finding an apartment. I should at least do something for her right? like turning down Yoochun for her. And I think this is the best way for me to repay her at least for all her help. I took a deep breath and readied myself to answer him properly. He was still holding my hand. and he looked at me.

"Hmmm...can't you give me a clearer anwer." he asked softly. I looked away. and prepared myself on what I was going to say and do.

"I'm sorry, you can't!" then I shook of his hands and ran off as fast as I can. I kept on running till I reached a park. there I stumbled upon Yunho one of the DBSK members, well there's only two of 'em now since they separated but I still wish they would be together as one again. I almost tripped and fall since I was running to fast but wanted to stop and went out of balance. Fortunately he was able to grab my arm before I fell.

"Are you ok miss?" He said while lifting me up. I looked at him smiling an embarrassed smile.

"Yes, sorry for bumping into you." I apologized.

"You don't have to apologize, it was an accident anyway." he chuckled while saying that. I didn't know how to end this small conversation.

"Ummm...Excuse me, I h-have to go." I excused myself to not be rude leaving him like that. then I remembered how I left Yoochun stunned awhile ago.

As I was about to walk away he grabbed my shoulders and let go right away.

"Um...Sorry, but could I at least know your name?"  He looked quite handsome by the way just wearing some sportswear he looked quite cool, and I think he was jogging at night.

I don't find anything wrong telling my name. well it's just my name. I looked at him for awhile since I was surprise him asking that. I'm no one in particular for someone like to be interested in my name. hmmm...weird.

"Um... It's Mi An" I replied back and went on walking off...well to tell you the truth I don't even know where am I going. I gave a deep sigh and kept on thinking how I rejected and ditch Yoochun which makes me feel so bad. Then I remembered I was going to call Minho and Minji If I could stay with them. I searched for my phone and dialed their numbers but no one's picking up. they must be so drunk by now. They're strong drinkers so it's already obvious those two are so drunk. It was so cold tonight too. I was kind of shivering. I should have put on more clothes. how does Shin Hye survive wearing what she just wore today. just thinking about her makes me so guilty. I may like Yoochun as my favorite member from DBSK now he's in JYJ he is still my favorite member since I love listening to him sing and I enjoy watching him in dramas that he's in. Why must this happen? I promised myself I won't let boys ruin my friendship with anyone even my bestfriends back home, but we never had this problems with my bestfriends. This is a first that this situation came up. I gave another deep sigh and this time I was really shivering. If Minji and Minho are so drunk they won't even open the door and won't even pick up their phones. What should I do? I can't just go back home and face Shin Hye and explain to her all that happened and I don't want to lie to her either saying I don't Yoochun I must make myself forget my feelings right now, the feelings that I just had just now must disappear except for my feelings as a fan. I should erase those personal feelings that I just had tonight. I checked my body bag I checked my wallet for money just enough for one night at a motel. I have no choice hotels are too expeinsive for one night and I don't know any cheap ones. I sat on a bench first to think what should I do? since I didn't even have that much cash on me, since I ate a lot this morning. stupid stomach. now I felt a bit sleepy since it's starting to be quite late, 11:00 pm is late for me now considering what time I slept last night was 3:00am and woke at 7:00am and visited the children at the orphanage near the playground. and I don't want to miss not seeing the kids they give me energy to work. I smiled just thinking about them. after a few minutes I felt glaring lights blinding me for a second it was coming from a car. and the silhoutte that got out of the car was familiar and by his voice I knew right away who it was. Yoochun.

"Ya! who told you to run off in this cold weather?!" he scolded me with a deep loud voice. it sounded pretty nice. if someone like him scolded me. I think I won't really mind. I chuckled thinking about what I just thought.

"Aish..." he muttered under his breath as he took his scarf and wrapped it around me. It felt warm since it just came from him wearing it. It felt good and smelled nice. hm? so this is how Park Yoochun smells like, he has a sweet fragrant. then I went back to reality. Jang Mi An what are you thinking? didn't you just decide to let your personal feelings go? but this is like mixed feelings of a fangirl's and some personal feelings too...the hell? what am I supposed to do now? I stared at the ground thinking hard what am I to do.

"Ya...If you don't like me. it's ok. can we at least be friends?" his words sounded so gentle, he asked this while kneeling in front of me since he put his coat on me and was buttoning it while I was sitting.

I nodded, and thought there's nothing wrong with being friends. but wait if we become friends we'll get to know each other well. and I'll for more for HIM. ok that realization I will not deny is true but I will hold back my personal feeling even though that'll cause so much pain in the future. but there's a feeling that I would still want to be with him even as being friends.

I nodded. Then finally a sweet smile finally appeared on his dim expression earlier. then he offered me a ride home. I think this is the right opportunity for him to help me explain things to Shin Hye. As he led me to the car our hands kind of brushed of each other. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. so I hurried to get in the car as he opened it for me. As I got in he shut the door close and went to the driver's seat.

A few minutes has passed and we haven't spoken even a word to each other. awkward.... then finally I gained the courage to speak.

"So...You know my friends right, the one with long straight hair?" I asked him while looking down at my hands.

"Oh...Ah! the pretty one with the dress?" he answered smiling at me. I just smiled a weak smile.

Just as I thought he noticed Shin Hye being pretty. then why does he even aim for me? ah...I bet he's a player. aish...should have known. it was a wise decision being friends with him then.

"Yeah! her...can you explain things to her, like there's nothing going between us at all?" I begged with both hands in front of me.

he was quiet for awhile then he finally spoke.

"Ok, you want me to tell her we're just friends right?" he asked without looking back at me.

I nodded as a response.

"Hmmm...I really don't like lying to my true feelings but since I like you and this is the first favor you asked from me, I will."  he said without looking at me, he sounded cold as he said that.

"Thank you." As I said that I gave him a kiss on the cheek. after doing that, I went back to my seat and sat stiffly. What the hell made me do that? JANG MI AN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!?! I wanted to just hide in a corner and never show up in front of him ever again.

As I sneak a peek at him, he had a satisfied smile on his face and he turned to me and asked me.

"Are you really sure we should just be friends?" he asked in a teasing voice and he had a naughty smile on his face. which looked attractive and adorable at the same time.

"YES!" I said smiling with no further explanation. me explaining what I just did would just get worst if I explain things. Finally after being quiet for awhile we finally arrived. we got out of the car. as we arrived at our doorstep he stood beside me. I took my keys and went in, and there was Shin Hye sitting motionless at the kitchen table. Then her gaze finally shifted to us. her eyes went wide and just kept looking at us. I was about to speak up but Yoochun beat me to it.

"Um..Shin Hye-ssi I'm sorry to be disturbing but I have something to say." Yoochun smiled at her as he finished his sentence. As I shifted my gaze at Shin Hye she looked surprised by Yoochun talking to her.

"U-uh yes, what are you going to tell me?" she sounded delighted to hear whatever he was saying at the same time she sounded nervous.

"It's about me and Mi An-ssi, we're not dating we're just friends and I was just playing a prank on her earlier." he said with a chuckle at the end with his hand covering his mouth like he was pretending to hold his laughter. 

I looked at him with my mouth open. UWA...DAEBAK. this guy's a pro in acting. he looks so much believable. I finally managed to shut my mouth close.

"That's right Shin Hye-ah, I'm sorry if you misunderstood and hurt your feelings." I said sincerly I was sincerly sorry for whatever I made her feel for a moment today.

Shin Hye finally smiled and nodded and went to me and hugged me so tightly that I couldn't breath. Then Yoochun clapped his hands together.

"So you guys are ok now right?" He asked smiling. We both nodded after Shin Hye realeased me.

"Then I'll be going now, since we still have schedules for tomorrow.have a good night." He said waving good bye with a smile that looked happy but sad at the same time. I felt my chest tighten for a moment. then finally Shin Hye was back to her normal self and was laughing. 

"Well, I should've known that Yoochun-ssi will never date you. what was I thinking? I knew his type were well kind of like me." She said giggling. ok I was offended. Am I that unattractive? 

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45: Wahhhh..it's the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day