No Way This Is Happening...

Surprising Encounters

"No." I said still not getting out of his car. 

"Ya! Are you listening? I said No." Oh my gosh he's pretending that he can't hear me! He's 26 years old and his acting like a 12 year old! 

"Ah...The weather's nice." He let out a sigh while he rolled down his window.

"I didn't agree on anything. And I said No!." If I wasn't running late I would beat him up right now, And I won't care if I did that. I got out of his car. And ran inside the building I looked back for a second and he was waving at me and smiling. Is he making fun of me?! Park Yoochun I swear you're going to get a piece of my mind when I see you again. I ran to the elevator and bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" I looked up and was surprised to see Yoohwan.

"No it's fine." He said smiling while fixing his clothes. and I was shock to see I spilled his coffee onto his shirt. I gaped at his shirt.

"I would really fix that if I wasn't late...I AM SO SORRY." I feel so guilty, why is my morning starting so bad aside from meeting the kids everything was fine till THAT guy appeared. 

"No it's fine really, you should go since you said you were running late." He said smiling, but I was sure that was hot coffee since the cup his holding is still has steam showing. I was confused to either take the elevator or help him. The hell I'm late.

"I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you!" I bowed one last time and went to the elevator. As the elevator was closing I saw his stylist her eyes wide open with shock and she was concerned not with the clothes but his skin got slightly burned I think. Wah!!! I feel so guilty. I didn't mean to accidentally get revenge on his brother, I wish it was Yoochun who got burned. 

I reached the office, I'm lucky there's nothing much to do here. 

"Mi An-ah PD-nim wants to talk to you." Minho said in an eerie voice. 

"Ya! don't scare me. where is he?" i asked Minho, Minho gestured to the room where the PD usually stays.

I went in and he was there, He's not that scary unless you made a mistake or just got on his nerves. But all in all a fatherly figure.

"Ah Our Mi An-ah.."He said smiling at me, you can see his wrinkles when he smile. well our PD maybe a bit old but he has the cutest eye-smile I say hehe.

"You were looking for me?" I asked him.

"Yes, Um you there's this new drama our station is going to produce and they needed extra help in various things." He stopped and took a sip of his coffee.

"And they said I have a lot of staffs and if they could just borrow one for help, So I think you were the most capable since you're quite flexible aside from being one of the writers." He said looking at me smiling.

"Oh? I'm ok with it." I said smiling. 

"Oh that's good to hear, I hope you'll meet more friends there too. I was a bit concerned since you're in a new environment away from home." He said in concerned voice.

Oh? so he still worries about me, even though I've been staying here for a year now. I'm glad to have him watching over me like my dad. 

"I'm sure I'm going to be fine don't worry PD-nim. I can do this." I said giving him a reassured smile.

"Ok, then you start tomorrow and attend their meetings about the drama. It's said to be a romance/comedy as usual." He said smiling.

"You may go." he said giving me permission to go.

"Then I'll take my leave then." I said

As I got out of the office, Minho and Minji was outside waiting for me. they look sad.

"This is so unfair! why you?!" Minji exploded annoyingly.

"What?! why?! what did i do?!" I said panicking.

"Aish! I wanted to be be that extra help!." Minho exclaimed. 

"I wanted to see Yoohwan too you guys are unfair." Minji said. 

Wait...Yoohwan? Is Yoohwan going to be in that drama? maybe I can apologize to him during a break or whenever I'll have a chance to atone for what I did. I feel so guilty until now, he's too kind. It would've been better if he just got mad.

"I want to see him again too. Mi An-ah I think this year is you year. Being close friends with Yoochun and Yunho then being able to see Yoohwan too." Minho sulked and pouted looking at me.

"Ya! you guys stop that! I haven't even enjoyed being surrounded with those three together! I'm the one who's pitiful here." Minji inserted.

Both Minho and I looked at each other and looked at Minji. 

"Well, I guess we were just lucky not having a date on that day." Minho said shrugging.

"That date wasn't even worth it, that man was useless and he made me pay for our dinner." Minji was fuming while she said that.

"Really?!" Both Minho and I exclaimed.

"Ahahahahahahaha!!!" Minho and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

"sorry, I couldn't help it. Tell us the guys name and we'll beat him up till he pays back the amount you paid." I said. 

Minji smiled and laughed.

"You guys? beat him up? you got to be kidding me. A lean, muscleless guy and a 5 foot 2 fragile looking girl beating up a guy?" She pointed out laughing I guess she imagined us doing that. It's actually a funny picture. I pictured it out myself. It looks ridiculous.

Same old things happened till work was over. 

"Mi An-ah do you have plans tonight? we're planning having dinner altogether." Jihoo asked me. He's one of the cameraman, well Minho used to crush on him,but gave up since Jihoo doesn't mind him at all. 

"Uh? sure!" I said picking up my bag. 

As we were going out of the building I see a familiar car outside. You got to be kidding me? 

I saw Yoochun standing beside his car and he was looking at his watch, I stood at the door for awhile and watched him. He had a gray scarf wrapped around his neck and he looked quite handsome just standing there. Well he's handsome in anything he does but it's different seeing him just from this distance. I was at the couch and was crouching on it. 

"Ya! Stop looking like a stalker." Minho said from behind me. 

"I wasn't looking--- fine I was." I admitted. since Minho raised his brows.

"I don't have to ask myself why he's here...I dislike him since he's like a playboy. But fine, Mi An-ah stand your ground no matter what! I'll tell the others that you can't come." Minho said, without even waiting for me to give a reply. 

"Wai-" I didn't say I wanted to see THAT guy right now, for some reason I'm still pissed. I watched as the others went their way. and all there's left is Yoochun standing outside. The sun was alreadys setting. He stood there for an hour now in the cold. I jumped in surprised since my phone was on vibrate mode and was in my pocket, I hurriedly picked it up.

"Ya! where are you? I saw your friends went out and you're not there. where are you?" it was Yoochun he sounds pissed too. who wouldn't? he waited in the cold for an hour.

"I'm at the office and I'm doing some work left. why?" This is a lie. I just didn't want to see him right now. 

"Fine, I'll pick you up when you're done." then he hang up. 

"Fine, pick up an invisible person." I said to myself. I waited for him to go, but he just stood there. don't tell me he's gonna wait there the whole time till I get out?

two hours has passed and it was already starting to be dark outside. I'm sure he's going to go home sooner or later it's already three hours since he stood there. An hour has passed, I can't see him freeze himself there outside. 

"Ya! why are you here?!" I said as I went down a few steps.

"Aish...At least I stick to what I said on picking you up." He said his lips was shaking.

"Really? how did you know I was getting out now? I didn't even call you." I said. Heh! look at his face he looks embarrassed hahaha! 

"Omo! don't tell me you waited for me?" I said pretending to be surprised. He avoided me and went to the car. I just stood there looking at his car and thought of walking away to the bus stop.

"Ya! get in!" He said sticking his head outside the window. 

"Fine." I should give in now, since he waited waited four hours outside it's the least I could do. 

I got in, I looked at him. he looked so cold and his face was all flustered.

"Aigoo, look at those cheeks." I pinched his cheeks teasing him, Well he did this a couple of times to me, making advances when we were only strangers. 

He just looked at me, And he was driving and I recognized the place he's bringing me over at his home?! I know his mom,Yoohwa and him live together. But WHY?

"Where are you taking me?" I said squinting my eyes at him. 

"To have dinner with my mom and Yoohwan why?" 

Why? dude it's like you're officially introducing me to your family. I don't want to think this way. But isn't this what guys to do to girls they want to marry? Wait does he want to marry me?! that's fast. considering we just met and become friends a week ago. Or maybe since we're friends this is a normal thing right? friends hanging out,but I'm a girl and he's a man.  Mi An you're just giving yourself a huge head ache. Stop over thinking.

We arrived, and he brought me inside wow, it's huge. I took off my shoes and wore the indoor slippers for guests.

"Uwa...I think I should really find a wealthy man to marry." that just slipped out. 

"What?" He looks surprised as well. Trust me I was surprised too.

"Well, you know so that my future kids can have space to ran around comfortably." I explained. well who doesn't want their children being in a comfortable home.

"Oh." he laughed, and he took my hand. surprisingly I didn't jump I was comfortable with him holding my hand. I followed him around, Then I spotted their mom.

"Oh? Mi An-ah this is a first seeing you at our home." she said smiling.

"Yeah, Your home's nice." I said smiling nervously since I was shaking his hand off. I don't want his mom to see. No way. So I stood closer to him hiding both our hands behind instead, since he wouldn't budge. 

"Well, you haven't had dinner yet right?" She asked me. I nodded in response.

"Well you two just wait for awhile I'll cook something yummy for you two."  she looked excited and went onto kitchen. 

"Let go..." I said in a low voice. 

"No..." He said in a low voice too.

"Mom! We're going to be in my room for a while." Yoochun hollered at the kitchen. 

What? Room? HIS room? Say what?

He just dragged me effortless the next thing I know I was in a wide room with a huge bed and other stuffs too. 

"I told my mom we were going out." he stuck his tongue out.

"You what?! I told you NO." I couldn't straight anymore.

"Well, my mom's happy. you don't want her to be sad, don't you?" He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

This no good man, how can he do these to me? I scratched my head in confusion.

"You! why do you do these outrageous things?" 

"Because you said No." He was lying on his bed scanning through a magazine.

Because I said "No" he came up with this idea. Seriously now? 

"I don't even know what to say anymore." I felt my knees went weak. I sat on the floor looking at him. I couldn't take it any longer, I went to him. 

I took a pillow.

"Wait--what are you--" he looked surprised. 

I hit him with the pillow on his head he sat up straight. 

"Ya! wait---what are you---doi-" I finally stopped and huffed looking at him. His hair was disheveled. He looked surprised his face look outraged too. 

"Now I feel better." I said getting off the bed. but I felt two hands grabbing my waist. 

"You know, I never chased after a girl to this extent, everyone has their limits and I think I reached mine." He whispered to me. I looked at him glaringly.

"If you're just looking for someone to entertain you, that's not me." I said getting away from him and I stormed outside his room. 

What is wrong with him?


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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day