Today's The Day.

Surprising Encounters

I woke the next morning at 4am since the scene they're going to film has a scene. And I have to help them by setting un the location. The other staffs that I'm working with gave me a lot of work actually, I arrived at the location at 6am. Everyone was there preparing, And I caught a glimpse of Yoohwan being retouched and his stylist was there, the one on that day.

"Mi An-ssi can you help me with these?" One of the staff called me. I helped him with the leaves and stuffs. This is tiring than  I thought. 

"Oh? You're working here too?" I heard Yoohwan's voice behind me. I turned to face him.

"Ah, Yes. Um about the coffee I am so sorry, can I do anything to make it up for you?" I feel so guilty until now.

"No, it's really fine." he said flashing a reassuring smile at me.

"Yoohwan-ah, let's try rehearsing for a few minutes." I heard a female's voice coming from behind him. I just realized it was new actress that I heard of. She became so popular because of her looks actually after being seen in a CF. I think her name was Kim Mina. She's half french I think or something like that.

"Oh, ok. I have to go. let's have coffee later." He said flashing a cute smile at me. 

Wow, he's so charming. If Yoochun was like this, I would've not been scared or get freaked out by him. Filming went on, Then finally we had our lunch break.

I don't know anyone in particular so I just distanced myself and went to a near cafe, Then I felt someone's hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Yoohwan.

"Looks good, let's go in." He said calmly and gave me a light pat and went in. 

I stood there for a second. Then he poked his head out of the door.

"Are you coming in?" He asked me.

"Oh? oh right." I just remembered his invite awhile ago before filming. I went in slowly, He was already sitting at a table, he gestured me to him and pointed at the seat facing him. I approached the table and sat. 

"So what are you getting? Don't worry I'm paying." he said with a chuckle in the end.

"It's---well I-" I still don't feel this is right, since I still feel bad. 

"If it's about the coffee incident, I'll feel better if you'll start smiling instead of frowning." he jokingly said. 

"Oh--okay." I said smiling.

"Now I feel better, So what are you having?" He asked me pointing at the menu.

"Um...Carbonara" I said it's the first thing I looked at the menu. 

Then the waitress arrived, He told her our orders, and she looked extremely happy. Of course who wouldn't?

I kept on thinking what I should talk about, but just seeing him there looking outside is already ok. But I don't want to feel awkward, and I can't believe he's this friendly than the first time I met him.

"Oh, So I heard from Minho you took up a course different from your work." he shared.

Minho and he, what just happened?

"Oh! right, Minho asked for my phone number that night when we left. He's a good friend." he flashed a smile again.

"Yeah, he is. and yes I did take a  course far from my job." I confessed.

“What was that course then?" he sounded interested than sounding bored.

"Hotel and Restaurant Management. I'm like supposed to work in Hotels,Cruise ships or maybe just having my own restaurant." I said smiling at him.

" wonder you were good at cooking." he sounded amazed and had an 'O' look on his face.

"I'm not that good really..." I said feeling flustered. 

"Ya...don't  be too humble, that was the best home made dinner I had other than my mom's cooking."  he said cheerfully.

We stopped talking for a while,then I saw a woman walking her puppy outside. 

"Aw, how cute." I said under my breath.

"Hm? you like dogs?" He asked me. Looks like he heard me. 

"Hm...Ah yeah, I do. They're just so fluffy and cute and huggable." I gushed happily. well I can't take care of a dog yet.

"You should meet Harang,Namu, and Norae." He said smiling brightly. Oh right I didn't get to see the dogs that time, maybe they were playing somewhere else, well Yoochun has Asthma, What? I was a fangirl before and still AM but I'm matured now.

"I hope to meet them soon then." I said smiling. 

"Well you can after filming, I have some spare time for now." He said smiling more.

"Well, are you sure it's not a bother?" I asked him. 

"No, not at all. At least they'll have a new playmate." he said laughing. I laughed along with him.

Our orders was finally served. We ate our lunch happily and shared some thoughts on things and went back to filming. I felt eyes on me, but what can I do? I can't pretend I don't know him. Then we filmed at a different location and finally we were done.

"Are you ready to go?" I heard Yoohwan asked me putting his hand onto my shoulder.

"Yeah!" I said smiling brightly.

I got in his car and while driving we talked about a lot of things, from friends to people we kind of disliked. It was fun talking with him and he's very funny.

We finally arrived at their house and he brought me where Harang, Namu and Norae is. All three looked jumpy and excited. He approached them and played with them, I stood at a corner a bit afraid just a bit since I'm a stranger to them. The fluffy one approached me. I patted her head and she happily played with me.

"That's Namu." he pointed at another dog.

"Hyung adopted another one last year, he loves dogs even if he has asthma." Yoohwan laughed. 

"Yoohwan-ah are you home?" I recognized that voice and it was Yoochun he approached us at the balcony. 

"Why are you here?" he asked me looking surprised.

"Yoohwan invited me over to meet the dogs." I explained to him looking at him blankly. 

"And Mi An is part of the staff for my drama. and I discovered she likes dogs so I invited her over." Yoohwan explained smiling at Yoochun.

Yoochun joined in and played with the dogs happily.

"So you like dogs?" He asked me while sitting down and playing with Harang, I only know Harang since she's pretty popular with the fans too.

"Yeah, but I can't keep one yet. I hope I can keep one soon. I used to have dogs." I said.

"Really? When?" He asked me.

"When I was a kid when my parents hadn't separated yet, when I lived with my mom it was impossible to keep one." I said smiling so they won't feel awkward, after mentioning my parents are divorced.

"Oh...So your parents divorced too." Yoochun added. I know his parents separated too.

"Yeah, They separated I think when I was ten by that time." I said still smiling.

"Oh. How did you cope up with it?" Yoohwan asked me.

"Well, I learned to be strong at a young age and to mature at a young age too. It was hard the first two months but I got over it eventually." I said laughing.

But both looked saddened. 

"It's really fine actually, at least I had wonderful additional siblings that I adore and love." I said cheerfully.

"Oh really? how many are you now?" Yoochun couldn't help asking.

"Hmm. Fraternal twins from my mom a girl and a boy, My dad a boy. But originally we were only two my brother and I. and now we're five." I said laughing.

"Oh! that's a lot." Yoohwan said smiling.

"Yeah, I'm the eldest so I have to work my off. and my brother after me is has autism so I have to work harder." I can't help but have tears in my eyes when mentioning him. 

"Are you ok?" Yoochun asked me.

"I'm sorry, I just get sensitive when I remember him." I confessed my tears wanted to fall but I held it in.

"You're brother and your siblings are really lucky to have as their elder sister." Yoohwan comforted me with his words.

But the truth is, I have't been a good sister while growing up with my brother who has autism. I would be ashamed of him when I was a kid and I avoided him and yet he still didn't built any ill-feelings towards me. I know my brother knows how much I treated him when we were growing up. I just feel so bad when I remember how I treated him.

"Not really, I used to be very ashamed of him and blamed him for some things." I confessed. 

"Don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing your best now." Yoochun said comfortingly.

"But thinking I could've just showed him love when we were kids instead of resentment." I explained tears finally streamed down my cheeks. Yoochun stood up and comforted me. 

Yoohwan went to the kitchen and brought me a glass of water. Ah! this is so embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, you guys have to listen to that and see me like this." I felt embarrassed.

"'s fine, at least we got to know you better, right hyung?" Yoohwan turned too Yoochun. 

"Yeah." he agreed and after that we got some snacks and played some games.

This day went well I guess don't you think?

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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day