These Two Can't Be Together

Surprising Encounters

[Yoochun's POV]

30 minutes has passed and I felt uncomfortable on the couch, How can she make a sick person like me sleep here. She should've at least switched with me if she really cares for me.Well as she said we're just "Friends". I stood un and took my blanket and went to her as I turned the door knob it wasn't locked so I went  in and slowly laid down beside her, of course I made sure there was distance but this bed is much more comfortable than that couch I put my blanket over me and dozed off.



I moved around on bed and felt something beside me, I don't even own a body pillow. As I was touching whatever was on my bed, Then I felt strands of short hair. I finally took a peak to check what was on my bed. As peaked, I was surprised to see Yoochun's face so close.

"Ya! Get off!!!!" I said kicking him off the bed.

"Ah-ah ow ow stop kicking!!!" He said as he stood up and slipped of the bed and onto the floor. I sat up straight on bed giving him looks.

"What? it was uncomfortable sleeping on the couch, how can you let a sick person sleep uncomfortable?!" He complained while sitting on the floor. His hair was all ruffled, and his face was till puffy and so was his eyes. I reached for my phone and took a picture. I laughed after taking it.

"Ya! did you just took a picture of me?!" He panicked and stood up and had a war with trying to snatch my phone from hand.

"What? I didn't hahaha Ya! Get off!" I said trying to fend him off by kicking him off the bed.

"No way I'm risking that." He said seriously. But I just kept on laughing.

"Oh...Wait! what's that on the side of your lips? is that drool?!" I lied actually. It was to distract him.

"Where?!" he said frantically finally stopping from trying to get my phone. I escaped right away and took my towel and clothes to change in and ran to the bathroom to take a bath. As soon as I got in the bathroom I heard his voice echoed.

"Ya! you lied! there isn't anything on my face!"

I could't help it, We would just waste time by having that kind of war. As soon as I finished taking a bath I changed inside the bathroom too. Since I can't like get out of the bathroom with just my towel on since there's a man in the house. 

As I opened the door,he was there waiting and tapping his left foot impatiently and had his hand stretched towards me with his hand open. So I gave him a high five and passed by him. From his actions it seems like his fever has finally gone now.

"Ya! delete that photo now." He said pleading. I turn to him.

"If you keep on asking me to delete I'm so gonna make it as my wallpaper so stop. I just want it as a remembrance of our cute Yoochunnie." I said laughing and I stuck my tongue out and went to my room. Then I peeked through the door.

"So your fevers gone?" I asked sticking my head out of the door.

"Yeah, So can I come along?" He asked me,he looked so cute with his bedhead. 

"Sure go wash up then." I took an extra towel in the closet and tossed it out to him. He caught it, Then I took some clothes there were Minho's once but I liked it so I asked it from him.

"And here, A sweater for you to change in." I tossed it out again. Yoochun caught it and looked confused but he just turned and walk towards the bathroom. After 20 minutes he was done and he wore the sweater it suited him well. It's too loose for me but I use it when I sleep sometimes,It's comfortable. I was done preparing too.

"Where did you get this?" he asked holding the sweater.

"Oh! that? that's Minho's I begged him for him to give it to me." I said laughing.

"This is HIS...and you wear it?" He asked looking distracted. 

"Yeah, I use it when I sleep sometimes since it's really comfortable." I nodded as I answered. He blinked a few time he looked surprised.

[Yoochun's POV]

She wears this?! and that GUY used to use this. I can't believe she uses a sweater from another guy, even if he's gay a guy is a guy. How close are they? Maybe I'll find out later. 



Then I finally heard someone ringing the doorbell. I went to the door right away after preparing coffee for three since I know Minho always goes an hour early before the said time. 

"Mi An-ah I'm so excited to shop with--" Minho stopped and looked at Yoochun sitting and having coffee at the kitchen counter, he looked at me confused.

"Y-y-you----" He said looking back and forth.

"No! he was sick when he dropped by so I had to make him stay for the night last night. Stop having weird ideas. I know you..."I said looking at Minho.

"Well, you know me better than anyone else in a short period of time. We could even get married you know." Minho said jokingly giving me a wink. 

"hahahah! crazy! well if you weren't you know, I would've fallen for you." I said jokingly. 

Then we turned to see if Yoochun was ok, since we saw him choke on his coffee.

"Are you ok Yoochun-ssi?" Minho asked. Yoochun just raised his hand giving a sigh that he's ok. 

After drinking our coffee we finally went to the mall and went to the Housing section of the department store. Minho and I, As usual were gushing over cute decorations for the apartment.

"Oh!! look look look...isn't it so cute?" I asked excitedly at Minho.

"Omo! that's super cute that would look cute at the kitchen counter!" He gushed too. 

We kept on gushing on cute things, While Yoochun just followed us around looking annoyed and bored.

[Yoochun POV]

Ah...Look at those two, Are they planning on buying the whole place? As I looked at their cart. There were stickers, Flowe pots, lamp, mugs, rugs, aprons, and many more. But wait why are there two aprons? She's living alone. I looked at them again. Are they going to live together? Oh hell no. No. Then as I glance at their direction they were looking at couple sleeper...What's happening? Am I losing to a gay person. And I just remembered what she said. That If he wasn't gay she could've fallen for him.


"Too bad there isn't the same design as this couple slippers in a different color for Minji." I turned to Minho.

"Well, we can take it and find something at least similar to it." Minho suggested smiling. I nodded in response and we took the slippers too.

As I turn to check on Yoochun he looked distracted in his thoughts. Then finally he approached us.

"Mi An-ah look isn't this nice?" Minho held up a cute picture frame.

"Isn't it too bright?" Yoochun spoke for the first time while we were shopping.

"Well a little color won't hurt." Minho suggested.

"I think you have enough of color." Yoochun looked at our cart. As I looked at Minho he looked pissed. He doesn't like it when someone goes against to what he likes at times, and this time he is pissed.

"Well let's ask Mi An." Minho turned to me. I looked at them with wide eyes. I don't like being put in the middle. 

"Well...I think...." I looked at Yoochun looking at me and Minho too. 

"It won't hurt to add it to the apartment." I said smiling awkwardly.

"See?" Minho said to Yoochun and pushed the cart towards the other aisle. 

At least we finished shopping for the decor for the apartment. Finally we arrived at the apartment and was about to start decorating.

Minho and Yoochun I think there's like a war beginning with their eyes. 

I let out a sigh, and looked at them again I never knew these two won't get along. 

"Ok let's start with the stickers." I said smiling and went to the kitchen. 

"Where do you think this tea cup would look nice?" I asked the two of them.

"Here." both said in unison. Yoochun was pointing at the left cupboard and Minho at the opposite. 

"I think here would looked nice." I said pointing at the middle.

"It would look good there too." Minho said smiling.

"By the way, why are you here again?" He asked Yoochun.

"Well I wanted to help." Yoochun answered back. These two always makes the atmosphere tense right now.

"Well the more the merrier right?" I said sounding cheerful. We even started moving the table. 

"I think it would look better if it was here." Minho said. 

"But I think it's better here." Yoochun said moving the table where he said it would look better.

"Fine." Minho said coldly ans went back to the things we bought. And started placing the decors in the kitchen and living room.

"Um..I'm going to buy some snacks." I said to both.

"I'll come with you." both said, then both looked at each other and glared at each other. Can I really leave these two?

"Um...I can go alone don't worry, and decorate without me I trust you guys bye!" I said getting my coat and went out.


[Yoochun's POV]

I can never get along with this guy. I looked at him as he moved the coffee table. and put the flower vase there which had a plant it. Just a simple fern that had a vibrant green color. Is this guy even really gay? I wondered. He doesn't seem like one at all. He doesn't even talk to me at all. 

"Minho-ssi, Why did you decide on shopping with Mi An?" I asked.

"Oh! didn't Mi An tell you we're moving in here me and Minji that is." He said smiling. I hate his smile.

"What? you?" I asked again. I know I heard it right. But no way he's staying here no matter what he's still a man.

"Yeah and Minji." he said again smiling. Mi An must be out of her mind to allow a man to sleep at the same house. He's still a man, what was she thinking? Even if he's gay how sure is she he's gay? I don't really think so. But he does look like it and act like one. I just really don't like him he gets on my nerves.


P.S Yoochun can't do anything since Minho likes and is a fan Changmin and not him. hahahaha :)) And Minho doesn't like sharing Mi An with guys like Yoochun who looks like a playboy :))

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bunnyhunny can you guys check this out we're desperate :))


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 46: Woohoo!!! Really great story ^^
Chapter 46: whooooooa this is great love your story^^
thank youu
Chapter 19: hahaha I can't stop giggling I have to cover my mouth since it's morning alreadyXD
Minho is cute I wish I have a friend like him and yoochun is SOOOOOO DAMN CUTEEEEEE >,<
love your story^^
bunnyhunny #4
Thank you guys ^^ I wish I could've written a better ending :P thank you again :D
kojafan #5
Chapter 46: oooooh that was a really cute ending thank you it's a sweet&lovely fanfic ^_^
nar12345 #6
Chapter 46: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 45:'s the wedding day already :) update soon :D
Chapter 45: woaaahh
the wedding day
nar12345 #9
Chapter 45: whooooooaaaaa..
Long tome no see, hehe
I'll wait for your update,
I want to see their wedding day