Kai (Alghano)

Imagines of EXO

"Nourin, please don't be late today.." Aunty's lips stretched in a thin line as she waved her hand at me.


"I will be home before her flight. I am not a good big sister right?" I felt this all the time. After I moved here with Sami, she always feels the absence of mom. I couldn't make her feel like a home. Tomorrow it's her birthday and she is going to mom and dad.


"Oo my child come here..." Aunty pulled me in a hug.


"I promised her I will bring her the best gift." I wrapped my arms around aunty and closed my eyes.


I was always busy with my work that I didn't make time for her but she needed me. Right now she is sleeping. I left her side without making any sound. She asked to not go to work but as a bad sister I am I need to go out for work and also I didn't buy anything for her. I will surely miss her.


I waved at aunty and came out. I got in my car and started driving to my office. I work in advertising company and in marketing team. As a team head most of the team I need to go to shooting place and unfortunately today I again need to go there.


Last night Sami came to me while I was working on my laptop. She sat besides me.


"Unnie, can you stay home with me tomorrow?" She asked with her beautiful smile. I put my laptop aside and pulled her near.


"I will try to come home early baby." I pinched her baby cheeks.


"It's okay. I know you will try."


I don't know how my little sister is more responsible and understanding than me. She took my phone and was watching her favorite show. I smiled to myself. No wonder she is little, she watches a show with super powers and all.


Last night she fall asleep in my bed watching the show.


My boss called me in his room and he asked me to go to the shooting place. I nodded and left. The moment I came on the ground floor I felt the necessary to go to the washroom but too late. I can go to the washroom of the shooting place so I just took a leave without thinking anything else.


"9 hours to Sami's flight." I mentally smiled. I made a good decision to send her to mom and dad. I hope now I just can be at home in time.


I ran to the washroom the time I got there. They were still setting everything. I sighed in relief as I came out and went to the basin to wash my hand. I heard footsteps but I didn't look up as it's not my business.


My bangs are falling on my face and it's kinda annoying. I turned off the tap and looked up. I could see a man's back in the mirror twisting the doorknob. I shook my head in disbelief.


I fixed my hair and walked to him.


"That's not how you open the door." I tried to open the door but it was locked!!!


"Do you know think I am here kidding?" I my heels to hear the man saying.


He was actually tall, tanned skin more like sun kissed skin. Brown but kinda gold. If we were under the sunlight I could see his jawline shinning cause his jawline is too sharp to be real! But the weird thing is he looks awkwardly familiar to me.


"What?" His eyebrows frowned as he touched his face with his hand.


I ignored him and tried to open the door.


"It's locked!!!" I almost yelled. He crossed his arms and rested them as he leaned against the nearest wall.


He is smiling like a creep.


"Why are you smiling?" I rolled my eyes and THEN I REALIZED I FORGOT MY BAG IN CAR when I tried to search for my phone.


"It's my first time seeing a slow brain like yours. Still I am glad that you realized that we are locked here."


I am right now nothing but mad. Mad at myself, mad at this man here! If we weren't in this situation I would have considered him as hot.


"Ohh come on your brain is no less. Can you call someone and tell them that you are locked?" I snapped.


"I think you don't know me. I am Kai. My every work is done by my people. I don't do anything." He shrugged as if it's a thing to be proud of. I would like to bang his head against the door and break the door but something hit me. His name.


"You are Kai? You are Gongso from the show 'Alghano'?"


He nodded.


"Omg!" I jumped.


"I understand you must be a fan but..." He shyly scratches his neck but before he says more I stopped him.


"No.. My little sister thinks you are cool.." I avoid the eye contact.


I understand my sister has a great choice in men but not in shows.


"I think you never watched any episodes of that?" He asked and I shook my head.


We waited there.. Maybe more than 30 minutes. After a time my body dropped on the floor. I am tried of standing. He followed.


"How come none is coming to help us?" My voice cracked. My throat hurts of yelling. This man here doesn't even try to make a little sound. Arrogant!


He can fool girls at my sister ages with his charm but not me. Men like him are total trash...


I crossed my arms. I looked up when I heard a sound of turning papers. Kai is holding a thin book in his hand.


"Is that the story book of Alghano?" He looked up at me and nodded.


I remembered when the book was published Sami bought one and she was begging to go to the show to have her book signed by Kai. I couldn't make it so I promised her that one day I will make it up for her.


I took off my scarf and Kai gave me a confused look. I handed him the scarf. 


"Fine. My sister is a big fan of yours. She would be really happy to have your autograph and also it's her birthday that's why am doing this."


"You want me to give my sign on this?" I nodded. He chuckled a little.


"I don't have pen."


"Aah wait."


I took out my lipstick from my pocket and he made a disgust look.


"No way. I can't give my precious sign with that."


I rolled my eyes but kept a fake smile on my face. My brain was imagining a scenario where I stuffed the whole lipstick in his mouth and my fake smile became a real. Only imagination makes me satisfied...


Suddenly the light went off.


"What's happening?" Kai asked!


"How am I supposed to know?" I replied.


And just in seconds the light came back but the surrounding has changed. Kai and I exchanged looks.


"We are in shooting place?" He raised an eyebrow.


"Oh so you are the model of our product?" He nodded taking steps in front.


I followed him.


"But this is not the shooting place." He mumbled. He held the story book up and I frowned!




He looked at me!


"We aren't trapped in a washroom! We are trapped in the story book." He yelled.


"How do you get out of here??" I panicked. All I could think was Sami will be at home waiting for me.


"I don't know!!!"


"But you are Gongso! The hero of this show."




Ughh I am losing my mind. I snatched the story book from his hand.


"Do you know the ending?" I asked.


"I guess when Gongso kills the villain." He shrugged.


"And who's the villain? Where is he?"


He shrugged. I wish I could kill him instead of the villain.


"You are annoying!"


I started walking ahead.


"Hey wait! What's your name? Wait!! Red lipstick??"


I turned around and he held his hand in air in defense.


"Nourin. My name is Nourin."


"Got it but we should be together otherwise we will get lost."


I have no other choice. I don't even know what is this show about.


As we walked in a town all the people was eyeing us. In a mili second they jumped on Kai.


"Gongso is back!!!"


I stepped back. These people went wild! They must be so happy to see the hero. Hah typical stories!!


"Nourin.." I looked up and I felt my heart beat getting faster as he flashes a smile.


"She is with me." He said and everyone looked at me. I smiled but they didn't care. Their attention again went on Kai. Ugh so disrespectful! Only that I am not a character of this story they are looking down of me.


Something happened! Kai came near me and grabbed my hand surprisingly. I kept staring at his back like a fool as he dragged me to them.


They were five kids who specially caught my eyes. I guess they are also some important characters.


"They are my friends." Kai whispered into my ears.


I looked down at his hand and he let go of my hand. I got it this story is a kid show so like any other show Gongso is an adult but behaves like a kid. Someday he gets some super power given by an angel in his dreams. And for real after he became a superhero then all the problems started appearing! Like hell where the problems and villains were before that?


My opinion : don't make hero so villain won't appear.. Hah.


"How do we end this?" I asked.


"Who's she?" One of the kid asked.


"Ohh me nothing important. Please carry on."


Kai look at me chuckling. 



"Sorry that for me you are trapped here." All of a sudden Kai said. Boy we are telling me this when we are going to enter the Alghano. This is where the villain is.


"No its fine." IT IS NOT FINE.


"They really need a Gongso. They are in danger. That already took away 20 kids from theirs parents. I guess the reason why am I here is to help them." For the first time I was something different in his eyes.


In one day it's really tough to know a person but in short time he is changing my mind. Whatever I thought of him, he is way far than that. He isn't actually an arrogant. He is sweet.


"The villain is a girl?"


He chuckled at my question..


"You could ask like anything but this!" He chuckled again. "Yes and her name is Pbeerooswoo."


"Wait what Pe bee roo?"


He started laughing and suddenly hold my hand.


"That's a lot of ugly syllabus to pronounce. So leave it. You didn't ask me anything else so I guess you are coming with me?" He asked so gently holding my hand..


"Yaa to go back to where I belong quickly.."


He shook his head in disbelief. We came out of dark halfway. There was three screen in front of us.


"What are these?" I asked and Kai looked up there. I don't know but something pulled my feet and I yelled.




He turned around and started running to save me but no of where the ground parted in two! I was on the other side! I fell down as the force leaves me.


"Nourin you ok?" He yelled. I stood up and nodded.


"Wait there! I am coming."


But he stopped. I went near and saw there was huge distance between the two parted ground. I gulped.


Kai closed his eyes.


"Don't worry. I am going to save you."


"Kai don't!!"


If he fell down then I don't know... I knew him for only a few hours but my heart was hurting like a crazy.


"Choose the one screen if you want to save her.." We both looked around from where exactly the sound was coming. No idea.


"But if you choose the wrong one, you both will die."


He looked at me.


"Can't you use your powers dumb?" I yelled.


"They aren't any effective here in Alghano."


"Wow off." I rolled my eyes. I can't believe this. I thought this won't be so difficult as it's a kid show!!!


The screen enlightens. There was three words on each screen. But I can't read any of that.


"What's this language?" Kai mumbled.


I sighed. We are going to die. Why Kai's character is so dumb.


Without thinking he pressed a button and the gap of two partition lessen..


Finally he jumped and landed just in front of me.


"How did you choose that? What if it was the wrong?"


He smirked.


"Can't be wrong. Don't forget this is a show where I am the hero. Even if I press the wrong button it would turn out right."


"That I didn't think of..."


He ruffled my hair before I could complain he started walking way.


"Nourin! Come fast we need to kill the Pbeerooswoo!"


"Ugh don't take her name in front of me."


And Kai chuckled.


We entered into a dark place.


"Welcome Gongso." We heard a girl laughing. The villains obviously laugh without a reason!


"Where are you?" Kai hold my hand tightly. I bite my own lips as his grip tighten on my hand. 


"Why? Are you scared? Ohh ya how can you kill me if you can't see me?" Again the intolerable laugh..


"Show up you coward!"


"Fine let's make it easy. I will give a hint and I am really kind that's why I will give you five minutes to find me."


We waited for her to continue.


"You find the red you find me."


"I can't even see you how can we find red?" I tiptoed and whispered into Kai's ear. 


"Nourin, do you still have your lipstick with you?" 




"No! ."


"Then we have only one way."


"What's that?" I asked. 


No answer. I felt the time stopped. His hand slide down on my hips and he pulled me closer. He leaned in and his lips softly touched mine. 


"I saw her." Kai mumbled. He still held me near. Does he even care how crazily my heart was throbbing against my chest. 


"Kai..." My hands landed on his chest and I tired to push him. 


"Don't move. She doesn't know yet that I can see her." 


Great. It's who's plan? I mean red has nothing to do with this... 


Kai pulled me in a hug when I heard a loud sound. 


I felt my head so light and his grip loosen. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. That's a beautiful smile. 


"Pbeerooswoo is no more."


"Should I feel sorry about that?" 


He shook his head with a smile and ruffled my hair again! Aaa my heart can't bear it more. 


"Hey this is a kid show! How can you kiss me? Moreover you don't even know if I wanted to kiss you or not!!!" 


"Ohoo calm down. Well it was dark, none saw us kissing. I guess that's not the problem. Are you mad that I pulled out quickly?" He smirked. 


"Hell no.." I pushed him away. It was really awkward. 


"So you didn't want to kiss me?" 


"No it's not like that.." Nourin say yes. You didn't want to.. 


"So you wanted it?" He raised an eyebrow. Before I could answer we got back where we were. 


"Omg we came back." I jumped and hugged him without thinking nothing. 


Again the awkward silence. We parted the hug. He took the lipstick and scarf. He signed it and handed it to me. 


"How old is your sister?" 




"She is really a kid then."


"Haha can't say that. She dreams to marry you.." I bite my lip again and he looked at me. 


"And you?" 


"Hmm what?" 


"Nothing I guess I kissed the wrong sister." He chuckled. 




The door opened and the crew came in. 


"Kai you ok?" They were asking him. I smiled to myself. I guess in real I also don't have an important role. I checked my watch. Two hours to Sami's flight. I shouldn't be late. 


"Aren't you coming?" I looked up and saw Kai waiting. 


"You should go. Everyone is worried for you."


"Come on I am the hero. I don't get hurt. I get worried only." 


"I don't understand what you say!" I came out and he flashed a smile towards me.


"I canceled the shooting. Can I see your sister?" He asked. 


"Wait what?!!!! Say that again."


He started chuckling. He handed me the story book. 


"This one is for you. I will go with you in two condition."


"What are those?" 


"First you will start watching my show."


"You really... Ok fine. The next?" 


"You will change the flavor of your lipstick. Cherries aren't my favorite."


"Ohh god really!!" 


"Honestly I could kiss you longer but the taste of it.." I covered his mouth with my hand. 


"We are going to be late. Shut up."


"Ok. We should date." He mumbled underneath his breathing. That was enough loud for me to hear. Still I acted that I didn't hear and he chuckled. 


"And don't tell Sami about all these things." As if anyone will believe what just happened! But as long as Kai says it Sami will believe in literally everything. 




"My sister. You want to date me? You should know about my family then I guess you will change your mind."


"No chance." He ruffled my hair agaaiiin! 


"Yah don't do that again!"


"Then what about this?" 


Kai leaned in and pecked my lips softly, slowly.. 



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Y'all I can't believe in my own eyes
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Chapter 41: sooooo cute
AkMu00 #2
Chapter 32: Aww suho
Chapter 30: I'm wheezing!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!
Chapter 3: I'm loving this ♥