
Acquisitive (T.O.P x OC)

“You’re late…” How many times has she spoken the words? “You left us waiting…” How many times were her children let down because of his actions? “We needed you…” How many times were their cries unheard by his arrogance, shunned by his work. “Why did you lie? You could have said you wasn’t coming.” Yet those words changed nothing, for he still would lie when she asked, would still state a promise that wasn’t going to come, leaving nothing but disappointment in their wake.

He had changed at first, spending much more time at home and letting his presence be known, and it had only made his disappearance harder to accept when the change had ended. She was sleeping alone on the bed once more, her arm stretching out to wrap around a pillow instead of the person who vowed to be there. Her tears were no longer there, they were dried from the previous nights when she had realized he wouldn’t be home for dinner, when her son would ask for his father.

She was strong, but she wasn’t immortal, and her patience was running beyond thin, every day becoming a double edge sword. Months had passed since she mentioned the word divorce, and as defeated eyes glanced towards the wedding band and engagement ring that sat upon the dresser, she pondered if he would ever notice that she no longer wore them. Today was the celebration of their fifth year of marriage, yet she spent it alone without even so much a text to apologize for his absence.

She felt alone in the world, her only support being the children who smiled brightly at every meal she cooked. The children who constantly kept her mind at work and who constantly demanded her attention, regardless of the situation. She knew she held friends, knew that she could have went to them, but she also knew that doing such would only damage the image of the man she once adored. Why did she care? She didn’t know, but for some reason she still held some form of love for the man who saw her as nothing more than a burden in his life.

“Should I come over? The kids can have a sleep over?” Eun’s text did nothing to sooth the depression that roamed over the happiness, the emptiness that her heart had landed within, barely managing a smile from the exhausted woman.

“That would be great, let’s meet in the morning okay?” She texted back despite how numb her thumbs felt, her eyes still roaming to see if he had called, if he had texted her back. Why did she bother to look when she knew only disappointment was going to welcome her? Perhaps it was because she still held hope that he would change, despite his actions proving her wrong.

~*~ His POV ~*~

“I’m moving…” Abi spoke across the dinner table, bringing concerned eyes in her direction, his chewing stopping as he froze in place, allowing the silence that surrounded them to become extremely unbearable.

“Stop threatening me, I’m growing tired of it” he spat back, focusing his attention towards the food once more. “I can’t stand it anymore…”

“The papers are in your office drawer, the top on the right. I don’t want anything besides custody of our children. We can go to court to settle your visitations” she continued which only annoyed him, his exhaustion starting to bite him from the concert he just held.

“Will you just stop!?” He yelled out, knowing that the words were simple threats to scare him into coming home, but nothing could be helped, considering his schedule was becoming heavier, nearing their last tour as a band. “You know you can’t leave so just give up already. Stop threatening me and just support me for once in your life. If you can’t, I’m glad you’re leaving then. I don’t need more stress on my days off too.”

He watched as she stood herself up from the table, making her way up the large staircase, allowing his frustrated sigh to leave his lips. He knew she was upset with him, knew that she had every right to be, but he couldn’t stand the arguing anymore, couldn’t stand the threats. Soon his career would be over and she would have all of his time, thus he couldn’t comprehend why she couldn’t be more patient. Could she not see how hard he has been working to give his family anything they desired?

Due to him, they could afford anything on a shelf, thanks to him, they lived in a five-bedroom house, and thanks to him, they could eat healthy every day. Yet instead of being thanked and loved when he walked into the house, she was always yelling, always accusing him of not being there. He couldn’t stand it, and his patience was at it’s wits end. He knew that what he spoke was harsh, but being apologetic wasn’t working anymore, and he felt there was no other option.

That night he decided to sleep at the studio, knowing that sleeping at home would only lead to more arguments, more words that weren’t meant. He loved Abi, loved his two kids and would give them everything in his wallet in order to ensure their happiness. He knew that Abigail would forget this fight, would still be home when he arrived there tonight, and as he finished his work in the studio, he knew that he had to make it up to her for yelling like he did.

“Buying flowers? You made her angry again?” Ji-Yong joked as they made their way through the jewelry store. “You should really take some time off to spend with her, she seems to be losing weight these days.”

“I haven’t noticed. Has she really?” Seung felt guilt at the words as he glanced towards his best friend, the sad expression that took his features being the answer he needed without the verbal acceptance.

“Haven’t you seen her lately? She looks really bad man…” Ji-Yong spoke softly as a sigh left his own lips, his eyes falling towards the jewelry that was displayed before them “when I went shopping with her, she dropped things and couldn’t concentrate. I thought you two were fighting or something, but you didn’t mention anything.”

“When did you go shopping with her?” Seung asked, his heart shattering into a million sharp shards, knowing that it was the day that he had chose to go the bar instead of home, and it also meant that he was busted for not being at work.

“Three or four days ago when we got released early. I thought you were going to be home… I’m sorry” Ji-Yong sounded sincere for he knew what he had done, what he had busted, but the thing was, he did nothing wrong. He simply wished to spend time with someone he cared about, which was what Seung should have done.

“She’s leaving me…” Seung whispered softly, the realization of their conversation last night roaming through his mind. “She won’t be home when I get there…” He could feel it in his heart that she was probably gone, that she had moved somewhere he couldn’t find her.

“She wouldn’t do that without talking to you first. You know how strong she is…” Ji-Yong tried to comfort, but all his words did was confirmed what Seung already knew. She wasn’t going to be there, and those papers were really in his desk waiting to be signed.

“I told her to leave…” His world was crashing just as quickly as the flowers hit the floor below him, the shards becoming sharper as they scraped inside his chest, each movement being unbearably painful and overwhelming, the tears doing nothing to sooth the heat that took his skin. “She told me she was leaving, and I told her to leave….”

“…. She could still be”

“She’s gone! My family is gone!” Seung found anger his way to escape, making Ji-Yong flinch from the sudden outburst, his heart mourning for his best friend, not knowing what to say, for anything could be a lie, and everything could be the truth. “I let them leave… I didn’t even fight…”

~*~ 3rd POV ~*~

Ji-Yong could say nothing his eyes turning away from the scene, noting the several people who were beginning to crowd around them. Grabbing Seung, he would begin dragging him out of the public, but his stumbling was making things difficult and only gathering more attention. He felt just as defeated, and his heart felt heavy, but things were only going get worse if they didn’t escape the public, and headlines would only make the situation more difficult.

“You have to keep it together if you want them in your life. You can’t fall apart. The man I know would be determined now, not defeated. Get yourself together!” Ji-Yong yelled, and it caused the frantic male to freeze and nod, obviously gathering his thoughts in a more collected manner.

(I know he's younger in this... but yeah lol. Credit to rightful owner.)

~*~ Seung’s POV ~*~

He didn’t know what to expect as they pulled up in the garage, his eyes searching the house as he always did, anxiety always clouding his thoughts. How many nights did he spend simply watching the house, knowing that the chaos inside was waiting for him? How many nights did he ponder if walking inside was worth the energy, when all that waited for him was arguments and aching accusations. Now? He would give anything to have her waiting for him inside with an argument in hand, anything that would allow him to hear her voice and to see her at home.

“Her cars not here” he voiced after a long moment of silence, it being the first detail he noticed.

“Doesn’t mean anything, let’s go inside” Ji-Yong offered as he stood from the car, opening the door for his friend yet Seung seemed determined in simply sitting there, and it was clear that this was an everyday habit of his. “Hyung, let’s go inside… This is solving nothing.”

“You’re right… Let’s go inside…”

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Chapter 53: I have an overwhelming urge to cry.
Dpink28 #2
Chapter 53: I love this so much
Yoongi1230 #3
Chapter 52: Girl if you don’t get it together and finish this! Your killing me w the cliffhangers
alyssa1238 #4
Chapter 31: I had to stop reading for a second . Get my self together,
Ode2kdrama #5
Chapter 48: Woah, I didn’t see this coming!
Yoongi1230 #6
Chapter 47: WTH hell did I miss???
Chapter 43: Awwwww, finally :')))