Chapter 36 “Losing Them”


Chapter 36 

“Losing Them”


The man couldn’t believe what he saw. It’s nonsense! 

Blood was dripping from the man in front of him; he knew the wound that was made could kill any human in a blink eye. He knew, even underworld creature like him won’t survive long. That man surely had lost his mind! 

“He’s…there…” without another word the wounded man fell on the ground. Meanwhile, the other man got the clue right away, even he’s too shock to move. Changmin forced his limp body to move and he used the stone around him to give the attack first, leaving the Death Reaper’s figure in the flood of blood.

Trees were knocked down, after a few second, a figure could be seen. Without any mercy, Changmin dashed and used the stone and tree to crush the man.

“…Nooooooo!!!” that’s the only word could be heard from the Abel’s mouth, before he was crushed by Min. Without spending any more second, Min went back to Yoochun’s place after he made sure Abel was as good as dead.

“Hyung!!!” Min crawled and brought Yoochun to his embrace. Tears started flooded from the younger man, just like the blood that rained from Yoochun’s wound.

Everything happened so fast. Min was so scared till he didn’t realize what Yoochun was up to. Instead of attacking his prey, Yoochun used his scythe to bleed himself, so that he would get his consciousness back and tell Min where the one that had been controlling him.

“I’m…fine…I…already dead anyway,” bitter smile drew itself on Yoochun’s lips.

“No, hyung, you aren’t dead. I’ll tell Junho hyung to fix you right away after this!” Min sobbed.

“Min…Maybe…It’s time for me to redeem all of it…” Yoochun hoarse voices bleed Min more, he couldn’t think of the possibility that the worst thing would happen. The scythe didn’t design to hurt the body after all; it’s designed to hurt the soul. And if a Death Reaper’s soul was hurt by that kind of scythe, Yoochun…Yoochun, he’d…Min couldn’t bear it!

“No, hyung, you can’t…It’s…Junsu won’t forgive you!” Min reminded.

“Jun…Su…I miss…he’s calling me…Chunnie…” Yoochun could feel he lost control of his body.

“That’s why, that why,” Min was sobbing so hard,” Get up and we’ll kick Walter’s or whatever his name is! Then we can go home…together…just like…old time…”

“Min…” Yoochun could feel his eyelids became heavier,” I think…I’m not going to make it…”

“No! Hyung! You can, just don’t…don’t go!!!” 

“Min…Tell them…I love them very much…I love all of you…very much…” and with that the Death Reaper closed his eyes. Min sobbed and shouted Yoochun’s name as loud as he could.

Strong wind blew as the figure on Min’s embrace started to fade. The grasps no longer felt real, it’s like Yoochun was taken away from him. The process hurt Min so much, how he hated that tears; the tears because he couldn’t do a damn thing. Later on, he could feel nothing on his arm, the wind already took their precious member away.



“Akh…” dried groan escaped the figure’s mouth as blood spilled from the platinum chain that made a deep hole on his chest, right through the heart.

“Nooooooooooooo!!!” the other twin screamed hysterically. Meanwhile, smiles carved on the evil side.


“Hyung…I’m sorry…” little Junsu sobbed as he laid a wet peck on his brother’s forehead. Junho just smiled and told Junsu, he’s going to be fine. But when one of them hurt, both of them felt the pain. They’re twin after all, shared the same soul, the same feeling, and the same curse.

“Just….take me home and I’ll be fine,” Junho whispered. He lost control of his eyes, it was closed. Junsu called hysterically, yet, Junho didn’t open his eyes. He took his brother to their home as he tended the wound; he stopped the bleeding and warped it carefully.

Little one prayed all night that his hyung would be just fine. It’s Junsu’s fault after all that Junho got hurt. He was told to follow his brother; yet, he wondered to a dark alley and met those monsters. His brother made there on time, he rescued Junsu and killed those monsters, yet, Junho was wounded.

The next morning, Junsu woke up on the bed, just exactly where he laid his brother last night. Later on, he found out Junho was making breakfast for both of them, he’s fine as new. Smile carved on Junsu’s face.


“Nooo…” he sobbed, like there’s no tomorrow.

“He damn good to die!” the evil twin’s voice could be heard. They’re laughing like mad girls. No, they’re no longer girls. Black feather decorated the air; half devil wing was attached to each of them, as their eyes turned into pitch black. The cloth was torn apart, just like a worn apart fabric, making it more gothic-styled. Platinum chains were connected to their body; some of it was stained by fresh blood.

“Nooo…Please…Hang in there…!!!” the werewolf was still sobbing. Meanwhile Jung Min saw another horror. The Cerberus rose up; its eyes were as red as blood, carving for blood. Its saliva made their way to the ground. Not like before, this time the monster looked extremely deadly for Jung Min. He must admitted, the stare of the monster itself was killing him.

“No…hyung, please…don’t do this to me!” Junsu cried his lungs. He could feel the blood rained from his brother chest. Junho was breathing so hard, he trembled and struggled to breath. The coldness started to conquer his body.

Everything happened so fast. Just when they thought they had defeated the evil twin, an attack was launched to them. Junsu was the target; yet, Junho made move and covered Junsu. He became the victim instead. 

“Jun…su…” Junho was struggling with his word,” I…I’m sorry…”

“Hyung, why are you apologizing?” Junsu asked as he felt the cold finger of his brother wiped his tears.

“Because…I’m the cause of your pain,” Junho smiled bitterly. He was the one who made Junsu felt the pain of being not normal, of being cursed, of being werewolf. Even now, he made Junsu seeded tears for him, he made Junsu in so much pain.

“No, hyung, I…I,” Junsu sobbed, “ Everything will be fine, I’ll bring hyung home and tomorrow hyung will be as good as new!”

“Su…I…love you…” Junho said hardly as his twin little brother pecked his forehead, just like old times.

“Hyu---“ before Junsu could finish the word, Junho lost control of his eyelids. His limb body laid on the cold cobble-stoned ground, as his palm lost grasp of Junsu’s trembling hands.

“Hyung, open your eyes! HYUNGIIEEEE!!!” Junsu shouted as loud as he could, he could feel part of him was dying.

There’s no longer warmness…

Coldness and loneliness were the only one left…

There’s no longer pulse… 

The last breathing already announced…

Kim Junsu had lost his twin brother, Kim Junho…

They had lost two of their precious one, for eternity…The rest was up to whomever that remained…Whether the evil would conquer the world or they could made it in time, which looked like merely impossible for now…

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Chapter 42: oh my god, yesssss! happy ending, and I love this story too~ IT WAS VERY GREAT. YOU'RE SUCH A TALENTED WRITER! And your edits are great too! Niiiiiiceeee~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 38: hh okay, now I understand.. but still... YOOCHUUUUUN! :[
Chapter 32: WTH YOOCHUN?!.. :O
Chapter 18: lol. Junsu is very cute when he's angry, annoyed and jealous XD
Chapter 5: MY FAV CHAPTER. HAHAHA. poor Yunho. He seems really scared when Jaejoong does that to him. lol.
Chapter 3: lol. poor Yunho XD
Nomnommonster #8
Chapter 1: Lol that was cute of changmin
I loved reading this story. I couldn't put my mobile phone down, lol XD
I was sad for Suie, thinking that he's lost his twin and Chunnie forever, but I really loved the ending ^^ Goodjob
syran-night #10
Chapter 43: Good stuff, good job.