Chapter 33 “Vision”


Chapter 33 


“Ssshhh…” Jae whispered as he saw a Minotaur near the edge of the prison. Both of them walked carefully, like a hunter that wanted to catch his prey, no sound at all. Just a second before the Minotaur turned into their direction; Jae rushed and blew a deadly attack on its neck. Leaving the monster fainted; both of them ran up the stairs, getting out from the prison.

It’s a dark huge room that they saw once they reached the top. Black marble stone designed the floor with the big red maroon curtain; it’s like a huge hall in horror movie. Few antique paintings and vases decorated each edge of the room.

“Where are we?” Yunho asked. He realized something was odd about the room, there’s a smell, something he recognized.

“He’s here…” Jae finally said after the long pause. Yunho carefully looked around, using the new red eyes to light the view. There’s indeed someone there, behind the curtain. He leaked the liquid inside the package into his mouth, drinking it. Few drops went out from the corner of his lips. Yunho finally sure that’s where the scent come from, blood scent.

“I’ve been waiting…Jaejoong,” he put the package away and grinned widely. Yunho could feel sudden change of Jae’s atmosphere. Jae was furious, as his eyes turned into bright crimson moon.

“Let’s end everything today…Walter” Jae finally spoke, leaving Yunho shivered that he would fight a vampire and being a vampire in a fight for the first time in his life.


“Hyung…hyung…” Junsu kept mumbling his brother name. Tears still flooded, but he’s not sobbing anymore; the tears just went down naturally, he just couldn’t stop.

“Where are they?” Junho, who’s still hugging Junsu, asked Jung Min.

“They’ll be here in…about 1 minute…” Jung Min spoke as he put his ears on the ground, analyzing how far the enemy. They’re in a warehouse, hiding. Seeing how bad Junsu was, they decided to pull back and hid there.

“Distract them as long as you can,” Junho spoke to Jung Min, the shape-shifter nodded and went outside the warehouse. No way in earth they’d be fighting if Junsu still in shock like this. Junho looked back at his twin, who’s still tearing up.

“Su, listen…” Junho caressed his brother’s cheek tenderly,” It’s not us, who did those things…” Junsu stared at his twin’s eyes, he mumbled,” We…did…”

“No, Junsu, it really wasn’t us…” Junho tried to persuade.

“I…killed those people hyung…I burnt the city…I’m a monster,” Junsu finally broke again and sobbed.

“Su,” Junho hugged his twin tightly, like he wouldn’t ever let him go.


“Look out!!!” 

Yunho could feel he’s being pushed down as the figure in front of him disappeared. In a blink eye, Walter already a few inches in front of him. His body was dragged right then left, everything happened too fast for the ‘newly-born’ vampire.

“Aaaaaa…” Jae hissed as he felt his arm being hit with a sharp metal. Both of Jae and Yun landed on the ground, but the vampire hit the pillars.

“Jae!” Yunho tried to rush into Jae’s side, but he could sense danger. Walter was aiming at him, without any choice Yunho rolled down and used the stone table as his defense, yet the strong pressure broke it into pieces as a punch landed on Yunho’s stomach.

“Aaaaaa!!!” Yunho shouted in pain as the wall hit him. As he opened his eyes, Walter’s figure already in front of him, ready to hurt him more. No, this’s just wrong! Yunho thought. He couldn’t do a thing even though he’s a vampire now.

“DIEEEEEE!!!” Walter’s voice was the last thing Yunho heard before everything turned plain white; just blank, nothing else.

“Where am I?” Yunho asked himself.

Hahaha, Umma, stop tickling me!

You really a bad boy, Appa and Umma will punish you~

Hahahahahaha, stop~

The voices were well-recognized for Yunho. How he missed their voice. He knew this wasn’t real, yet it’s too real. 

Yunho tried to manage his calmness; he couldn’t be dead, could he? He meant he just attacked by…Wait a minute, what was he’s doing before? Why he couldn’t remember any of it? Attacked? What the---

“No…what’s happening to me?” he felt like his memory being out of him.

Yunho felt his head spinning, something wasn’t right. He couldn’t remember anything. Just now he didn’t know what he was doing; now, he didn’t even know who he was. What’s wrong with him? Why he couldn’t even remember his own name?

What exactly was he?

Suddenly everything turned into pitch black, eternal darkness…

An image of old wooden house came into his mind, it’s in fire. A kid ran out from the house, smiling as Yunho heard screams from inside the house. Bunch of villager tried to kill the fire, yet, nothing could be done. The kid just saw everything from behind the trees, somehow, his smile died out, replaced by tears of fear and guilt of what he had just done. Then the image was gone.

He’s a monster! Kill him!!! An unfamiliar voice echoed. 

Noo! I’m not! I…I--- Somehow, Yunho thought he recognized the voice, it’s a child voice.

What was that? Yunho thought. Then a bright light came and a voice echoed.


A soft tender voice called him, he didn’t know what his name anymore, yet, he felt like called.

Yunnie! Please talk to me!

Yunho blink once and twice, he couldn’t remember whose voice it was. Yet, he knew he must do something. Yunho closed his eyes and tried his best to concentrate in his messy mind. 

He knew it, he remembered again now! Jaejoong! 


Yunho opened his eyes as he saw red liquid flowing from Jae’s forehead. The vampire was hurt badly. He could see Walter’s figure leaning on the wall, breathing heavily. What’s just happening while he lost his consciousness?

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Chapter 42: oh my god, yesssss! happy ending, and I love this story too~ IT WAS VERY GREAT. YOU'RE SUCH A TALENTED WRITER! And your edits are great too! Niiiiiiceeee~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 38: hh okay, now I understand.. but still... YOOCHUUUUUN! :[
Chapter 32: WTH YOOCHUN?!.. :O
Chapter 18: lol. Junsu is very cute when he's angry, annoyed and jealous XD
Chapter 5: MY FAV CHAPTER. HAHAHA. poor Yunho. He seems really scared when Jaejoong does that to him. lol.
Chapter 3: lol. poor Yunho XD
Nomnommonster #8
Chapter 1: Lol that was cute of changmin
I loved reading this story. I couldn't put my mobile phone down, lol XD
I was sad for Suie, thinking that he's lost his twin and Chunnie forever, but I really loved the ending ^^ Goodjob
syran-night #10
Chapter 43: Good stuff, good job.