Chapter 13 “Monster”


Chapter 13 


“Nooo!” Junsu shouted as he woke up from the nightmare. Junho immediately hugged him.

“It’s OK, I’m here…” Junho tried to calm Junsu down, stopping him from crying.

“Hyung, hyung…” Junsu cried.




“Aa.a…aa…” little Junsu could feel the bruise near his back and taste a drip of blood from the corner of his lips. He looked around as he spotted his brother.

“Hyung!!!” Junsu called as he ran into Junho’s direction, but the wound made him fell on the ground again.


Junsu looked again to his brother, Junho stayed at that spot; didn’t move, not responding Junsu’s calling. Instead, Junho’s body was trembling. The monster wasn’t anywhere; it’d gone.


Suddenly, Junho’s figure’s got up, going to Junsu’s direction. Junsu smiled because his brother was fine, or so he thought. Then, Junho bowed down, right in front of Junsu. Junsu thought his brother was going to hug him, so he opened his arm. But, there’s something there…

Junho’s eyes were so cold…

It’s like a crimson moon that staring on Junsu…

Junsu was scared…

That’s when Junho jumped into Junsu, as he tried to bite Junsu’s neck with his new fang. Junsu struggled, calling his brother to stop, but he couldn’t, and he’s too weak. He could feel blood dripping from his neck as he lost his conscious. He’s wrong, the monster was still there, and he’s going to be one.



“Hyung…” Junsu called as Junho wiped his tears and smiled.

“Hmm?” Junho answered as he tenderly caressed Junsu’s cheek, his eyes showed some sadness and guilty,” Are you still…”

“No!” Junsu ensured,” It’s not because I’m afraid of hyung…I love you hyung…It’s just…” Junsu couldn’t finish his sentence, but Junho knew that Junsu was still shocked to meet Kang Dae, the monster.

“Hey…” Yunho’s voice echoed as he entered the room,” Jae made your favourite dish, here…”

Junsu knew already what it was, he’s about to jump to the meat soup, but then, the wound prevented him. The result, Junsu just grinned in pain. Junho helped Junsu as he fed him with the soup. After finished eating, Junsu went back to sleep; he needed rest. Junho knew that Junsu would cure faster than human, maybe next morning, he would be as good as new, but still, it’s hurt to see Junsu like that.

“Thanks…” Junho whispered to Yunho, who’s still there.

“Hey, I didn’t do a thing, I just brought the soup, Jae made it…” Yunho said.

“Thanks for being Junsu’s friend…” Junho said as he looked into Yunho’s eyes,” Creature like us, we don’t usually get a human being’s friend. They intended to clear our existence from this world; which made them our enemy. And Junsu was having a hard time to deal with people…you know, that werewolves…eats human’s meat…”

Yunho just nodded. Now, he could feel double hazard, he never knew that werewolves ate human being’s meat, for god sake!!! He wanted to run at that moment!!! But then, the wish to stay with them was bigger than running. He…loved , just like his own family.

“So…he’s eating…err…just now?” Yunho struggled with his words.

“No, we’re ‘vegetarian’, it’s not like we’re eating vege like a human being. It’s just…we eat animal’s meat, not human’s…” Junho explained,” So…no worries, OK?”

“OK…” Yunho chuckled, “I guess, I’ll leaving now. It’s almost midnight…”



It’s horror for little Junho when he opened his eyes. Junsu’s body was lying next to him as blood covered the floor. He remembered all of it; what he did to his own brother.

“Junsu…Junsu…JUNSU!!!” Junho called as he cried.

No answer. Junho didn’t know what to do, he shook Junsu’s body. But, his brother still didn’t open his eyes. He checked Junsu’s pulse, he’s still living.

Later, he only thing he remembered that he rushed Junsu to the hospital, and then the twins discovered that they’re not human anymore. Junsu was freaked out at first, but thanks to Junho’s patience to take care of his brother, Junsu learned to accept that.

At least, they’re together…

At least, Junsu’s health was better now…

Indeed, after turning into werewolves, Junsu’s weak body wasn’t there anymore, he’s so healthy, just like healthy people. But, he’s still a little weak from other werewolves. They did encounter some others, but they maintained to survive. Later on, they found out who’s the one that turned them, a werewolf named Kang Dae.

Junho swore that he would revenge for Junsu, for the terror that Junsu had experienced, for the tears that had dried, for the pain that both of them would never forgot.



It’s passing midnight. Junho got up from his bed, he laid a sweet kiss on his dongsaeng’s forehead, and made sure the blanket covered him well. Then, he went out from the bedroom.

He’s walking toward his stuff in the living room as he took his weapon. After making sure no one was following him, Junho jumped out from the window, and his revenge started…

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Chapter 42: oh my god, yesssss! happy ending, and I love this story too~ IT WAS VERY GREAT. YOU'RE SUCH A TALENTED WRITER! And your edits are great too! Niiiiiiceeee~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 38: hh okay, now I understand.. but still... YOOCHUUUUUN! :[
Chapter 32: WTH YOOCHUN?!.. :O
Chapter 18: lol. Junsu is very cute when he's angry, annoyed and jealous XD
Chapter 5: MY FAV CHAPTER. HAHAHA. poor Yunho. He seems really scared when Jaejoong does that to him. lol.
Chapter 3: lol. poor Yunho XD
Nomnommonster #8
Chapter 1: Lol that was cute of changmin
I loved reading this story. I couldn't put my mobile phone down, lol XD
I was sad for Suie, thinking that he's lost his twin and Chunnie forever, but I really loved the ending ^^ Goodjob
syran-night #10
Chapter 43: Good stuff, good job.