Chapter 34 “Devide et Impera”


Chapter 34 

“Devide et Impera”


Neither both of the figures moved, one was scared to death. Meanwhile, the other one couldn’t be guessed what was on his mind.

Seeing the opportunity, he kicked his ankle and stood up, running away, even though he couldn’t feel his leg anymore.

“Damn it!!!” Yoochun cursed as he landed his on the rock. It took several seconds before he went chase Min, who’s about few meters in front of him. The mind-reader really needed to do something to stop Yoochun. He lifted one big rock along with sharp tree sticks to attack the one that chased him.

Yoochun jumped up when he saw big stone in front of him, he thought he avoided the attack. He didn’t see the tree sticks. Those harmless things yet could be deadly if Min was the one who controlled it, pierced Yoochun’s left arm and right foot. He fell down, grinning in pain.

“Yoochun hyung!” Min stopped running and called. Out of the sudden, he got an idea. With a grin on his face, Changmin said,” I don’t think Junsu hyung will like what you have done here to me, especially because he trust you entirely…”

Yes, believe it or not. Changmin still thought Yoochun was still being controlled. And if his deduction was right, there’s bunch of people that could stop Yoochun, . Yet, he attacked Changmin who’s one of s. That left Changmin with only one option, Junsu. 

The younger one knew that Junsu meant a lot to Yoochun, because when Yoochun was neglected by the whole world, the human world and the after-death world, Junsu was the one who helped Yoochun and introduced him to the other members. Junsu was like Yoochun’s savior.

“…” the figure froze as he stood up, he muttered hoarsely,”…Jun…Su?”

“Yes, Junsu hyung. I knew he meant a lot to you, hyung. That’s why it’s still not too late to come back. We could defeat them together and then we’ll like the old days…” Min persuaded.

Seeing Yoochun still thinking or drowned in his mind, Min wanted to persuade more. But before he could, the huge blade already made it to his direction. Min jumped back, avoiding it. He’s about to launch a counter attack, but stopped when he realized something.

Yoochun was sweating badly, his face showed some pain, like he’s trying to fight something.

“…Run…from me,” Yoochun uttered before he launched another attack, this time it’s faster that the last one. Min used the trees to protect himself. He knew it! Something was controlling Yoochun all the time.

Using his mind reading mode, Min tried to locate the one that controlled Yoochun. There’s ants, worms, and even birds mind. But where’s the one he looked for?

Damn it! He couldn’t find it. There’re only 2 possibilities. One, the controller was so far away from where they were, but it couldn’t be, since Changmin could sense mind in radius of maximal 5 kilometers. That made it to option two, the one who controlled Chun was like Min…

A psychic…

“Well, well, looks like he’s aware of my presence, yet, he won’t ever find me…” Abel smiled proudly.


“Su…It’s not us…” Junho whispered for the thousand times. He hugged Junsu tightly as he landed a simple peck on Junsu’s forehead. At that very moment, bunch of voice and memory attacked the younger one, but this time it wasn’t hurting him. He felt like…he needed the memory.


“We won’t defeat them,” a man spoke.

“But we don’t have any choice…” second man sighed.

“Then…I’ll distract them. Meanwhile you run,” the first man decided.

“But…you will be killed!!!” 

“If that the price we needed to end this curse…” with that the first man rushed out, leaving the helpless figure there. Later on, the moon shine made it clear, Junsu could see the man’s face, it was Kang Dae, the monster that turned him and his brother. But this Kang Dae looked so different from all they knew, he was desperate and lost, as tears flowing from the corner of his crimson eyes.

“Hyung…” Kang Dae mumbled, before everything turned black and screams could be heard.


“Hyung…what’s…that?” Junsu asked. Junho smiled and whispered,” Part of our memory now, I guess…”

“What does it mean hyung?” Junsu asked as he finally gained his calmness.


“Yoochun hyung!” Min called while he avoided another attack,” Could you sense the one that control you?”

No answer, Yoochun just kept attacking with his scythe, but at nowhere. Min knew Yoochun tried so hard to not hit him.

“Hyung, please answer me if you know it…” Min sounded like he’s begging. The mind-reader indeed had worn out, he breathed heavily, and he’s tired of jumping here and there. Not only physically, but also mentally, searching for the controller.

“…Run…” Yoochun muttered hardly.

“I won’t leave hyung like this!” Min protested 

Min tried to hit Yoochun so that’s the Death Reaper would stop attacking, but he lost his balance and hit the ground. He knew the next attack would hit him surely, except if Yoochun gained his consciousness. 

He held his breath.

He was ready for the pain.


There’s no pain…

He opened his eyes and everything turned red.

Red marks were painting the ground; leaving the mind-reader shocked and blood was already splashed on his face.

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Chapter 42: oh my god, yesssss! happy ending, and I love this story too~ IT WAS VERY GREAT. YOU'RE SUCH A TALENTED WRITER! And your edits are great too! Niiiiiiceeee~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 38: hh okay, now I understand.. but still... YOOCHUUUUUN! :[
Chapter 32: WTH YOOCHUN?!.. :O
Chapter 18: lol. Junsu is very cute when he's angry, annoyed and jealous XD
Chapter 5: MY FAV CHAPTER. HAHAHA. poor Yunho. He seems really scared when Jaejoong does that to him. lol.
Chapter 3: lol. poor Yunho XD
Nomnommonster #8
Chapter 1: Lol that was cute of changmin
I loved reading this story. I couldn't put my mobile phone down, lol XD
I was sad for Suie, thinking that he's lost his twin and Chunnie forever, but I really loved the ending ^^ Goodjob
syran-night #10
Chapter 43: Good stuff, good job.