Wedding!! Part 2

P.L.H vs SNSD *Application Closed* (/|-_-)/|


The guests were still eating when the bridal party arrived.  They said the food amazing and the cake pops were well decorated.  Music randomly started playing and the bridal party entered through the two main doors that lead to the ballroom.


            Moves Like Jagger started playing and the whole bridal party went to the dance floor and started dancing.  Everyone stood up and gathered around to watch them dance and everyone cheered.  After the song ended, and the whole bridal party ended, it was time for the first dance.  I Won’t give Up by Jason Maraz begun playing and the couple started dancing.  The two danced like no one else was in the room, and it was beautiful.  They would whisper sweet things into one another’s ears and giggled at that.  He would twirl her at some moments and people thought it was adorable.  Jin Ae sat in Eun Ji’s lap as she watched her mom and dad dance and would continue to try to go see her mommy.  Jae Sun was in Hye Ri’s lap being entertained by her and Yongguk.  Idols had their phones out videoing the dance and admiring the two lovebirds. 

            Before the dance ended, Jin Ae escaped from Eun Ji’s lap and went on the dance floor to go see her dad.  “Appa!” She said and raised her hands, ordering him to hold her.  Everyone in the room awed at the moment when he picked her up and he gave her a peck on her left cheek, while Hyun Mi pecked her right cheek.  The main courses were then served when the first dance ended.  Hyun Mi wasn’t that hungry, so she decided to go say hello to her family members, his family members, and everyone else who arrived.  Gongchan also joined her, holding Jin Ae the whole time.  Hyun Mi saw that he was getting tired of carrying her, “Oppa, do you want me to hold her?” She asked.  “Yeah, she seems really tired.” He said and she saw that Jin Ae was trying so hard to stay awake.  “Aw come see my little princess.” She said as she held Jin Ae.  Jin Ae yawned and slowly fell asleep.  “Hey, I love you.” Gongchan said and kissed her before she left to go talk to more guests.  “Love you too!” She said and hugged him. 

            The idols would go play or say hi to Jae Sun, or admire Jin Ae.  “She knocked out so fast!” Yuri said as she surprised Hyun Mi.  “Oh hey Yuri! And yeah she so is! She was up since 8 this morning.  I hope you girls are enjoying the reception!” She said as she hugged Yuri.  “Oh yes! This is so pretty! I want my wedding to be like yours! The rest of the girls love it too! But I have no clue where they went, they were all behind me.” Yuri said as she glanced behind her and saw the girls have all wandered off.  The two continued to talk until the DJ announced it was the father daughter last dance.  Yuri offered to hold Jin Ae while she went to go dance with her father.  They danced to some slow song her dad picked out and Gongchan could not stop smiling at his wife.  Then it was the mother son dance, which Gongchan and his mom had something planned.  The slow begun and the two started dancing normally until this happened:

            “OH MY GOODNESS!” Hyun Mi said as she covered from laughing.  She was clearly taken back and was enjoying the whole thing.  “Did you know his mom could move like that?” Hye Ri asked leaning over. “Um no! But she’s so cute!” Hyun Mi replied as she continued to watch the two dance.  The slow song returned and they danced normally again.  He hugged is mom tightly and they walked towards Hyun Mi to hug her.  “Babe, that was great!” She said and kissed him.  Everyone started to go on the dance floor when the fast songs started playing. 20 minutes later, it was time for the groomsmen dance.  They pulled a chair for Hyun Mi to sit in at the front of the dance floor and the groomsmen got into ready position.  She covered with her hands to get ready for what was to come.


            And for Ludacris part, all the rappers that were a groomsmen rapped it.  And then y and I Know it came on and then Call me Maybe


            Once that was done, Jinyoung gave his best mans speech, and then it was time for Kiomos.  “I’m gonna need Hye Ri and Young Sun to help me out here.” Kiomo said and Hyun Mi held her head in her hands.  “Oh dear Jesus.” “You should be saying that my dear.” Kiomo replied and everyone laughed. The three put sunglasses on and Kiomo started rapping:


Little Hyun Mi

So shy and awkward

No one could figure out

What was her password

On the other hand she is nice

And trusting

But don’t worry if she’s a little bit rusty

She can be calm, cool, and collected

But if you mess with her

You will be rejected


Hye Ri’s rap:

She can be sarcastic

Don’’t worry

She isn’t spastic

If you get her annoyed you will be toyed

And if she gets bored she will say


But if you wine and complain

She will deal with your pain

Sad part is she can be insecure and clumsy

Hey! Good part is she is barley grumpy

Young Sun rapping:

You know I don’t rap

But you to laugh

You are our favorite little princess

And always have our interest

Gongchan you better treat her right and nice

If you don’t, your body will be turned into slices

Nothingless you’re the best

And our own treasure chest

Gongchan please remember

You are not just marrying her

You are marrying all twelve of us!

I know it’s a blur~




            The three ended with peace signs in the air and everyone clapped and cheered for the rap.  Hyun Mi hugged the three after calming herself down from laughing.  The rest of the night continued with joyous dancing and laughter.  Then it was FINALLY time to cut the cakes.


Wedding cake:



Gongchan’s cake:


Hyun Mi’s cake:



            After the two did the first cutting together, they fed each other a peace of the cake and Gongchan wiped some icing from his cake and smeared it on her cheek.  “Have you guys seen Lixi?” Jay asked Soo Lin and Crystal.  “Did you check the chocolate fountain dear?” Soo Lin asked and they looked over to see Lixi eating marshmallows covered in chocolate.  “Oh no. He will be on a huge sugar rush tonight!” He said and went to pull Lixi away from the chocolate machine. The girls went off to talk to their boyfriends, Crystal went to talk to Taewoon (of course), Eun Mi went to talk to Minwoo, and Kiomo was walking outside to answer a phone call when she accidently bumped into someone.  “I’m so sorry!” She said as got up and helped the man. “No, no it’s-“ The man was saying until he looked at Kiomo and Kiomo looked at him. “I-it’s fine. Trust me.” He said and smiled.  “Hey, aren’t you Kangho?” Kiomo asked and he nodded.  “And I already know who you are.” He said and she giggled.  “Are you liking the wedding so far?” “Yeah, it’s really fun! She looks amazing.” He said and she nodded.  “As always!” She replied and the two started to talk more deeply throughout the afternoon.  It was already six o’clock and the wedding was still going on.  Hye Ri and Yongguk were no where to be seen after the cake cutting (just don’t ask..), and Hyun Mi was too warn out to dance, so her and Gongchan relaxed a little bit and watched everyone have a nice time. 

            Jin Ae spent time with her Girls Generation aunts and other idols, while Jae Sun was playing with the other little boys that were part of Hyun Mi’s distant families.  The couple then decided to take pictures with the fans who attended and did miniature interviews for all of the networks that were present.  It was almost seven pm and Hyun Mi and Gongchan gave a nice thank you speech to everyone who attended and how they hoped everyone enjoyed the wedding.  Then everyone gathered outside to get ready for the couple to leave and go on their honeymoon, but they were really leaving tomorrow morning.  So everyone had confetti shooters in their hands and shot them when Hyun Mi and Gongchan walked out with the two little children trailing along.  The family got into the limo and everyone waved goodbye to the lovely couple.  The rest of the bridal party and the two families decided to stay and help clean up the place.  Young Sun and Eun Ji would bring their wedding gifts to their house later that night. 

            The couple opened their gifts when Young Sun and Eun Ji finished unloading them.  Hyun Mi got a whole lot of texts from different idols saying the night was amazing and they enjoyed the wedding a lot.  The kids were already sound asleep, tired from the long night.  “Alright Gongchan, your wish is about to come true. You’re gonna have to help me out of this dress.” Hyun Mi said as she attempted to get into the closet.  He laughed and helped her to get out of the dress.  “The dress itself is a puzzle.” He said as Hyun Mi put it on a hanger and she hung it in front of the mirror.  “Now my wish begins.” He said as he picked her up and kissed her.  “Slow down oppa, we are not gonna do it with the kids sound asleep.  Not with you being a powerhouse in bed, and me being a loud mess. We can do it in Hawaii.” She mumbled the last part and he smirked.  “You are very lucky I’m tired.  Because if I wasn’t, we would already be making our first kid.” He replied and jumped onto the bed.  “Well come brush your teeth and maybe we can discuss more.” Hyun Mi said and winked at him after wiping . He quickly brushed his teeth and jumped back into bed with his new and wonderful wife. 



Wedding is now done! It took me a day to write both chapters, be jealous! (be more surprised!)

I'm glad I got this over with because this is a very busy week for me and I'm happy I manage to write this! I have pink eye right now (bleh) and so I have to rest it -.-

I might have another chapter up on saturday, just a small one though.

I hope you guys enjoyed the wedding! Please comment and subscribe! :) 

Also congratz to the new wedded couple :) They made it to one year on March18th! So congratz! 

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cynniiee #1
Chapter 150: im here and there
im everywhere~
Chapter 149: punching the ENTIRE WORLD because today i decided to check up upon this story and was like ???? when i missed another chapter ugh.

i seriously need to clear my subscriptions OTL i keep missing everything :///

and when you mentioned world tour i was suddenly reminded of infinite's ah bbs ;AA; so much songs to perform < 3 and i bet the songs sound wonderful wth the girls singing them c; AHAHA FLAPPY BIRD. my high score is in the 40s. and them talking about their bfs o// wish i had friends like that but life was like NOPE. and they're so nice to their fans ;; and the outfits are all so pretty ;o; wish i had the body to wear them orz. soolin's outfits were all so lovely, i really liked the blue dress < 3 and her swag necklace in the following outfit ha ha ha. and soolin's green hair for army in love..../dies. yes to the dress. and the black dress is really nice as well <3 i like her pink leggings for Do It Like A Dude. and the purple dress afterwards < 3 that's a lot of outfits! o// but they're all really nice c: and so many idols that came to their meet and greet ;o; AND THE LOVEBIRDS.

and for the author's note; maybe you can start a new one? this is letting pretty long with scrolling and you can add in a new layout, etc. but up to you(:

Chapter 149: Love love love this chapter!
Love the clothes, love all the details. Love the cutesy moments at the end.
The tour is starting amazing!
You're doing a great job writing this all out for us to read author-nim!
PLH hwaiting!
cynniiee #4
Chapter 149: wow it was daebak
you did a great job!
i missed you its being a while
well like i always say
author-nim hwaiting
eunmi & kai hwaiting~
P.L.H hwaiting~~~
Oneofakind22 #5
Loved the chapter it was so long and visual as always. The girls put on a great show and outfits are amazing. Happy that all the boyfriends/husbands/fiance's were able to show up which made the girls happy. Can't wait for the rest of the tour Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this chapter:)
Chapter 149: Ohmygoodness this chapter is amazing and all the outfits are amazing as well! Thank you author-nim for writing such a long chapter, it's great. & for the sequel thing, which ever way is easier for you!
Chapter 148: //soolin. okay i am officially going to jump of a boat i swear i bookmarked this to reply to but what is this ;; sorry that you need to keep reminding me to comment, i swear this brain of me just isn't working.

anyway, first of all, the clothes you picked were all really nice, i wish i could wear them but after looking at my body orz. and soolin's nails are really nice...wish i had fingers like that but then again wishful thinking ;;

But Elsa would sleep, eat, or poop so Hyun Mi was fine (lol I guess)
OTL i swear babies are so lucky they don't need to do much (just for that period of time i guess) asdfghjkl. but glad hyunmi's fine ;; and the song lyrics are nice! never heard of the song before (or have i?? time to check) but the lyrics are written nicely c: and glad they got a standing standing ovation, when i did my play at school at the end i swear i felt so happy and motivated asdfghjkl it's these little things that make life easier and happier. and their fans are so sweet, i need friends like that ;; c8

"They honestly changed my friends life, she was close to be done with everything. But once I showed her these girls, they changed her view on life and now she is happier than she has ever been"
asdfghjk this is just so emotional and kpop did really make my friend become happiner in general, i guess, since she now needs to live for comebacks and live streams. o// and glad they're going so well in korea. and hopefully zelo and allie meet each other again soon;;

and again, sorry abut my lack of brain cells and forgetting to comment every now and then;;
Chapter 148: yay congrats to PLH for winning the awards & thank you for the update!
Chapter 148: omg congratz to PLH for winning the awards!

- Soo Yun