Not the plan

My perfect boyfriend~

Kwangmin heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of his old friends. You saw Youngmin walked in with the other people into the busy ballroom. Mr. Ahn looked into the direction of the entrance of people. Then, he spotted someone and started to get worried. *I hope he forgets about the conditions of his deal…* Reporters were too busy interviewing people to notice anything. On the other hand, the girls of other companies squealed over the handsome faces that had just entered the ballroom.

“Omo, he’s cute! Isn’t he No Minwoo from N-enterprise?” one girl giggled.

“N-Enterprise?! You mean, Korea’s- correction, one of the world’s leading investment companies?” the other one gasped.

“That’s Donghyun! Ah! He’s so handsome!” another girl squealed.

“H-Hyuns-seong?! Someone pinch me!... OW!” another girl screamed.

“Jeongmin oppa! Jeongmin oppa! I’m your long lost girlfriend that you had when you were young!” another giggled.

“They’re so handsome!!!” a few of them tried to contain their excitement, the rest of them were fangirling.

Youngmin smirked and waved a little at them. However, their eyes were not at him. *OH SURE! GO AHEAD! FORGET THE HANDSOME BLONDE GUY HERE!* Youngmin grumbled as he walked towards his brother.

“Where’s ____?” Youngmin asked moodily.

“Dancing with Niel,” Kwangmin replied, without looking his brother.

“What? Pabo. Just because you agreed to work WITH him, it doesn’t mean he gets to be with _____ anytime he wants. That’s like taking advantage of the deal,” Youngmin hissed.

“I think that the more I listen to you, the more I’ll turn into a possessive boyfriend,” Kwangmin rolled his eyes.

“You’re getting as dumb as her by the minute,” Youngmin commented.

*Who’s the girl getting top in level all the time and who’s the average student?* Kwangmin rolled his eyes. Kwangmin took a sip of his drink before turning towards your direction to see what you were doing. Then, Kwangmin heard someone called his name. The 4 guys walked towards his direction. Kwangmin’s face lit up and immediately high-fived the guys.

“Long time no see, Kwangmin,” Donghyun said as he smiled at Kwangmin.

Kwangmin smiled and nodded.

“I feel like it’s been ages since we’ve met, you look more mature,” Jeongmin said to Kwangmin.

“I feel like we’re being used though, you only call us when your girl is in trouble?” Minwoo shook his head.

“Speaking of which, where’s the lucky girl?” Hyunseong joked.

Kwangmin pointed to you. You were dancing with Niel on the dance floor.

“Wow, she’s pretty,” Minwoo cooed.

“And she’s mine,” Kwangmin spoke.

“Oh he’s getting jealous already,” Hyunseong laughed.


“So, let me get this straight. Niel is working with you to ask me to cancel my dad’s company’s investment to his dad’s company?” Minwoo spoke finally.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Kwangmin shrugged his shoulder.

“Wouldn’t that mean that his company goes down?” Hyunseong spoke.

“Exactly, so that means he has to give up the arrange marriage,” Kwangmin nodded.

“So, that’s the plan?” Donghyun asked.

“That’s the plan,” Youngmin answered for his brother.

“And, Niel planned this,” Jeongmin spoke.

“Yupp, Niel planned this,” Kwangmin sipped his drink.

“Is he trying to kill himself?” Minwoo asked amusedly.

“Yes, he is,” Youngmin answered.

*Then, again… who wouldn’t kill themselves for _____’s happiness?* Kwangmin thought as he recalled how he would do anything and everything just for her to smile.


“Hello, Mr. Ahn. It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” spoke a relatively aged man.

Mr. Ahn turned around nervously. He smiled and shook his hand.

“Ah, Mr. No. How have you been? How is business in US?” Mr. Ahn spoke.

“Good good, but you see I’ve been told that your son is getting married to the heiress of K. Enterprise,” Mr. No spoke suspiciously.

Mr. Ahn nodded and tried to stay calm.

“Ah yes, that’s true. They are pretty much in love,” Mr. Ahn lied as he pointed to the couple on the dance floor.

“Ah, they make a good pair. However, I’m afraid if the marriage continues, I have to cancel my investment in your company,” Mr. No spoke as he pushed up his glasses.

Mr. Ahn and Mr. No went to the balcony to talk things out. There was obvious disagreement between the both of them.

“Is there any other way you could reconsider your decision, Mr. No?” Mr. Ahn tried speaking rationally.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Ahn but you have gone against the terms and conditions of the deal. I specifically stated that if for my investment in your company to be present, your company mustn’t merge with another,” Mr. No spoke.

“I understand but-” Mr. An tried protesting.

“No buts. I’m sorry Mr. Ahn that we have to meet like this and I’m sorry but I must also depart with such short notice as well,” Mr. No stood up from his seat.

Mr. Ahn watched his invester walk away from him. Then, he sighed. *It’s okay… I still have K. Enterprise to invest in me. Who needs N-Enterprise when you have K. Enterprise?* Mr. Ahn smirked. After Mr. No left, Mr. Ahn went to Niel and patted his back.

“For your information, son, we just lost one of our biggest investors for our company because of this marriage,” Mr. Ahn spoke.

Niel pretended to be surprised and widened his already-big eyes.

“What do we do? Cancel the marriage?” Niel introduced the idea.

“What? That’s nonsense, we continue the marriage. K-Enterprise can probably do a better investment for us,” Mr. Ahn chuckled.

Niel widened his eyes. This time, he was really surprised. *This is not part of the plan…*


COMMENT! :D HEHE! Thanks for the comments though^^ I love them! The story's going to come to an end? Soon? I don't know!!! HAH! :D

Deanny <3

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 53: Haha! I like the ending 10 kids... Sure I am totally fine with that it is so worth the future pain! Jk it must actually really hurt! Lol :P
Chapter 53: This story was amazing! I loved it!
I cried, I squealed with joy, it was wonderful :)
Totally worth staying up till 1 am to finish it xD don't ask...
and Kwanggie, why 10 kids?! :P
khelly #3
This is my second time reading it.It's still OH SO AWESOME.:)
KellyKiller #4
Chapter 24: OMB! Neil is my bias in Teen Top 2 :) great story :)
Chapter 53: Nyannnn. What a great story~♥
Chapter 53: I read this again for the 2nd time. I love it! Thank you for this story :)