One sided love

Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey guys, I'm treating you all good I was posting another update ^^* . The Bold highlighted part was the conversation and thoughts of the characters.  I made it like this so that it would be easy to read, if you have any feedback or comment..please do so..i really loved to hear them...thank you for reading and enjoy <3 M



As they all walk out of the school ground, Himchan sulks even more to the sudden closeness of Yongguk and Jieuna, "tch, what is it with those two? they seem to be friends fast, when it took me a few months to be friends with her," Himchan wonder as he was talking to himself silently. Himchan speed up to caught up with Yongguk and Jieuna and say "Ya! don't you know that im behind your two, so please stop what ever you two are laughing about" Himchan said while pouting. Both Yongguk and Jieuna smiled at Himchan that it caught him suddenly, "ya,ya why are you two smiling at me?" Himchan said, "anio, no reason" Yongguk said, "yah, himchan-shi, can you please hurry up, we don't wanna get scolded by my mother, and you know how she is, right?" Jieuna said to Himchan. Himchan immediately speed up the way he walks even more, as soon that Jieuna mention her omma. It flashed back to Himchans mind what had happened when he and Jieuna went home late one time, her mom is someone you can't lie to, they both tried to lie but in some point got caught. At their last day in middle school, both Himchan and Jieuna decided to go on an adventure in the city, Himchan was unsure at first but since Jieuna insist that they will be home by the time the sun goes down, he agreed , when they are about had enough of the city life, it's already almost midnight. Jieuna's mom called the police that time and she also called Himchan's mom since they are friends, by the time they both got home, as they seen the siren's both Himchan and Jieuna run not knowing what had happened, they both just know that something urgent is happening at Jieuna's house. Jieuna's mom saw them running , her eyes shoot lazer at them as soon that they both approched the house, "Ya! where have you two been? Don't you know that there are people here, who are worried sick about you two?" Jieuna's mom said to them as she scolded them for being inresponsible, "mianhe, omma, it's all my fault, i asked Himchan-shi to go with me to the city" Jieuna explain, "WHAT? you two went to the city, huh! omo, this kid, you are giving me a heartattack" her mom said as she continue scolding Jieuna, "Jieuna, dear from now on you are not going to leave this house, do you understand?" her mom said, Jieuna try to reason's with her mom but instead she went inside their house sulking. She then face Himchan who was already feeling bad for Jieuna, "Himchan-shi, dear go home, your mom is waiting for you" she said to him, he bowed and went running home. Himchan shake his head as he remember those days, Jieuna noticed as Himchan was shaking his head, "Ya, Himchan-shi, are you ok?" she asked that he caught himself, Yongguk was also looking at him like he has two head or something, "ye-yah, I'm ok, oh, we are home already?" Himchan said, he didn't notice that all those times of walking, they reach Jieuna's house. They all said their goodbye as they all went to their separete ways.

That night, Himchan couldn't find himself falling asleep, the image of Jieuna and Yongguk sudden closeness bother him terribly. He was tossing and turning from one side to the other, until he decided to get up and look outside his window. His window was closed to Jieuna's room, he can see if she was awake or not, the night where she was screaming due to a nightmare, Himchan heard that, all of it, even the part where zelo was running towards her room. He see all of it, the kind of brother zelo was to her and jongup too, but that didn't keep him away from having a one sided love for her. Even that Jieuna only thought of him as a friend and nothing else, even that he tried multiple times to asked her out, his loved for her never change. Until Yongguk cames around, aish, what is it with that guy that i don't have? I'm Himchan, Kim Himchan, the most good looking in school, every girl in our class was going head over heels for me....except for her...ahhhh, naega michingeoya..he thought as he grab his hair. The light on Jieuna's room was dim, Himchan smiled as he see's her shadow behind her curtain, like a ballerina in the dark, she was dancing gracefully in Himchan's eye, until suddenly BANG! there it goes again, that loud noise from the other night. Some of the neighbor light up their lights up upon hearing the loud noise, people are starting to get out of their houses, wanting to know what that loud noise was causing it, and then suddenly in Yongguk's house a flashed of light emerged, then followed by a shadow of a person that somewhat hitting another person. People that are out of the street saw the shadow that was coming from the new neighbor's house, Himchan suddenly heard Jieuna's voice, he thought he was hallucinating, he shake his head to see that she was indeed calling his name. Jieuna was waving at him and pointing at Yongguk's house, since he know's that Jieuna was the type of girl that like's adventure, even if it's dangerous or not, he immediately knew that she wanted to check what was going on in Yongguk's house, before the cops get there. Himchan rolled his eyes and thought, aish, here we go again.... he then change his clothing and immediately went downstairs, as he was going down the stairs he then saw his mom looking at the window in their living room awaken also by the loud noise. His mom saw him all dress up in streets clothing, as she was trying to stop him, "dear, where are you going in the middle of the night? Didn't you hear that loud noise? Don't go out there, juseyo" his mom beg. Himchan smiled at his mom and say "omma, i'm just going to Jieuna's house, it's only next door, don't worry" he said and walk out of the door. Like a quiet mice in the night, both Himchan and Jieuna went to Yongguk's house, after meeting her outside her house. "Ya, Jieuna-shi, are you sure we are not gonna get in trouble for this..this is trespassing on someone's property" Himchan said to her, Jieuna look at Himchan and "wae? are you scared? chicken!" as she . Himchan hated it when Jieuna for being scared but that was the only way that he felt closed to her.

As they both reached Yongguk's house, Jieuna immediately peek thru the window where the flashed of light came from, but to her dissapointment, she didn't see anything but a pitch dark room. Himchan on the other hand was scared for her but he didn't let her see that, then suddenly he heard a noise coming from the side of the house, he look at Jieuna who was still peeking thru the window. Himchan find his own courage and headed to the side of the house where the noise was coming from, Jieuna saw Himchan moving, she smiled as she followed him. Yes! finally, are being brave..she thought, she then hold to the side of Himchan's shirt, as she was holding in, something did caught on her shirt. Jieuna was about to scream when suddenly Himchan cover with his hand and put his index finger in his mouth, as he whisper to her , "shhhh, they might hear us, juseyo, Jieuna, what ever happened, do not scream" he beg. Jieuna agreed to what Himchan asked him to do, as they continue moving towards the noise, Jieuna was so proud of Himchan to find bravery that she hold tightly on Himchan's shirt. As they reached the side of the house, they both peeked into the window where there was light on, their eyes widen to what they saw, all those loud noise in the middle of night was caused by Yongguk. He has all these equipment, a guitar hanging into the wall, a set of drum next to his bed, and a turntables on his desk with some disco light hanging on his ceiling. It seems that Yongguk was working on something, Jieuna thought as she was impressed on what this boy can do, but Himchan on the other hand wasn't please,he was more annoyed that he went to see all that and find out that Yongguk was making all those loud noise that the whole neighborhood was shaken. Himchan immediately turn himself around that made Jieuna let out a squeak, when Himchan accidentally step on her hand on the ground. Himchan immediately covers and both look up to see if Yongguk heard it, and little they know that Yongguk indeed heard it as he got up from his chair and look outside his window. Yongguk twitch his shoulder when he didn't see anything or anyone outside his window, both look as the shadow disappear, as they got up and try to peek once more in the window, a pair of eyes was looking at them, Jieuna coudn't help herself as she let out a loud scream upon seeing Yongguk. Yongguk was standing in front of them as he was shooting lazers with his eyes and his arms are crossed saying "What are you guys doing at my house".

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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon