Fading Pictures

Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey guys....i'm back...did you guys miss me?? LOL i doubt it..not...keke...well, anyways, here's an update....I tried to put it up yesterday but i got lazy...LOL..so anyways...hope you all enjoy this one...till then..enjoy reading!! ^^ <3 M 





Himchan closed his eyes upon seeing Yongguk kissed Jieuna, they didn't know that he was watching them from the moment Jieuna came out of her house to meet Yongguk.  Hiding in the dark alley, Himchan could not take the sight, he wanted to kill Yongguk right then and there but the time is not right.  He doesn't have a plan on how to break the two apart,  he immediately leaved the scene while Yongguk and Jieuna's lips was still attached to each other.    Yongguk suddenly break free from kissing Jieuna, he heard something behind the dark alley but he just doesn't know who or what it was, staring at the dark corner, Yongguk sense someone presence behind it.  Himchan stop when he suddenly step on something that made a loud noise, enough for Yongguk to hear, he shake his head in annoyance, he then turn around and seen Yongguk looking at his way.  Jieuna's eyes was still shut closed as she takes a moment to remember the lips that stole her inner soul.   Yongguk takes his eyes away from the dark corner where Himchan was and take his gaze towards Jieuna who was still mesmerized by him.  Yongguk smiled at Jieuna, as she open her eyes,  her eyes got big upon seeing Yongguk staring at her lovingly.   Jieuna doesn' t know what to do, she can't handle the way Yongguk was staring at her, like a beast that wanted to eat her alived kind of feeling.  Himchan saw the way Yongguk look at her, he gets more annoyed at how Yongguk was acting, he know's that Yongguk felt his presence.  Immediately he left the scene without looking back,  Yongguk smile widen as soon that he felt Himchan's annoyance towards him.  Jieuna could not understand the expression on Yongguk's face, she wonder if that was the effect Yongguk had felt for her.  
Jieuna: What is it,Yongguk-shi?  Do i have something in my face???
Yongguk: (giggling towards Jieuna) Ani....I was just admiring the person that's infront of me...Jieuna, have I told you that you are beautiful....
Jieuna shake her head that made Yongguk smile even wider at her, that his gummy was showing.  Jieuna never seen Yongguk this happy before and she know the reason why, it's because she was next to him. Seeing Yongguk smiled like that makes her happy as well.  Yongguk suddenly lean towards her, she doesn't know what to expect from that sudden moved but Jieuna felt another kissed is about to happened.  Little did she know, Yongguk suddenly kissed her forehead that it got caught her by surprised.  Yongguk noticed it, he giggled at Jieuna's face expressions.
Yongguk:  What? you think that imma kissed you again....no,no...baby... 
Yongguk teased Jieuna that it made her pout, Yongguk find it amusing as he seen Jieuna's pout.  Then suddenly without her knowing, Yongguk kissed her. Jieuna eyes widen with the sudden kissed  that Yongguk planted on her lips, she then put her arms around him as she closed her eyes.
Meanwhile, Himchan went back to his hiding place, annoyed at Yongguk. He keep punching the wall that a hole was made.  His anger grew stronger towards Yongguk, he was walking back and forth as he think of a plan on how to take Jieuna away from him.  The place was an abandon building not to far from their school, no student was dare enough to get in it or even near it.  There was a story that a ghost lived there and it scare alot of people once it gets inside, but Himchan didn't believed that, he thinks that people only saying those myth to childen.  It's been days that Himchan has been in that abandone building and not a single thing happened.  As he think of a plan, he took a piece of paper and a pen from his backpack, he moved one of the chair and table next to a wall and he sit on it, he was quietly writing his next moved when suddenly he heard something.   The noise was sound like someone was walking towards to where he was, Himchan quitely moved out sitting and lean to a wall, the footstep was getting louder and louder.  Himchan took a bat that was leaning next to his backpack, that he took from school when he went to see Jieuna unexpectedly. As the footstep reach closer to where Himchan was standing, he immediately swing the bat but stop in mid air as he seen who it was.
Jongup: Hyung!!! it's me...Jongup-shi....
Jongup:  I saw you the other day hyung....so, i followed you...Himchan-hyung....why are you hiding?? did you do something bad???
Himchan let out a sigh, Jongup didn't have a clue that Himchan was wanted by the authority, to what he did to Jieuna and Yongguk.  Jongup was the least person to know what was going on,  Himchan felt sorry for Jongup for being clueless about everything.   Himchan went back to the table as he continue writing it down the plan to take Jieuna away from Yongguk.  Jongup just look at Himchan as he went to the near table and start writing down something on a piece of paper.  Jongup got curious, he walk towards where Himchan was but Himchan immediately take the paper away and hide it from Jongup.
Jongup: Himchan-hyung....what was that for??? what have you been doing hiding in here???
Himchan: It's nothing, jongup-ssi... (shaking his head towards Jongup)
Himchan was getting annoyed at the curiosity of Jongup, he does not like the way Jongup was asking him questions. He need to get rid of him as quicky as possible, or his plan might get ruined by Jongup knowing. Himchan think of a plan to let Jongup out of his hiding, he look at him.  Jongup look at Himchan , waiting for what his hyung would tell him as he look around his surroundings.
Jongup's thought:  What is he doing here?? why is hiding?? am I missing something??? ahhh, himchan-hyung is not a bad man...thru all the years that i known him...he was the best hyung to me...even tho...the other kids in school are bulling me...he was the one that stick to me...like a mother that i never knew or had...he care's about me...and i care about him...but something about him now that i don't understand....did he do something that i don't know about??? ahhh, i will find out soon...
Himchan saw the expression on Jongup's face that he was in deep thinking, he got scared, he look around the room for something but to his disappointment he seen nothing but the bat that he was holding earlier. He take the bat in secret, Jongup was busy looking around the room that he didn't see Himchan take the bat, and as Himchan was about to hit Jongup in the head with the bat, something came over him that he didn't continue to killed him on the spot. Himchan concience takes over his whole mind and heart, he then realized that Jongup is not the one that is making him crazy, but Yongguk.  He then put the bat down and place it to where he took it, he then walk towards the curious Jongup and place his hand into his shoulder.  Jongup flinche to the sudden contact, afraid that Himchan might do something not good to him, but to his surprised, Himchan just hug him as he say some words in his ears.
Himchan: Jongup-ssi, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to be like this...I think it's better if you don't came back here...forget that i even exist...coz when the time comes you will hate me....I'm not the same hyung that you knew....forgive me jongup-ssi...but you must promise me that you will never come back here and look for me...promise me...
Jongup didn't know what to say, it was all sudden that Himchan told him words like that, Jongup clash on Himchan hug.  He look at him with such confusion, looking for answer but he see's nothing on Himchan's eyes. Himchan's expression is unreadable that it make it difficult for Jongup to understand.
Jongup: Himchan-hyung....i don't understand...please let me understand....what do you mean that you are not the same hyung i knew?? Hyung...you are the only one that care's about me...you are like a real brother to me...i can't just let it go like that...you gotta let me understand...and maybe...maybe i can help you...hyung....
Himchan: (shaking his head towards Jongup) no, Jongup-ssi...you must not come back here....you are like a real brother to me too...but...but things are different now...you don't know what i'd been thru or what i have done...it's too hard to explain it to you..and i hope that you will understand that i was doing this...so that you won't get involved to what i was about to do....promise me...jongup-ssi...forget me...forget that you have a hyung...but i will always be a brother to you no matter what...im sorry if you don't understand what i was trying to say...but but...i thing it's time for you to leave this place....soon you will understand what i was trying to say....mianhe Jongup-ssi...jeongmal mianhe...
Himchan then leave the even more confused Jongup, as he run further away from him.  Jongup followed Himchan but he was too fast to hide,  Jongup got scared since it was an old building, he then suddenly remember the myth that the old people are telling him when he was little.  He tried to call Himcan's name but there is nothing but an echo, Himchan was leaning on a wall, he can see Jongup calling for him but he stay quiet, not making any sudden moved for Jongup to know that he was just near him.  Jongup then gave up looking for Himchan, he decided not to look back as he leaved the place, Himcham then let out a loud sigh upon seeing Jongup leaved. Tears where suddenly fall into his eyes, hurt by the fact that he pushed away the only brother he cares about. Jongup got home with his head looking down, he passed by his mom who was busy packing for another business trip. Jongup could'nt careless anymore, he then went to his room.  He then sit on his bed where a picture of him and Himchan was, all smiles. As he was looking at the picture, tears was falling into his eyes, he clash his fist and throw the frame into the floor.  Jongup look at the frame, heartbroken and like a fading picture in a picture frame, he tried to erased Himchan from his memory, the only brother that he knew. 
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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon