
Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey guys!! sorry for updating it late...life got into me in a daily...lol anyways, here's an update..enjoy  <3 M


                                                                               <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3



Yongguk open his eyes as he gain conciousness, but something is odd, he can't move.  He look around to see where he was,  it was dark, only the light that was shining on him was the only light.  He tried to clash his arm but it was tied up, he then realized that he was tied up on a chair.   Then suddenly he heard a laugh, a laugh that was so evil, but he wasn't afraid as he spoke to see who was there, who was behind those lights. 
Yongguk: Whose there??? what do you want from me?? let me outta here?? 
Then out of the blue, behind the dark corner of the room, a human shadow appeared but it didn't get near Yongguk as it keeps stare at him.  Yongguk tried to see who was behind the dark corner of the room, but he can't see nothing, the light was blinding him.  
Yongguk: Whose there?? show yourself??? I'm not afraid at you?? 
He tried once again to clash himself out of the binding rope that was tieding the chair, he moved constantly as he tried to freed himself, but with a little luck, a part of the chair broke down as he fell into the floor.  Himchan watch Yongguk as he tried to freed himself from being tied down.  He was laughing hysterically deep inside while his eyes is full of anger.  Yongguk gave in while he was breathing drastically out of breath from trying to freed himself out of being tied down.  Then suddenly Himchan spoked that Yongguk immediately knew who was behind all this.
Himchan: You think you are better than me? huh?  what do you have that i don't? why Jieuna like you so much? 
Yongguk: (trying to see Himchan's face behind the dark)  i knew you where behind all this...what do you want from me?? why are you doing this?? Himchan-sshi.....
Himchan's face became more vaulgar, he then kick the light down as it fell on the floor.  The light suddenly not focusing on Yongguk's face anymore and he could see a little of Himchan's face.  Yongguk tried to talk to him, as he buy some time, the rope that was tied on him was almost lose. 
Yongguk: Himchan-sshi...listen to me...don't do this...don't make Jieuna suffer...You know that she loved you...don't do this...jebal...
Himchan: Tsk! tsk! do you think that i would listen to you??? you're my rival to everything that has to do with her...Love?  HUH!  she doesn't loved me....she only loves you...don't you know that she talk about you all the time....and I hate every minute of it....all I want is to have a little bit of that loved...not being her friend but as someone who will always with her.....
Himchan turn his back off Yongguk as he was about to get something inside his backpack, and there he pull out a gun.  Yongguk break free from being tied, as soon that Himchan face him again.  Yongguk  punch him in his face hard,  Himchan then drop the gun that he was holding, Yongguk then punch Himchan in in his stomach that he came flying into the wall, Himchan got up and dodge on Yongguk, as he punch Yongguk stomach.   Blood flew out of his mouth, as Yongguk punches Himchan in his face once again.  Without mercy, Yongguk took the chair that he got tied up with and hit Himchan with it.  Himchan tried to get up, even that he was already weak from punches, Yongguk then took the opportunity to kick Himchan repeatedly that made him not able to moved anymore, Yongguk then turn around and pick up the gun that was on the floor.  And before he leaved, he look at Himchan one last time and put the gun next to Himchan's face as he treaten him. 
Yongguk: You don't deserved her then..Himchan-sshi...being her friend...you don't deserved her....let me tell you something you already know....once that i see you around her again...this is not just what you getting...I might end to kill you...
Himchan just stare at Yongguk as he was laying weakly on the floor, with blood all over his face and his hand on his stomach.  As soon that Yongguk was out of Himchan's sight, he then scream loudly like a mad man, that was followed by him sobbing loudly.  Himchan felt the pain even more as it stab him repeatedly.    The news spread like wild fire around their neighborhood, Himchan's mom was ashamed of what her son did, not knowing what to do, she then decided to tell himchan the truth about his father before it's too late.   Young Jae and Deahyun rushed to the hospital as soon that they heard what happenend to Jieuna.  It showed on Deahyun's face how worried he was with his friend, Young Jae was the same.  As they got into the hospital, Deahyun suddenly hug Jieuna, Young Jae was shocked to see Deahyun acting like that.   
Deahyun:  Jieuna-sshi...oh thank god you are safe... (rushing to hug Jieuna)
Jieuna: Dea-hyunnie.... i'm alright.. (hugging Deahyun back) 
Zelo: Ya! becareful....she's not well yet... (worried about Jieuna's wounds) 
Jieuna: Don't listen to him...i'm fine...promise.... (still hugging deahyun as she stick her tounge out for Zelo)
Zelo did the same to her as he rolled his eyes, he then got up and left the three friends alone.  Jieuna suddenly noticed Zelo getting up, she was wondering where he might be going, she also wonder why Yongguk wasn't there.  Jieuna let go of hugging Deahyun as he did the same, he then sit next to her, as she asked them question that they don't know the answer to it.
Jieuna:  Deahyunnie....Young Jea-ah...have you seen Yongguk-sshi??? since the day that i got injured, i haven't seen his face...do you guys know where he is?? 
Young Jae and Deahyun just look at each other, unsure of what to say. They don't want their friend to stressed out over a boy whose not in sight.  As soon that Deahyun was about to say something, Zelo got back as he interrupted their conversation.
Zelo:  Noona,  Yongguk-hyung was here the other day, but he hasn't showed up yet like he said...ahhh, where is Jongup-ah....i need to say something to him..
Jieuna: ahh, is that so....tell Jongup what?
Zelo suddenly got caught off guard by his noona, he doesn't wanna tell her that he saw Himchan showed up at the hospital bleeding and that he was in the emergency room.   As he was about to leave and ignore his noona's curiosity, Jongup suddenly showed up, Zelo immediately take Jongup's arm and drag him out of the room.  Deahyun, Young Jae and  Jieuna just look at Zelo as he was going out the door with Jongup.   As soon that they both out of everyone's sight, Zelo let out a sigh and place both his hand in his head, Jongup look at Zelo confused on what was going on.
Jongup: Zelo-ya...what's wrong, dude?  Why do you look troubled?
Zelo: Jongup-ya, you are not gonna believe who i saw today....
Jongup: Who? Yongguk-hyung? where is he? did he came by already??
Zelo: Anio, I haven't seen his face....but why are you interested to see Yongguk-hyung?..anyways, Himchan-hyung was here...i saw him earlier, bleeding....
Jongup face suddenly sadden down as soon that he heard that Yongguk didn't even show up yet. But something deep inside him woke up when Zelo curiosly asked him about Yongguk.   Their conversation got interrupted when suddenly, they heard loud noises coming their way.  There they both saw Himchan's mom raging as she hurried up to avoid any reporters that was waiting at the hospital lobby.  As soon that she see's the reporter she immediately run at Jongup and Zelo's direction as well as the reporter's that was following her like a bee.
Reporter1: Mrs. kim...Mrs. kim...why do you think your son did it???
Reporter2: Mrs. kim..Mrs. kim....what make your son stab Jieuna Choi??
Jongup and Zelo could not avoid the raging reporter from going after Himchan's mom. The talk of the town became more serious as the day goes by, Jieuna fall asleep with Deahyun and Young Jae in the room with her.  While Jongup and Zelo was still outside her hospital room guarding just in case they saw Himchan, Yongguk got home but was got caught by his uncle.  He was disappointed at Yongguk for not following his order to visit Jieuna the next day, and to that his uncle decided to take Yongguk to a place where everything started.  A little town in Incheon where he was born, the truth about his whole being is about to be revealed. 


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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon