Don't wanna lose you now (pt.2)

Tattoo in my heart
Yongguk sat at the sofa as soon that he heard that the letter was from Himchan.  Suddenly his strenght vanished, he hated himself for not protectecting  Jieuna, for not being there in time.  He put his palms together and cup his face with it, Jongup felt sorry for Yongguk.  He let out a sigh and walk towards the hurtfull Yongguk. Jongup sit next to him and place his hand on Yongguk's shoulder.
Jongup :Yongguk- hyung...are you ok?  Don't worry...I'm sure we will find a way to save Jieuna noona from that jerk Himchan-hyung....ahhh, I should have known....
Yongguk immediately turn his head to Jongup upon hearing what he just have said.  Jongup noticed Yongguk staring at him deeply, trying to read what's on his mind.
Yongguk: What do you should have known??? know something that we don't know?? Did you perhaps, see Himchan before this happened??? tell me....did you? 
Jongup gulp as he look at Yongguk with an angry eye towards him, he doesn't know if he should tell or not that he did saw Himchan before Jieuna went missing, before they found out that Himchan took her away. Zelo over heard the commotion between the two, he got annoyed at them for interrupting his concentration on his game, he stare's at them with curiosity, wanting to know what Jongup and Yongguk was talking about.   Then suddenly his phone ring, Zelo took it out of his pocket and seen that Young Jae has been calling him, there were 4 missed call from Young Jae.  Then immediately he remembers that he needed to call Young Jae and Deahyun to let them know what had happened to his noona.  Yongguk still starring at Jongup as he was waiting for an answer, Jongup then take his eyes away from Yongguk as he think of a way to say what he needed to say. 
Yongguk: Jongup -ssi....
Jongup stare at the ground, with his eyes wondering, scared at Yongguk for saying the wrong thing. Afraid that Yongguk might misunderstand his intentions.
Jongup: N-ne-neh, Yongguk-hyung....
Yongguk: Tell me the truth...are you or are you not, part of Himchan's plan? 
Jongup: Hyung, believe me...I have nothing to do with Jieuna-noona's dissapearance...I don't even know what Himchan-hyung was planning, or why he did this...I gotta believe me....juseyo.
Yongguk thought for a second, as he put his right hand on his lower chin next to his lips.  Then he realized that Jongup might come off innocent but he is not lying, Jongup have the tendency to not lie.  As he was in deep thinking, suddenly deep within inside his soul, something is awaken, Yongguk closed his eyes tightly. He know's what is happening to him, it happened in the beginning, when his uncle was telling him about his father, on what his father was.  He clash his hand into a fist, trying to control the beast that is trying to woke up deep in his soul. Jongup slowly look at Yongguk, his eyes got worried as he seen Yongguk turning pale. Zelo who was on the phone with Young Jae immediately look at Jongup and Yongguk's direction,  irritated as he is, Zelo didn't moved from his position.
Jongup: Hyung....Yongguk-hyung...are you ok?? do you need to go to the hospital???
Yongguk: A-ani, Jongup-ssi...this is nothing...I- I just need to get out of here...
Jongup look at Yongguk confused, as Yongguk stand up and headed for the front door.  Zelo see Yongguk leaved the room and out of their house, he left a smirk and shake his head.  Mrs. Choi who was quietly sitiing by the kitchen immedately got up and followed Yongguk, as she tried to stop him from leaving, but she was too late as she went out her house, there was no Yongguk to be seen.  Mrs.Choi twitch her head left and right, hoping to get a glimpse of Yongguk but there are no sign of him anywhere.  Yongguk was leaning on the side of the Choi's house, hiding from Mrs Choi, he waited until she went inside.  As soon that it was clear, no sight of any human contact, Yongguk immediately moved from the Choi's house to his uncle's house, only his uncle can help him to not unleash the beast inside  him.  Young Jae and Deahyun decided to go to the Choi's to make sure that everyone was alright. As they were getting nearer their destination in Daehyun's car, they both saw Yongguk leaving the Choi's residence.  They both wonder why Yongguk was pale as a ghost,  Yongguk saw a light that was heading his way, he look at it.  Little did Yongguk know that his eyes is a bit red, hungry for something.  Deahyun stop his car, Yongguk still looking at the light that was shining on him.  Both Daehyun and Young Jae stayed inside the car as they both look at Yongguk. 
Deahyun: Oh! it's Yongguk-hyung, but what is he doing??
Young Jae: i don't know deahyunnie...but something is not right with him..he look's like he was looking for something...ahh, i just don't like this feeling...
Young Jae touch the corner of his chest as he clench to it, Deahyun's focused was on Yongguk until suddenly in a blink of an eye, Yongguk is gone.  Deahyun jumps in his seat surprised of Yongguk sudden disappearance.
Deahyun: Oh what the??? where did he go?? Young Jae-ah...did you see where he go??
Young Jae shake his head, even him didn't see where Yongguk went.  Deahyun then park the car next to the Choi's residence and immediately went out the car.  Afraid that Yongguk might suddenly appeared like a ghost in the night, with their constant knocking on the door, Zelo got up annoyed at the noise. As soon that he open's the door, both boys rushed in and closed the door with Zelo standing behind them, he got confused upon seeing Young Jae and Deahyun's face.
Zelo: Hyung's, are you two alright? you look like you both saw a ghost or something....
Zelo left out a smirk that it make them a bit irritated, Jongup laugh at them while still sitting in the sofa.  He bowed as soon that his hyung's saw him, but couldn't stop smiling everytime he remember's Zelo's remark on them.  Young Jae then went towards him and give him a proper greeting as he put his arms around Jongup's head.
Young Jae: What?? you think it's funny huh...
Jongup: ah-ah..hyung....apa...apa....mianhe..hyung....ok...
Young Jae: (laughing at Jongup) aye...mianhe? ani...
Young Jae was about to do it again but Deahyun stop him.
Deahyun: aye! gumanhe, Young Jae-ah...guman...
Young Jae didn't continue teasing Jongup as he was fixing his hair, Zelo then gave Deahyun the letter that Yongguk saw, the letter that Himchan sent Jieuna, they all gather to think of another reason why Himchan sent the letter to her.  They all sat down in the sofa with a serious face, Deahyun rubs his lips as he was thinking.  Young Jae and Jongup sat together waiting for Deahyun to say something, Zelo sat next to Deahyun, also waiting for him to say something.   Meanwhile, Yongguk wonder around in the dark corner of his uncle house, looking at the spot where he first kissed Jieuna, that memory never faded in his brain.  Then suddenly his sense of smell became stronger, the scent of Jieuna suddenly came to him, he then followed the smell, until he reached a dark building next to their school.  Yongguk suddenly remember what Jongup said to him, that Himchan was hiding in a abandone building next to their school.  Yongguk blood boils upon remembering Himchan's wrong doing towards him and Jieuna.  With his strong sense of smell, he smells a very familiar scent, a scent that he long's for, Jieuna's blood was more appetizing to him than before.  He must have Jieuna, he must save her from Himchan. The beast inside Yongguk was more powerfull than him, he could not resist the smell of Jieuna as he was getting neared the building.  Then suddenly, he stop as he heard a voice not far from where he was standing, a voice that is so familiar his blood boils in anger.  Himchan didn't know that Yongguk was just a few steps away from where he and Jieuna was, Jieuna is still unconscious, she hit her head really hard that a slight blood was coming out of it but not tragic.   Himchan stare's at Jieuna with a gun in his hand, like a hungry wolf that wanted to eat her whole.  She was tied up sitting down in a chair, the sight is pleasing to Himchan but in an eye of a human being, its unpleasant to see. The dress that she was wearing was a  torn from her legs, and arm.  She struggled hard to fight over Himchan but ended up losing.  Himchan his lips as he keep staring Jieuna, from her lips to her neck to her legs.  But that suddenly broke off by a sudden noise, Himchan turn around to see where the noise was coming from, he then held the gun tightly in his hand but he didn't see anyone, he then turn around and went back to where Jieuna was, but suddenly out of nowhere a voice broke in.
Yongguk: Long time no see, Himchan-ssi....I see that you are still going after Jieuna...
Himchan stop on his tracks upon hearing Yongguk's voice, he smiled.  Then he turn around to face Yongguk.
Himchan: Ah...Yongguk-ssi....i have been waiting for you....ah, know...I'm not gonna stop going after are the reason why she won't go with me...but now you must die...Yongguk-ssi...
Himchan place his hand in his back, with the gun in both hand as he hold it tightly.  The beast in Yongguk's was strong enough to sense something but merely it was just Jieuna's smell, since her scent is so strong towards him.  Yongguk step up into formation as he was getting ready to attack his opponent. Himchan did the same, he let one hand lose as he face Yongguk, Himchan smirk at him, without him knowing that a gun was behind Himchan.  Jieuna suddenly gain conciousness, her eyes was a bit blurry but as it cleared, she then noticed that Himchan and Yongguk was about to fight each other.  She wanted to scream but her voice suddenly could not come out of her, Jieuna witness something that she will never forget as she was looking with scared eyes towards the two men fighting over her.  Himchan went towards Yongguk as fast as he could with his fist in the air but it missed Yongguk as he dodge towards it,  Himchan's anger grew louder as he attack Yongguk one more time.  Yongguk caught up Himchan's fist and punch him in his stomach, Himchan yelp in the pain he felt, Yongguk took a clear blow in Himchan's pretty face.  Himchan fell into the ground, Yongguk went after him but suddenly stop when suddenly he saw a gun on Himchan's hand as he pulls it out behind him. Jieuna's eyes widen as she saw Himchan pointing a gun towards Yongguk, she shake her head repeatedly. 
Jieuna:(as she mumbles the words unsoundly) NO,NO,NO...HIMCHAN...NO...YONGGUK....
Tears fell in Jieuna's eyes, her heart was in pain as she seen the gun in Himchan's hand pointing at Yongguk. The one thing that she was most scared of, losing Yongguk, then she saw Himchan walking towards her as he was still pointing the gun on Yongguk.
Himchan: Go want your beloved Jieuna don't you...well, you have to get thru me first before you can claim her...
Yongguk look at Jieuna, who was already crying in fear of losing him, Himchan reach where she was and start pointing the gun towards her.  Yongguk eye's widen when he see's Himchan started to point the gun on her head. He tried to talk to Himchan, as he was placing his hand in the air to stop Himchan.
Yongguk:  Himchannie....don't do this...let Jieuna go...this is not her battle this is ours...please...don't do it...just let her go..huh? 
Himchan: (laughing evil) hah! let her go...what you think of me...I'm stupid?? no,no,no...she is too precious to me to let it go...i rather keep her for myself...but on the other hand are a pest in all my plans...for that...i must kill you....
Yongguk look at Jieuna and then to Himchan, he was then calculating a way to get Jieuna out of Himchan's gasp.  He then moved slowly, Himchan still pointing the gun on Jieuna as he seen Yongguk moved a step away from where he was standing. 
Himchan: don't you dare make another moved Yongguk-ssi...or I will fire the gun on Jieuna, i won't let you have more move and she's dead. 
Jieuna's tears flow endlessly on her cheecks, she was scared that Himchan might pull the trigger on her, but as she look at Yongguk who was more worried than herself, she then realized that dying to save him is far more meaningfull.  Yongguk thought of a way to distract Himchan so that he can save Jieuna from him, but as the clock was ticking so is the beast inside him.  Yongguk could not control his thirst this time, Jieuna's blood when she's feared are much more appetizing than before. Yongguk tried to control himself for turning into something that Jieuna will hate, but the pain is not bearable as he kneel on the ground with his hand on his head.  Himchan's eyes widen, he could not know what is going on with Yongguk right infront of him.  He point the gun at him while he hold on to Jieuna, then suddenly Yongguk's eyes suddenly turn red, as he unleash the hunger inside him.  Yongguk look at Himchan then at Jieuna, but his gaze suddenly stop at her, Jieuna saw the beast that Yongguk don't want her to know.  But she can see in his eye's that this is not what he wanted, that Yongguk wanted to lived a normal life.  Himchan shakes while pointing the gun at Yongguk, he was more scared for his life than the pain he felt. Yongguk made a moved, he look at them like a meal ready to be served, then suddenly the night echo as the gun fired up in the air. 
A/N: Hey guys thanks for sticking to read this fanfic...and welcome to all new readers and subcribers...hope you guys like this chapter, even tho at times it felt boring to you...please bear with me a little longer till this reach it's ending..till then enjoy! <3 M
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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon