
Tattoo in my heart

A/N: hey guys...I have about only a week until im out of town...so just you all know that I won't be updating till then...will update you on that  ^^ but now...here's an update and to my new subcriber's <3 thank you and i love you guys, keep up with the comments.<3333 M



Jieuna's eyes widen as she saw Himchan,  her eye's could not believed that he was right infront of them.  She then moved one step closer to where Deahyun and Young Jae was.  Deahyun could not take his eyes away from Himchan and so is Young Jae.  They all thought that he was dead or something, since they don't see him since the incident with Jieuna, but now that he was infont of them, they believed that he came back for a reason.   Deahyun take up all his couraged and went infront of Jieuna, Himcham smirk upon seeing Deahyun's bold moved.
Himchan: Tsk! Tsk! Deahyunnnie.....do you think that will stop me? no matter what you do...I will get her...
Jieuna eyes was more shocked upon hearing Himchan's word toward Deahyun, she became scared on what might he do to her.  But Deahyun didn't blink when Himchan say those words, Young Jae look back and forth on Himchan and Deahyun.  He too then went up infront as he block Deahyun while he was covering Jieuna from Himchan.  Himchan became amused at her friend's couraged to protect her.
Himchan: Young Jae-ah.....tsk! tsk! that won't do either....
Jieuna's heart beat faster as her fear towards Himchan became more stronger, she never seen Himchan like this, so evil and full of anger in his heart. Then suddenly Deahyun broke down his silence as he speak towards Himchan. 
Deahyun: Himchan-hyung...ah ani...i don't have a hyung like you...you are not Himchan-hyung...he wouldn't do something like this with Jieuna...
Himchan: (smirking) that's true....the old Himchan would not scared Jieuna-ssi...instead he will loved her..like a family...I have news for you Deahyunnie....that Himchan is dead....you hear me? 
Deahyun: Yeah, that Hyung will not hurt our friend....what did you do to him?? what do you want from Jieuna?
Himchan: (still smirking) simple...i just want her...but  with you two blocking her...i don't think today is the day for that.... (laughing) tell Yongguk...if you ever saw him..that I'm back..and i'm getting what's really mine from the beginning...
Deahyun could not say anymore words as Himchan left the scene, he then turn around to face Jieuna. Deahyun saw the look on her face, she was scared, shaking for that matter, while Young Jae was still standing infront of him as he look at Himchan until he was out of their sight.
Deahyun: Jieuna-ssi...are you ok? i promised, I won't let anything happened to you...that jerk will never lay a single finger on you...even if it kills me...
Young Jae then turn around to see Deahyun hugging Jieuna, he smiled upon hearing Deahyun's words toward Jieuna. He then place his hand on Jieuna's shoulder as he speak. 
Young Jae: We will protect you even if it kills us..Jieuna....ah! seriously...what is wrong with him? I never seen him like this??? 
Young Jae shivers as he thought of an ugly image of Himchan in his head, Jieuna face the two boys with a smile on her face even tho its timid.
Jieuna: Deahyunnie, Young Jae-ah....Gomawo, I don't know what i would do if you two aren't here...i don't know what to do if Himchan found me alone...I probably be captured right now...
Deahyun: Friend's stick together..Jieuna-ssi...no matter where you go..we will always behind you 100% ....you are like our sister...and there is nothing can change that...
Young Jae: (joking to ease the serious environment) unless....you date one of us...
Jieuna smile wide upon hearing Young Jae's awkward joke while she shake her head, Deahyun stare at Young Jae, shocking to hear what he just said.
Deahyun: YA! 
Young Jae: (laughing at deahyun's reaction) nah, that won't happened...you know i only have eyes for you Deahyunnie...my love....
Immediately Jieuna forget the fear she was feeling when Himchan showed up, it was suddenly filled with laughter and smiles as she watch Deahyun and Young Jae going after at each other.  Later that day, as the bell rang, class just ended, Jieuna look at Yongguk's desk one more time.  Deahyun and Young Jae look at her with pity in their hearts, Jieuna saw her friends looking at her, she reply them with a smile.
Jieuna: i'm ok...i swear...i just want to make sure I'm not hallucinating again...promise..
Both boys smile back at her as they nodded in agreement,  they pack their stuff as they all leaved the class. Zelo was waiting in the school gate when they reach the school gate, he waved at them, they all waved back to Zelo.  With the smile on Zelo's face, Jiuena stop and face her friends as she beg Deahyun and Young Jae not to say a word to him about Himchan.
Jieuna: wait...Deahyunnie, Young Jae-ah...promise me you are not going to say a word about what happened today with Zelo, you know how he gets when he hears Himchan's name...this is just between us three....juseyo, promise me?
Both boys nodded, Jieuna smiled as she breath easily, Zelo then got curious as to why they stop as they are about to leaved the school ground.  
Zelo's thought: huh? why did they stop and what are they taking about??? did something happened today?? nah, there are guards in this school...there is no way any one can pass them...ah, maybe noona will tell me later...
As they all leaving, Zelo could not contempt himself not to know what they were talking about earlier. Zelo asked his hyungs but Deahyun and Young Jae keep their word, as eveyone got into  Deahyun's car  without any word said.  Deahyun started the car and droved to leaved the school ground, as the car was passing the guard's, Jieuna saw someone behind as it watch the car leaving the school, then she immediately remember Himchan showing up infront of them.  Suddenly the fear that she was feeling came back as her heart beat faster than a machine. She jump when suddenly her phone vibrate, Zelo look at his sister, wondering what was happening to her.  But as soon that he saw her taking her phone out, he then brushed it off as he went back playing his phone games.  Jieuna answer the call without looking who it was.
Jieuna: Yoboseyo?
Jieuna listen to who might be on the other side but there was nothing, she took the phone off her ear and look at the screen, but all it says was "private", she got curious. 
Jieuna: Yoboseyo? nugu-seyo?? yoboseyo???
Jieuna was getting frustrated at the caller and when she was about to hang up on it, suddenly a voice spoke on the other line.  Jieuna gasp air upon hearing the voice, deep in her heart she know who it was. The  deep voice that she missed and the scent of him suddenly dig a big hole in her heart.  


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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon