Falling for you (final chapter)

Tattoo in my heart
They all got into the school auditorium a little early but there are already some students setting up the DJ booth as they all got in. Zelo, Jongup, Deahyun and Young Jae walk behind Jieuna.  They all droved in Deahyun's car with a little bit of a argument on the way, they all couldn't decided on where to sit once they reach the destination.  Jieuna's eye widen as she seen the place with lantern hanging on the ceiling, there where also a booth for taking picture, suddenly she felt sadden as she realized that she didn't come with a partner.  Zelo notice the sudden sadness of his noona, he then tap her back.
Zelo: Don't worry noona, i will be your since we all get here together anyways, don't worry about Jongup, I'm sure he will be alright.
Jieuna: (She then smile at Zelo with his supportivedness toward his noona) Gomawo, Junhong-ya. I don't know what I would do without you...aigoo, ariwa...popo.
Zelo immediately run away from his noona as soon that she started to pucker up her lips to give him a kissed. Deahyun laugh at the closeness of the two, while Young Jae shake his head with their sillyness.  Jongup just look at them admiring the two sibling going at it at each other.  Zelo run behind Jongup when Jieuna almost caught him, but their fun suddenly stop when a sudden person appear, looking at them with such disagrement.  Then suddenly out of nowhere by the DJ booth, the song "Warrior" suddenly came up that it made everyone look at the person, standing behind the closed door.  Yongguk walk in wearing all black from head to toe, everyone buzz  as they look at him walking towards Jieuna.  Zelo walk infront of her as soon that Yongguk reach them, Zelo put his left arm infront of Jieuna.  Yongguk smirk at the maknea's sudden moved, Deahyun also went infront of Jieuna that it was followed by Young Jae and Jongup.
Zelo: If your planning to get near her, you have to get to me first....
Deahyun: and me....
Young Jae: and me...
Jongup:and me....i guessed....(look at all of them to make sure nobody was moving)
Jieuna could not believed that her friends will go and protect her from Yongguk, but something deep within her is trying to break that mold and do the opposite. Yongguk just shake his head, he knew that Jieuna's friend will never give up to protect her from him.  As the sun was setting down, the place was getting alived with more students that are now dancing around them.  Without them moving,  Jongup could not control himself as he started to dance by himself, to ease up the tense that is surrounding them.  Jieuna look at Zelo with a serious face as he look at Yongguk, she then look at Yongguk who also have a serious face.  She knew she needed to do something to break the intense  glare both men are giving at each other. 
Jieuna: Ah! it's starting....Deahyunnie...Young Jea-ah....kaja...let's dance...
As she pull both Young Jae and Deahyun away from Zelo's side as he was still staring at Yongguk.  Yongguk noticed Jieuna as she pulled both men away from them, Deahyun was surprised on Jieuna's sudden action. But that didn't stop her from pulling them both away, now that Deahyun and Young Jae are facing her, their eyes are looking at her with question.  As to why she did what she did, Jieuna immediately understood even without words from both boys.
Jieuna: Ok, ok...i'll tell you both why i pulled you two out of there.....well.....
Jieuna try to find an excused to tell about her reasoning, but Young Jae didn't wait for her to speak as he leaved  Deahyun and her together.  Deahyun look at Young Jae with much shocked, then he look back at Jieuna whose still looking for a reason to tell. Jieuna couldn't say anything as Deahyun stares at her, she let out a smile instead.  Then suddenly they both saw Yongguk and Zelo talking at each other.
Yongguk:  Zelo-ya, I don't know what i do for you to hate me like that....if this is regarding about your sister...Don't worry...I won't hurt her...promise...I loved her more than she knows...
Zelo: (smiking at what Yongguk said to him) What? Yongguk-hyung....don't get me wrong...but i don't think you deserved noona...as long that I'm around...I won't let anything happen to my only noona...she is my family...yeah....let's say that you won't hurt her..but hyung..you did hurt her...so many times...what keeps you from holding on to her???Love??? tsk!! you don't know what you are saying....
Yongguk noticed Jieuna and Deahyun both looking at them, with such curiosity on what the talk between him and Zelo was.  Jieuna felt Yongguk's presence next to her, as he was looking at Jieuna's direction, just like a telephaty that she can read his mind but could not understand what he meant.  But that got interrupted when suddenly Young Jae came back, Deahyun first notice him and then Jieuna. Jieuna hit Young Jae in his arm playfully as he tried to cover her eyes.  Yongguk smile at the sight of her with her friends, then he look at Zelo, who is now seeing his sister smiling as Young Jae was teasing her.
Yongguk: Just seeing her smile, makes my heart flutter...this is why I love your noona...Zelo-ya....she makes me feel like there is no tomorrow...with her everything is normal in me...i can breath and lived like the rest....now, do you still think that I don't know what I'm saying???
Then suddenly Zelo see what he never seen before in Yongguk, he then realized how sincere Yongguk was toward his noona.  Zelo let out a big smile upon realizing what intention Yongguk has with Jiuena. 
Zelo: Fine...you can date my sister...but promise me you are not going to hurt her...if you do..I'll go and find you..Yongguk-hyung...
Yongguk: Gomawo, Zelo-ya...you can count on me..i will not going to hurt your noona...
Yongguk smiled big with his gummy showing upon hearing Zelo, approving his undying loved towards Jieuna. Like an idiot , he didn't noticed that Jieuna was looking at them. She wonder why Yongguk smiling, perhaps her brother said something funny or their both getting closer as a dongsaeng and hyung.  She smile secretly, Young Jae suddenly stop teasing, as he seen her smiled out of nowhere.  Young Jae was about to start teasing her again when suddenly, the music stop and one of their teacher went up into the stage, as it annouced that it's time for the student to show their last project for the school year. Young Jae then realized that it must been time for them to show what they have been preparing.  Deahyun moved a bit closer to Jieuna, he lean over to her and whisper.
Deahyun: Jieuna-ssi...are you ready to get sweep away by two guys??? 
Jieuna: Huh??What???
Jieuna doesn't know what to do, she suddenly got confused as to what Deahyun was saying, then suddenly it came to her as soon that Young Jae gived her the signal and an eye to hurry up.  It was their turn to do what they have been preparing, the lights got dim and then suddenly the music went on.  With Deahyun and Young Jae on each side of her, they sing a ballad titled 'The girl is mine' that it was famously sing by Micheal Jackson and Paul McCarthney in the 1980's, with her dancing gracefully. Out of nowhere, Zelo suddenly shout to give his noona some encouragement that it got followed by Yongguk.
Zelo: Noona...Fighting!!! 
Yongguk: Jagiya...Fighting!!!
Jieuna almost lost her balance as soon that she heard Yongguk voice, Jongup noticed that nobody was cheering for Deahyun and Young Jae, without a doubt he cheered for his hyung.
Jongup: Young Jae-hyung....Deahyun-hyung...Fighting!!!
Zelo laugh secretly, he find Jongup amusing at times, he then put his right arm around his cousin.  After their performance, everyone cheered as they all applaused. The rest of the student went after them, then the teacher went up again to announced that all is left is for them to enjoy the rest of the night.  All the student cheered as the music came back to, Jongup and Zelo started dancing with the rest of their class.  Deahyun and Young Jae joined as well, Jieuna suddenly felt a bit awkward, as she seen Yongguk looking at her.  She then excused herself to her friends as she went to freshen up, but little did she know that Yongguk followed her. At first she thought that it was someone she does'nt know but as she turn around to hit the person, Yongguk caught her arm and suddenly she hit a wall with Yongguk infront of her. Face to face, they both breathing heavy, then suddenly without any wordly said, Yongguk lean over with his heart raising faster than he could gulp.  Jieuna's eyes widen as she seen Yongguk getting closer and closer towards her, she wanted to stop him but deep inside her, she know she missed Yongguk.  Their lips met slowly and steady, like a teenager that kissed for the first time, both closed their eyes as they feel each other's presence.  Yongguk let go of Jieuna's arm that it falls gracefully in his hair to his neck, and his arm hugging Jieuna as they both passionately kissed.  Yongguk then place his forehead towards Jieuna as they both smiled at each other. 
Yongguk: Sweet as ever, jagiya....you don't know how much i missed you...
Jieuna: Me too...You don't know how much i have missed you...
Jieuna could not help herself as she smile widely to Yongguk that it made him kissed her once more.  Then suddenly Yongguk's face became serious as he look at Jieuna closely, with such loving eyes and a sincere heart.
YongguK: Jieuna....can I asked you something??
Jieuna:Hmm, what is it, Oppa? 
Yongguk: You know that I'm not what I am....but why aren't you running away from me? are you not scared that I might have to bite you??
Jieuna widen her eye, but then it became softer as she smiled at him and caress his beautiful face.
Jiuena: Yes, I do know that you are not who you seem you are.....but that doesn't stop me from loving who you trully are inside, oppa....scared? tsk! Little kids get scared even more but not me...because in my heart I know that you are not a bad person, you are the same Yongguk-ssi i met when you first moved in, in our neighborhood...it just that things get complicated when you and Himchan....
Yongguk suddenly stop Jieuna as soon that she mention Himchan.
Yongguk: Shh, let's not talk about him....let just put the past behind and start all over again...just you and me...
Jieuna: (smiling towards Yongguk) Ne, I like that...Oppa
They both smiled at each other as they give another kissed to end the night.   
-the end-
A/N:  There you have it, everyone. The last chapter of this fanfic...Hope you all like it...let me know what you all think...and maybe just maybe i will surprised you... ~_^ till then...enjoy! <3 M
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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon