A kiss in the dark

Tattoo in my heart
Jieuna closed her eyes upon hearing Yongguk on the other line, she doesn't know what to say or do, with her friends and brother in the car with her. 
Yongguk:  It's been a while...Jieuna-ssi...Yoboseyo?? Yoboseyo???
Jieuna kept her eyes closed as she hang up on Yongguk shocked by his voice, Zelo suddenly look at her, Jieuna didn't realized that she was holding on to her brother tightly that made Zelo scream a little. Jieuna then open her eyes and see that she was holding on to her brother's arm tightly, she then let go, but the way she grab him leaved a bit of her mark.
Zelo: ahh, noona...appa-yo..
Jieuna:  oh shhh....Zelo-ya...mianhanda...jeongmal..mian...i didn't realized that i was grabbing into you...so sorry...are you ok?? forgive noona...
 Zelo look at his sister with a displeasing look, then he just shake his head towards her. Jieuna saw the look on his face that immediately she bribe him on something he can't resist. But Zelo's stubborness didn't budged on her, she pouted that Zelo just giggled at her in secrets. 
Jieuna: Zelo-ya...what does noona have to do?? huh?? ah, do you want to go to amusement park?? noona will take you there...how about it?
Zelo: Aish, noona...you know that i like to go there....aish..hmp!...no thanks...i'll just go with my friends....
Jieuna: Hmp! you don't wanna go with me but you will go with your friends??? what kind of a brother you are...
They finally reach home, Jieuna hurried up to get out of the car, Deahyun and Young Jae just look at her confused, then they both look at Zelo that he just twich his shoulder and thank them, before he went inside the house, Zelo turn around and waved at Young Jae and Deahyun.  Jieuna look at them by her bedroom window, that Deahyun immediately look up unexpectedly and smiled at her, she smiled back at him and waved goodbye.  Jieuna lay down in her bed, thinking about the call she just received, she didn't tell Zelo that it was Yongguk who called her a while ago, she kept it a sercet even to her friends.  While she was in her own world, a sudden knock on her door interrupted her and take her back to presents. Jieuna take her pillow as she burried her face in it, trying to ignore the knock on her door.  Annoyed that she is, she got up and went to open the door, thinking that it was Zelo, but to her surprised, her mom emerged behind her door. 
Mrs. Choi: Jieuna...what is that noise all about??? did you fight with your brother again??
Jieuna: a-ani, omma...it's not like that...you know he can be...i just had a rough day at school today...mianhe...omma...
Mrs. Choi let out a sigh and then smiled at her. 
Mrs. Choi: it's alright my dear...hurried up and change...dinner will be served in 5 minutes..
Jieuna nod to her mom, Mrs. Choi then left Jieuna and closed her door.  Then suddenly a feeling of alone came rushing beneath Jieuna's skin. After they had dinner, Jieuna was back again to her own world as she lay down in her bed, thinking about the call. 
Jieuna's thoughts: why did he called me out of nowhere today??? what does Yongguk want from me??? ahhh, but i missed him..i missed his lips...i missed his smile...ahhh, i missed everything about him...what is happening to me??? Zelo will get mad once he find out that Yongguk called earlier today....mianhe...Zelo-ya...there are somethings that noona can't tell you..forgive me...
Jieuna fell asleep just by thinking about Yongguk, just right then when she closed her eyes, her phone suddenly ring once again. Jieuna open her eyes and got up to get her phone from her desk, still half asleep, again she didn't look at the screen of her phone.
Jieuna: (with her eyes closed as she answer the call) Yoboseyo?
Yongguk: Jieuna-ssi....naya..Yongguk...
Jieuna's eyes suddenly open wide upon hearing Yongguk, her sleepyness fade as she sit on her bed.  Lose for words, Jieuna could'nt say anything as she stare into the darkness of the night in her window.  She gulp multiple times, her heart was beating as her breath was heavy.  Yongguk listen for a minute as he continue to speak with her.
Yongguk: Jieuna-ssi...are you there?? are you ok?? talk to me...juseyo....
Jieuna could not believed that she was hearing the voice of the man she likes and missed, she then closed her eyes as she collect all her strenght to speak. 
Jieuna: Yo-Yongguk-s-ssi....it's been a while...how you been??
Yongguk smiled as he chuckled the way Jieuna sounded in the phone.  Jieuna then got a bit frustrated upon hearing Yongguk chuckling on the other line.
Jieuna: W-wae, wae?? why are you laughing?? did i say something funny???
Yongguk: (still smiling) Ani, I just missed your voice that's all...it's been a while that i haven't hear the beautiful sound of your voice.....I missed hearing it...
Yongguk said sweetly at her, Jieuna got caught off guard by Yongguk's words, her face suddenly felt hot, she was blushing by a simple word from the person who hasn't shown himself for quite a while.   Jieuna breath heavy as she continue to listen quietly on Yongguk's voice.  Then suddenly tears fell in her eyes as she recalls the day that was full of bliss between her and Yongguk.  Yongguk notice the sudden sobs of her on the other line, he got concern upon hearing Jieuna.  
Yongguk: Jieuna-ssi...are you ok??? Did something happened?? I'm sorry that I haven't shown myself to you lately...it's just...it's just....ah....I hope you understand my reason's....
Jieuna then wipe the tears that was falling quietly into her face.  She then clear  her voice as she was about to say what was deep in her heart but Yongguk suddenly say the words that he wanted to say to her the minute she answer his call.
Yongguk: Jieuna-ssi.....I missed you....i wanna see you...and....and kissed you....i missed your lips...I missed your sweet lips...can we meet tonight???
Jieuna suddenly fall down to a chair upon hearing Yongguk sudden words towards her, she then drop her phone accidentally.  Yongguk heard the sudden tud, worried that something might had happened to Jieuna.  Little did She know that Yongguk was outside her house waiting for her to come towards her window, with just a glimpse of her.   Zelo was busy studying for his up coming exam's when he heard the noise in his sister's room.  Immediately, Zelo stop what was he's doing and went towards Jieuna's room.  Jieuna who was still frozen from sudden shocked to what Yongguk just said to her, as she stared at the phone that she literally drop into the floor, a sudden knock from her bedroom door bring her back to her senses. 
Zelo: Noona???noona...are you ok???i heard something fell loudly....that's why i came...are you ok, noona??? are you there???
Jieuna blink repeatedly towards the door as she realized that Zelo was behind it.  She got up from sitting and open the door, Zelo's curiosity  drew in his face upon seeing his sister, he then examine her face as he was facing her.
Zelo: Noona....are you ok??? why do you look like you just saw a ghost or something?? you look pale...
Jieuna: A-animida....i don't know what you're talking about Zelo-ya
Jieuna response Zelo with a blink of her eye, Zelo then shake his head while Jieuna just stared at her brother after she  told him that there was nothing wrong.  Then suddenly Zelo's imaturity kicks in as he pinch her cheeks and made a cute sound to ease the tense  that was showing in her face.
Zelo: aigoooo.....my noona...why are you like this...huh?? come tell me...tell Zelo-ya...
Jieuna: (getting annoyed at Zelo) aish...i said nothing...ack! will you stop that...YA!
Zelo let go of her cheeks as soon that he heard Jieuna getting a bit annoyed in her tone towards him.  He then made the cutest pout that she can't resist, like a stuff baby bunny that are adorable to hug.  Jieuna shake her head, she know she can't win towards Zelo once he cutely pouted towards her.
Jieuna: Aigooo....ok, ok...you win...but wait...where you studying for an exam?? why don't you continue that..if you passed it i'll treat you to something yummy.....
Jieuna said as she little brother, Zelo was about to do a slight happy dance when suddenly Jieuna reminded him about his studying, he then turn around and let go a slight tantrum as he went back to his room.
Zelo: Aye!! noona...that's not fair.....
Jieuna chuckles as soon that Zelo got inside his room and shut his door.  She then went back to her room and look at her phone that was still on the floor. She walk towards it and picks it up.  Yongguk who remain in the line, worried towards her.
Yongguk:  Yoboseyo!!!!! Jieuna-ssi...are you ok??? talk to me...jebal...
Jieuna let out  a sigh before answering the worried Yongguk.
Jieuna: Yongguk-ssi...I'm ok....mianhe, I drop the phone.......let's meet then...i'll wait for you outside my house...
With that, Yongguk smiled his gummy smiled, and excitedly agreed to what Jieuna said.
Yongguk: Ok, I'll wait for you then....Jieuna-ssi
Jieuna smiled as they both hang up, Jieuna could not contempt her feelings that was building deep inside her heart, she keep looking at her bedroom mirror everytime she passed by it to see if there was anything on her face or her cloths.  Then she took a deep breath as she left her room and passed the living room where the main door was, she then noticed that her mom fell asleep on the couch with a book in her hand.  She smiled as she seen her peacefull mother sleeping, Jieuna took one of the blankets that was sitting on the other chair and covers her mom with it. Jieuna was tip toing as she headed for the main door, not wanting to wake anyone out, including her mom.  As she slowly open the door, a cold breeze greeted her, that she immediately closed it.  Yongguk was standing closed by their gate near the door, upon seeing Jieuna walk towards it, he immediately moved a bit closer.  Jieuna stop as she was near the gate, her heart was still beating heavy, her hand was shaking as she reach for the gate's door that was inbetween her and Yongguk. She then open's it, and walk towards it, as soon that her whole body was outside, suddenly someone pulls her and lean her again the hard wall.   Jieuna closed her eyes, scared on what was happening, she can feel the cold breezed of the night and the hot breathing of another human being,  then suddenly a pair of wet lips meets her.  She then realized that those lips belongs to someone she knew, someone she kissed before.  She was greeted with full bliss, full of passion while her skin tickle in the air.  They are both breathing heavy after Yongguk let go of her lips, he then placed his head against her.
Yongguk: (smiling widely towards Jieuna) ohh, jagiya....You don't have any idea how i missed that...since the time that we first kiss, all i could think was you....
Jieuna smiled in secrets towards Yongguk, without any doubts in her mind and heart.  She finally say the words that she's been wanting to asked Yongguk.
Jieuna: Yongguk-ssi....I wanna asked you something....
Yongguk: Ne, jagiya...what is it?? tell me...
Jieuna: What are you???
Yongguk: (shocked on Jieuna's question) what do you mean?? what am I ??? I'm Bang Yongguk..the boy who lived next door...the one sitting behind you in class...is there anything else that i could be, that I don't know about???
Jieuna: (bitting her lip, regretting that she asked Yongguk) A-ani..it's just that....ahh...forget it...
Yongguk: (getting frustrated) no, Jieuna...tell me...do you know something?? something different about me???
Jieuna:(hesitating to say what she knew or seen at Yongguk) Well....it's just that....ahh....you look
different....like you're glowing or something...and your eyes....your eyes....
Yongguk: What about my eyes??? What about them?? tell me....
Jieuna: (bitting her lip once again) well, they are like fire burning....ahh, i don't know...i can't describe it..but i felt it..that something is different about you...i just don't know what it was....
Yongguk:(smiling widely) Jieuna...you know me....but there are something you will never know about me..for now.....something that i kept for a very long time....when the time is right...you will know.....
Yongguk then stare at Jieuna in silence as he lean his head on her  in the dark. The sound of the crickets was loud enough to hear while whole town was sleeping, the air was getting cold, Yongguk noticed that Jieuna was shivering a little, not by what he said to her, he then unlean towards her, as he took off his army jacket that he was wearing and place it around her.  He then lean back towards Jieuna, their lips meet again as he kissed her once again in the dark cold nights.
A/N: Hey guys!!! I hope you like this chapter....I had a hard time thinking about making this one..um..interesting...and long..keke...and just to remind you guys again...i won't be updating it for a week, since i will be out of town.....so...hope this one gets alot of loved...wellp, that is all..and i'm off...enjoy!! <3 M 
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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon