A Sudden Affection

Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey guys, this story will be in two parts...keke..i get over board on writing it..haha...comment or like...either way...weekend is here..hope you all do well...and pleased comment on my stories...i really wanted to read what you guys thought about the story...till then..happy reading ^^* <3 M




Yongguk woke up on a saturday morning, feeling a bit tired from staying up all night as he rub his eyes, plus the sudden interraction with Jieuna and Himchan on that same night. Yongguk still laying in his bed reminiscing about what had happened that night, he does'nt know why Jieuna and Himchan was outside his window and what are they doing peeking like that. As he thought of some possible reason's and gave up minute's later, he got up and take a shower. Yongguk decided that he needed to take his mind off at things, as he was leaving his house, he take a look at Jieuna's house. Yongguk closed his eyes as he started to moved and walk towards Jieuna's house, and hoping to get a glimpse of her even for a minute but to his disappointement, he saw her cousin Jongup instead as he was coming out of the house. Yongguk pretended that he didn't see Jongup and just stay still looking at the house until Jongup finally walk away. He breath easily as soon that Jongup was out of his sight, but he was sure that he will hear something like that in school. As he was walking,trying to get a familiar memory of the streets, he saw a small cafe that looks tempting to go to. He suddenly felt his stomach grawling, he then realized that he hasn't even eating anything since he left the house, he went inside the cafe and to his surprised, a pair of brown eyes caught up with his, as he thought,

J-Jieuna-shi?? why is she here? and they seem to be having some sort of a meeting...I wonder what they were talking about? but why are they all staring at me???

Yongguk and Jieuna stare's at each other for a few good minutes until someone came into the cafe and accidently bump on Yongguk. The person bowed at him for forgiveness and he does the same, he then take another look at Jieuna's direction before he went and order something to eat. As Yongguk was waiting for his food, he look for a vacant table to sit by himself but the only one that is vacant is the one behind Jieuna's table. Yongguk took the table behind Jieuna's table, as he was waiting for the waiter to bring his food, he overheard the conversation that Jieuna and her friend's was talking about.

Deahyun: Hello (waves his hands into Jieuna's face), earth to Jieuna....are you there??? HELLOOOOOOO....JIEUNAAAA-SHIII....

Jieuna: YA! I can hear you, you know....

Deahyun: Aiye, tch, then why did it take you long enough to answer me then... ahh, i know....it's ok...just ignore us then...

Jieuna: Aiye, it's not like that...oppa...Deahyunnie oppa...can we just finish talking about the school dance..we still doesn't have any music yet...are we going to get a pro to do it?

Deahyun thought about it for a minute and then, Young Jae suddenly speak.

Young Jae: Ah, What about my cousin, Jaebum? He was a DJ on my sister's 16th Birthday last year, why don't we get him, it's cheaper and you don't worry about the cost of the equipment. But he lived in the city..soo...yeah.

Daehyun and Jieuna thought about Young Jae's suggestion for a minute but decided that it should be a local one if they are going to hire someone, then suddenly Jieuna remember's the turntable and the strobe light that was hangging on Yongguks room, when she and Himchan sneak a peek at him, when the whole town thought that something weird is going on at Yongguk's house. Jieuna lean over to whisper to Deahyun about Yongguk's late night hobbie.

Jieuna: Oppa, what about him..he seems pretty good...didn't you hear some of his music??

Deahyun got confused at to who was Jieuna was talking about, he let out a sigh and lean over to Jieuna.

Deahyun: Nugu? what music? whose music? ya, Jieuna-shi, who are you talking about??

Jieuna pointed at yongguk's direction to let Deahyun know that she was talking about him as she whisper softly.

Jieuna: Right there behind you.

Deahyun, and Young Jae both turn around to see Yongguk who was eating his breakfast, when suddenly Zelo got up and went to where Yongguk was. Jieuna look at her little brother with such confusion, as she was trying to stop him for interrupting Yongguk but it was too late when she finally notice what her brother was about to do. Zelo sit infront of Yongguk and just stare at him while he was eating, Yongguk got annoyed since he doesn't like anybody looking at him while eating, his uncle said it was rude to stare at people who was enjoying their meal and that's what he hated the most. Yongguk stop eating as he look at Zelo who was staring at him with alot of question in his eyes, he shake his head and as he was about to get up to leave and get another table, Zelo stop him.

Zelo: So, you are the one that was shaking my noona's heart.

Zelo said in such a shocking revelation, it made Jieuna widen her eyes to what her little brother was saying. Deahyun and Young Jea was too shocked to Zelo's bold statement of revelation. Yongguk immediately turn his head to look at Zelo then to Jieuna. Jieuna suddenly felt her face turns a shade of pink upon seeing Yongguk looking at her, she can contain herself as she was trying to avoide the burning stare of Yongguk at her. Zelo smirk as he seen what had happened to his noona.

Zelo: So, it is true that you do shaken my noona's heart. I was debating earlier if i did see it right in her eyes but now it was confirm that it was true, in just a matter of seconds, you caught her heart that Himchan-hyung was working for in such a long time...but...without any luck....

Yongguk just stare at Zelo as he was slowly sitting down from getting up, the whole cafe was quiet as everyone was looking at the commotion the two was having. Zelo look around and realized that he made a little bit of a fuss over something that it should be talked in a quiet manner. Zelo bowed to each and everyone at the cafe as the rest of the people there went back to their food. Jieuna's suddenly sink herself into the table as she felt embarrased at her brother's bold attempt.

Zelo-ya, why are you doing this to your noona...did omma and appa raised you in such manner's as this?? i don't even know sometimes where did you get that couraged to act so protective over me...Zelo-ya...are you even my brother??

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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon