Tempted by you

Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey guys, how's everyone so far? it's almost the weekend once again..and you know what that means.....UPDATE TIME!!! keke...well, i won't take your time anymore..so enjoy. <3 M



The next day at school, all the kids are pairing up for a project that it will be equivalent to their exams, Himchan, Jieuna, Yongguk, Deahyun and Young Jae are all in the same class. While Zelo and Jongup was in another class, since their grades are in different level. As their teacher was explaining what's the project was about, Deahyun and Young Jae look at each other, both decided to pair up. Jieuna shake her head, she know's that those two are inseperable, no matter where's Deahyun, Young Jae was there.

Jieuna: Tch, i don't even asked why anymore...you two..tsk tsk...can't seem to seperated...are you sure you two are not dating??....

Both Deahyun and Young Jae look at Jieuna, they both stick out their tonge at her, that she did the same to them. Yongguk was amused at the sight of her with Deahyun and Young Jae, while Himchan was making faces of annoyance as he seen Yongguk smiling slightly. The teacher then announced who is going to pair with who, Himchan suddenly felt nervous as to he doesn't know who the teacher pick for him, but he was hoping that it was Jieuna. Then the moment came when the teacher calls for his name.

Teacher: Himchan-shi....you will be paired up with..ahhh..let's see...kim Yuna.

Himchan eyes got wide as soon that he heard the name, Kim Yuna, she was one of the popular girl in school, but she rejected Himchan to be her partner, the teacher then look at the list of students that hasn't been paired yet and only 2 people are left, then the teacher decided that there will be a 3 people group and as the teacher calls their name. Jieuna brace herself as she wasn't been paired with anyone.

Teacher: Ok then, hmm....Himchan, Jieuna and Yongguk...you are in one group...i expect good outcome from you guys, enjoy and fighting!

All three of them look at the teacher with wide eyes, Jieuna couldn't believe that she got paired up with two guys who she both like. One being her friend and one that she had feelings for secretly, Himchan smile at Jieuna as she look at him, and then at Yongguk, who can't seem to paint his own expression. The thought of being paired up with both her and Himchan was beyond his imagination.

Yongguk thoughts: Aish, why is that jerk even on our group...if it's only just me and Jieuna...now i would never get to asked her what i wanted to asked...ahh, whatever...

Himchan was looking at Jieuna with such happiness in his face but deep inside, just like Yongguk he also can't paint his own expression, hiding by his smile.

Himchan's thought: ahh, yes, this is better than being paired with Kim Yuna.....I rather be with Jieuna than some other girl...i don't care if she's popular or not as long that it's my dearest friend. And that jerk better back off...Ya, Yongguk-shi...better get off my girlfriend....she will be mine...

Jieuna couldn't decide what or who to approached first, she got confused of the sudden pairing, she both like her partner in this project but something deep inside of her telling her to choose, as her mind wanders.

Jieuna's thought: ahhh, teacher why?...why did you pair me up with those two...do i have to choose? between Yongguk and Himchan...i mean they are both nice boys but..but...ahhh...i don't know anymore...i guess this is a challenged for you Jieuna...to see your weakness between them two...ahh...i don't know...

The bell ring as the teacher dismiss the class, Himchan went after Jieuna, he knows that Yongguk was looking and he was right. He smile deviously at Yongguk upon seeing the boy looking at him, Yongguk's eyes met Himchan's, as if there's a telephaty between them two. Himchan suddenly grab Jieuna's arm to stop her from leaving, as she was about to exit the classroom, she almost fell from Himchan's sudden pull at her. Himchan then realized that what he did was unacceptable, but Jieuna couldn't managed her balance as she was fastly falling into the floor. Jieuna's shut her eyes, not wanting the pain that she was about to feel, but suddenly someone had caught her. As she open her eyes, it widen to to see who it was that saved her, Yongguk caught her before she could barely hit the floor. He suddenly pulls her up, their face almost as if they are about to kiss, her face turn pale as pink. Himchan eyes got furious at what he saw, he immediately pushed Yongguk away from Jieuna and grab her away from yongguk, dragging her with him out of the room. Yongguk couldn't believe what just happened, everything seems blurry, Jieuna's face was repeating in his mind, as if he wanted to really kissed her in front of Himchan. Jieuna look at the confused Yongguk while being drag by Himchan out of the room, and when he's not in her sight anymore, she then pushed her arm away from Himchan.


Himchan then stop from walking upon hearing her plea, he look at her with such shocked in his eyes as he let her go from grabbing her arm tightly. The other students went to see what the commotion was, Himchan then realized that his sudden action made the whole school chaotic as he look around the hallway of the school. He then suddenly felt suffocating as if someone grab him and couldn't breath.

Jieuna: Himchan-shi..are you ok? what just happened back there? Himchan-shi...Himchan-shi..talk to me....

Jieuna tried to approached Himchan out but Himchan suddenly starting to run away from the crowded hallway full of students and away from Jieuna. She was about to go after Himchan when suddenly a pair of hand grab her arm, she turn around to see her borther stopping her from going after Himchan.

Jieuna: Zelo-ya....let me go...i need to talk to Himchan...I wanna know why he suddenly act like that...

Zelo: Nuna, just let him go...give him space...he just probably need to rethink what he just did or what just happened...give him time..i'm sure he will talk to you when he calmed down...

Jieuna didn't forced herself anymore, her brother was probably right, maybe Himchan just need some time for himself, she let out a sigh, as she was looking at Zelo.

Himchan run as fast as he can not looking back, until suddenly, he stop. Himchan look around to see a unfamilar place, he turn around to see if there where a living soul in sight, but to his disapointment, nobody was around. Then it suddenly hit him, he was lost, lost out of his tracks not knowing which where was home or the school grounds.

Hiimchan: where am I? This is not the way home...ahh, i must have been not looking where i was going...HELLO IS ANYONE THERE!!!!HELLOOOOOOO.....ahh..seriously, where am I? this is not good...not good at all...wait..my cell phone...(take out cell phone out of his pocket) good thing i have this with me...now..let's see if i can call for help...aish...NO SIGNAL!!!! this is not happening to me....Jieuna...i'm so sorry...i don't know what got into me...maybe becaused I was tempted by you...i have loved you for so long..and yet you still dont unknowledged me...what do I don't that he has..Jieuna...I hope you can hear me...JIEUNA!!!!!!

Himchan felt regret of what had happened earlier, he suddenly felt his eyes getting watery, he was blaming himself for what he did to jieuna as his tears fell into his eyes and found himself crying in the middle of nowhere. As the sun has set down and darkness was filling up , Himchan realized the mistake he made. Knowing that he hated the dark, Himchan twitch everytime he hear's a sound, scared by himself, Himchan started to walk to see if he can see any light and little by little a tiny light was showing as he heard his name echoing in the dark.

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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon