Trap by a letter

Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey guys! ^^ thank you all for waiting...its been over due...and sorry if there where some mistakes on the grammar along the way...I was in sort of in a hurry to finish so that I can share it with you guys...I hope you all enjoy this as much as i do..till then..Enjoy! <3 M       PS.  Don't forget to comment or say what you think...I really loved if you all give me some feedbacks...again thank you....YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!  ^^ 






Jieuna woke up with a smile on her face, she touch her lips, and immediately giggled to herself.  The touch of Yongguk's lips still linger towards her, as she can still feel them being new.  It was a saturday morning, the bird was chipping and so is Zelo, whistling toward himself as he woke up that morning, the day seems to be going quite well for the past few days.  Nothing seems to be happening lately, no sight of Himchan or anything unusual for that matter.  But little did Jieuna know that Himchan was planning his moved to snatch her away from all the bliss that Yongguk was giving her.  Mrs. Choi was busy preparing for their morning meal when suddenly a ring on the door.  She stop what she was doing and went outside to see who it was that's ringing the doorbell this early in the morning.  Mrs. Choi open the door and headed to the gate, but as soon that she reach the gate, there was noone there. She then noticed that a letter was stuck on the corner of their gate.  She then pick it up and examine it, the letter was addressed for Jieuna, that Mrs. Choi immediately take it with her.  She then take one last look to see if there where anyone outside but to her disappointed there are none.  She twitch her shoulder and went inside the house.  Himchan then finally came out of hiding as soon that he saw Mrs. Choi pick up the letter he stuck in the corner of the gate.  He smile widely, he look at Jieuna's window one last time and turn around, he run further away from the scene before anyone see's him.  Mrs. Choi smiled as she handed the letter to Jieuna, she didn't wait for her daughter to get up as soon that she got into her door and open's it.  Upon opening it, Mrs. Choi saw her daughter giggling towards herself as she was touching her lips.  At first she thought that her daughter might have been losing it, but then she realized that she just might have been dreaming and that it felt real. She walk towards Jieuna without her knowing that her mother was staring at her smiling. 
Mrs. Choi:  (clearing ) hmrp....and what is it that making you smile this morning...huh, honey?
Jieuna immediately jump out of her bed upon hearing her mother, she didn't realized that Mrs. Choi has been standing there for quite a while.
Jieuna: O-omma, you scared me....
Mrs. Choi smiled at her daughter amused on how Jieuna's look with her hair being all messed up.  
Mrs. Choi: (smiling at Jieuna) sorry hun, but i just can't seem to remember the last time i saw you smile like that...not since your dad...
Mrs. Choi stop as soon that she remember what had happened to her husband.  Jieuna saw the sadness in her mom's face, she immediately got up and walk towards her mom, Jieuna give her mom a hug, who was clenching on her chest.  The lost of her dad was more hurtfull towards her mom, knowing that the love of your life suddenly vanished in an instant.
Jieuna: Omma....everything will be back to normal...i promised...I'm sure dad is happy wherever is he right now...I'm sure he doesn't want us to see sad or even crying just becaused he's not with us anymore....
Mrs. Choi agree to what Jieuna say, she knows that her daughter was right.  When Mr. Choi was still alived he doesn't want to see any of them crying or being sad, he always tell Jieuna that no matter what the situation was,  just remember to always smile and everything will be alright.  Mr. Choi was a simple man with a simple look on life, there is nothing far more important to him but his family. But tragedy happened when his life got cut off easily, Zelo was a year old when this happened, Jieuna didn't remember much on how it happened but she did remember the face of her dad when he was fighting for his last breath in a hospital bed.  Her dad was on the way home, when suddenly a truck hit his car and smashed it into a post.  The truck driver survived but run out of the scene, and left her dad bleeding and fighting for his life.  Jieuna closed her eyes tighly as she remember the incident that had happened.  According to her mom, her dad was a nice man, but things just didn't went the way he wanted it to be, despite being in business with the Kim's.  The Kim's are the most known business in their town and that's when she met Himchan.  Despite that they are childhood friends, people thought that they will end up together but the death of Jieuna's dad change that, they moved to america but she and Himchan never lost touch. Until they reach the certain age, Jieuna's family moved back to korea once her mom got promoted from her job.  Zelo walk by at his sister's room and saw his mom and Jieuna hugging. He thought for a second what was they talking about that made them hug at each other, he then decided to burge in unannouce.
Zelo: Aiye....what are you two doing?? omma....noona....did something happened that i don't know about???
Both women smiled at Zelo as soon that they heard his voice, Jieuna giggled that was followed by her mom. Zelo look at them confused, and being the only man in their family, Zelo became their protector of the family. Jieuna then shake her head, and so is Mrs. Choi.
Jieuna: A-ani, Zelo-ya....omma and i just reminizing about would be nice if he was here... 
Mrs. Choi: that's probably won't remember it Zelo-ya...but your dad was fond of you since you are his only son....
The sadness showed up on their faces as soon that they talk about Mr. Choi, Zelo stared at his mom and sister, not knowing what to say or even believed.  Mrs. Choi suddenly remember the letter that she found by the gate that morning.
Mrs. choi: Ah, yeah. hun, i came here to give you this (hand's Jieuna the letter), i don't know who it from since there is no sender's name but it was written for you.....
She then look at Zelo who was still standing by Jieuna's bedroom door.
Mrs. Choi: Ah, Zelo-ya....are you hungry??? I just prepared breakfast....come...we'll go together and let's leave your sister...i'm sure she can't wait to read it without any interruptions....
Jieuna: Aiye,'s not like that..but.... (giggling) gomawo....
Mrs. Choi and Zelo then left Jieuna as she smiled brightly upon opening the letter, unsure of who the sender was, but that didn't stop her from reading it.  As she read it, things are going wildly in Jieuna's mind, things that she wanted to do with Yongguk.  She assume that the letter was from him but little did she know that it was from Himchan.  As she goes down paragraph by paragraph.
Dear Jieuna,
The night that I met you seems to be lingering in my mind, i can't wait to see you once again.  Why don't we meet tonight? Come to the abandone building next to the school. come alone, I will be waiting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yours,    XOXO
Jieuna smiled like an idiot in her own world, uncertain of the danger that was waiting for her.  That night Jieuna got ready to meet up the person that sent her the letter, she still think that it was Yongguk who sent her the letter.  Himchan was busy preparing his trap for Jieuna, making sure that this time, she can't escape.   Himchan set up the place with flowers with a table for two, a candle was lit, the scenery was beautiful that it made it look like it came from a fantasy novel. Even the ambiance was nice, Himcham smiled at himself.  Minute's had passed, Jieuna reach the abandone building,  it was pitch dark but as she walk towards it, she then saw a little candle lit as a walk way to where she will meet the person that sent her the letter.  
Jieuna thought:  Wah! Yongguk know's how to tickle my romantic..(giggling)
Himchan saw Jieuna's reaction to the candle lit walk way, as he silently watch her at the corner of the building, Jieuna then walk inside the abandone building.   There are too many emotions that are going on inside Jieuna, she doesn't know why in some point she felt scared but half of time felt excited.  As she followed the lit candle, Himchan started to followe her in silent, until she reach the end of the walk way.  She got confused, everything was secluded, nowhere to escape.  Then suddenly a voice that is so familiar to her speak in the back of her,she turn around to see who it was and there she saw Himchan smiling at her, that made Jieuna scared for her life.
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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon