
Tattoo in my heart

A/N:  Hey guys! update time...just a head's up...i won't be updating for about a week starting the last week of this month (25/8) cuz I will be out of town...but i will try to update again before i go...until then enjoy! ^^ <3 M 





Her eyes widen when she suddenly look at the mirror.  Jieuna doesn't know what to do, she placed her hand on her neck and then suddenly she screams loud upon seeing her blood on her hand.
Jieuna: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
As she scream when she look back into the mirror and seen blood was flowing down on her neck, Jieuna then heard her mom calling for her.  Her whole body was in trans and suddenly she felt falling from a deep hole. 
Mrs. Choi:  Honey, honey....wake up..you're dreaming...it's just all a dream.....
Jieuna open her eyes wide as she seen the face she knew, for a moment she thought that it was real, her breath was heavy as she hug her mom. Like a inception that keeps repeating, her dream is far beyond real.  Zelo heard the loud scream's that his sister let out, he rushed to her room even tho that his room is just a few feet away from her's.  Zelo breathing faster as he reach his sister room, he then let out a sigh upon seeing his mom and sister hugging.  
Zelo: What was that??? I run as soon that i heard....
He said as soon that he reach his sister's room, concerned that his sister might be suffering after the long hospital stay.  Mrs. Choi look at her son and smiled, Jieuna smiled too upon seeing her brother, Zelo  smiled back knowing that his sister was alright. 
Zelo: Aye, stop with that...noona, it's your first day back to school, right? don't worry, your friends are there to keep you company...I'm sure Deahyun and Young Jae- hyungs won't let anything happened to you... 
Jieuna smiled at her brother, knowing that he cares about her even tho he doesn't show it, means more than enough for her.  She then get ready to get back to school, unsure of what will the day will bring for her, Jieuna let out a sigh.
Jieuna's thought: Today is the day... It's going to be alright Jieuna...things will be back to normal soon...just hold on a little longer....but..why do i have that dream, it felt so real....could it be true?? will i see him in school today?? ahhh...perhaps..I'm just dreaming...wake up Jieuna...Yongguk wouldn't hurt you...would he??
Jieuna shake her head as she thought about her dream, then a knock on the door bring her back to reality.  She turn her head to see who it was and to her surprised it was Deahyun and Young Jae.  She got confused for a bit, they never come to her house that early and to think that they are there to pick her up.
Jieuna: Oh! Deahyunnie...Young Jae-ah...what brings you two here this early? this is shocking...really...
Young Jae smiled at Jieuna on her witty words, while Deahyun was just shaking his head on her.  They both walk in upon seeing the smile on her face. Jieuna gave them both a hug and a kiss on their cheeks, as their friendly greetings that never seems to happened often. Jieuna then look at the both of them waiting for an answer.   Young Jae immediately realized as he seen the way Jieuna look at them with such confusion on her face.
Young Jae: (scratching his head as he speak) ah..um..um..your mom called us...
Deahyun: (immediately agreeing to Young Jae) ah, yeah, that's right...what Young Jae-ssi said..your mom did called us...um, yesterday...
Jieuna became suspicious as she look at them both closely, Deahyun and Young Jae could not look at her straight.  As she was about to say something to her friends, Zelo suddenly appeared out of the blue.
Zelo: What are you guys doing??? we are going to be late...appali, appali....Deahyun-hyung...did you bring your car??
Deahyun: of course...how do you thing we got here?? pabo...
Zelo: ah, that's right..hehe..mianhe hyung...it's too early for my brain to function...
Deahyun suddenly brotherly attack Zelo, but since he was too tall for him, Deahyun just punch Zelo's arm jokingly.  Jieuna laugh at the sight of her brother and Deahyun, since the incident she can laugh again.  Together with her silly friends and her protective brother.  They all went downstairs where their mom was waiting for them to have breakfast, they all happily eat their breakfast.  They waved goodbye to Mrs. Choi as they all headed to school in Deahyun's car, Jieuna never ride his car since he won't let anyone in it but Young Jae.  On the way to school, everyone was singing along as the music was loudly playing on Deahyun's car.  Jieuna was in a trans as she was looking outside the window, her eye's widen to see someone walking on the street towards their school.  She then followed the person as she look at him while their car was passing by.
Jieuna: (whispering to herself) Himchan-ssi???
Jieuna blink to make sure she did saw who she think it was, and to make sure, she rub her eye. But to her disappointment, it wasn't Himchan, just some student's that look like Himchan.  She then thought, while the rest is having a good time riding that morning.
Jieuna's thought: What just happened?? Am'I hallucinating now?? first, yongguk biting me..felt so real...and now..Himchan?? I know what i saw...but..it's not him...Jieuna...juseyo...don't let anything bother you today...please..don't think about that..you been thru alot..ahhhh...
Jieuna shake her head repeatedly that Deahyun saw it in the head mirror.
Deahyun:(looking at her on the head mirror)  Ya, Jieuna...are you ok?? is everything alright?
Zelo and Young Jae both look at her upon hearing Deahyun, Jieuna stop with all their eyes on her.
Jieuna:(smiling at them) ne, I'm alright, just waking myself up...still a bit sleepy....
Jieuna told them, she doesn't want them to know that she saw someone but not sure if it was true. Zelo then pat her back while Deahyun went back to driving.  They all reach their school, as they gather their stuff, Jieuna look around as she look at the student's that was coming from the school ground. Then suddenly not far from them, Jieuna saw a figure that was hiding behind a tall tree, she look closely to get a glimpse but the figure suddenly disappear.  Zelo look around as soon that he noticed his sister wasn't near him, upon seeing her, he yelled for her name.
Jieuna then turn around to get to where everyone is, she look back once she reach them.  Deahyun then put his arms around her as they all happily walk towards their class, Jieuna was happy in their company.  Zelo then waved to his sister and her friend's as he went to his class.  The figure from earlier went back as it look directly to Jieuna, as soon that they all inside their class, Himchan immediately went out from hiding with a bandage still attach in his arms and head. 
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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon