Without you

Tattoo in my heart

A/N: Hey everyone!! summer is finally here..and that means that its going to be hot hot weather once again...ahh i love summer...but hate the heat..lol..anyways...update time..keke..enjoy! <3 M




Himchan went after where the light was showing, he doesn't know if he was hallucinating, all he know is that he want's to get home and see Jieuna. But the more he walks out of the darken woods the more the light seems to be going further away. Until he lost his balance and hit his head on a big rock, unconsious as he is, he felt a human figure lift him up and take him away from the darken woods until he finally lost his consicience. Himchan open his eyes, white ceiling greeted him, he then noticed that he was in a hospital but everything seems blurry. A siloutte of a girl first greeted him but he couldn't hear her, Himchan-shi..Himchan-shi..are you ok? is all he could hear but he couldn't figure out whose voice was it. Then he remembers what happened the night before, he rubs his eyes and see Jieuna looking at him with such worried expression. He then suddenly felt his eyes get teary once again, he couldn't look at her, afraid of what might he hear from her, but the words that came out of Jieuna's mouth is not what he expected.

Jieuna: Himchan-shi...are you ok? Where have you been? I was worried about you?

Himchan still didn't look at Jieuna but the words went straight to his heart, he then realize that no matter what he does, Jieuna is the one that keeps him from living. Their friendship is more ticker that water, that no one can take it away, not even Yongguk. Then he remember the look on Yongguk's face, for some reason he thought that he saw him in the darken woods. He then face Jieuna to asked her how he got into the hospital, but Jieuna beat him to it. Jieuna smiled at him slightly and say,

Jieuna: Yongguk saw you unconcious in the woods, you might have hit your head. There was blood flowing in you...but himchan-shi...why did you....ah, nevermind. You should rest,shhh, rest himchan-shi...

And just like that, Himchan falls asleep with his dearest friend next to him. He knows that everything will be alright from now, without her, his world is not complete.


Few days had passed and Himchan got out of the hospital, his mom hugged him, while picking him up at the hospital. His mom was the one that keep him accompany while he was there, Jieuna didn't went to visit him after she found out what had happened to him. He then look around to see a single glimpse of Jieuna, but to his disapointment, she wasn't in sight. Himchan keep a slight smile but deep that smile was brokenhearted Himchan.

Himchan's thought: Where could she be? I hope she's not with that jerk Yongguk...ahhh, whatever, but she should be here today...what kind of a friend is she? if she couldn't even come to pick me up? ahhh, my head..maybe i should just not think about it for a while..the doctor said my wouds is not fully heal..and i will be home for a couple more days...i sure do going to missed alot of school work......and Jieuna.

Meanwhile, Jieuna was busy preparing for Himchan's coming back home party at Himchan's house, Himchan doesn't know that, for the past few days of her not visiting him is that she was trying to organize something for her friend. Zelo help along the way, Jongup too, Deahyun and Young Jae also was there helping Jieuna making the party as perfect as possible. Himchan's mom know's the reason why Jieuna hasn't been visiting him at the hospital and as he was about to go home, his mom couldn't hide the smile on her face as they we're getting nearer their home. Himchan notice this, as he get curious as to why his mom was smiling so brightly.

Himchan: Omma...

Mrs. Kim: Hmmm, what is it my son?

Himchan: why are smiling so brightly today...is that becaused i'm out of the hospital??

Mrs. Kim: of course...what else could it be,silly...aigo..my son..why? your mom can't smile brightly when her son is out of the hospital?

Himchan: (chuckling) A-anio...I'm happy too omma..

His mom then hugged him, both are smiling as they reach their home. Himchan look outside the car and notice the balloon on their gate. He then got curious, but thought that maybe it came from Jieuna since she hasn't visited him at the hospital, he took it as her "sorry i couldn't make it" apologie, but little did he know that there is far more bigger waiting for him inside. Zelo look at the window and saw Himchan getting out of the car and then his mom, he alarmed the rest to know that they are home.

Zelo: They are here...everyone..hide...appali..appali...

Jieuna hurried up as she put the last piece of decoration on the wall that it said "WELCOME HOME, HIMCHANNIE". She then take one last look at the outcome and hide behind the big couch in the living room where Deahyun and Young Jae was. Zelo and Jongup went behind the kitchen counter, as the door open's , everyone hold their breath. They heard Himchan's voiced as he enter's the house, a que for them to give him his surprised.


Himchan eyes widen as he see's that all of his friend's are there to greeted him. The slight smile in his face widen upon seeing Jieuna, smiling brightly at him, at that moment all he could see was her and nobody else. Jongup came at him and give him a pat on his shoulder, Deahyun and Young Jae did the same, Zelo hugged him.

Zelo: Hyung....Himchan-hyung...i missed you...

Himchan smiled at Zelo's cuteness, he never seen this kid being like this.

Himchan: nado, Zelo-ya..aigo..my dongsaeng..

Himchan then give Zelo the hammic and hit his head.

Zelo: Ah..ahhh..Himchan-hyung...appayo... (pouting at himchan for hitting his head)

Everyone was laughing at the closeness of them two, Himchan then let Zelo go and look at Jieuna who was laughing brightly at them. Jieuna walk towards him and give him the biggest hug he could asked for, and whisper in his ears.

Jieuna: Welcome home, himchan-shi. I'm glad that you are ok now...can we put everything behind us and start all over again? we have a project to do...please, don't get mad at Yongguk, he was also a part of this...

Himchan's bright smile faded as soon that he heard Yongguk's name.

Himchan: Jieuna-shi, I'm sorry if for some reason what i would do will offend you...but I just want you to know that without you...I'm nothing...you are my best friend since we are little...and I.. and i just can't hold it anymore....Jieuna-shi...saranghamnida...

Jieuna's eyes widen upon hearing Himchan's word, she slightly let go of him but Himchan caught her by the waist. Everyone was gasping for their breath as they witness Himchan's bold moved on Jieuna. Himchan look at Jieuna the way a lover would, and then suddenly without any doubt in his mind, he pulls Jieuna and kissed her. Jieuna tried to let go of his gasp but she couldn't, his kissed became more passionate the longer they stay closed until she gave up and just take it in with a heavy heart.

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GDraseob #1
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this fanfic! It was really great and I enjoy it a lot! :)
Chapter 40: Kyaa~~~ That was a great ending :D Thank you :3
Chapter 39: Just one chapter?! I hope they will be together *-*
GDraseob #4
Chapter 39: Woah! I can't wait for the last chapter.. Why is it ending?! Haha :)
Chapter 38: Omo! I hope she won't do anything stupid.
Get well soon! X3
GDraseob #6
Chapter 38: YEAH! That's great, she'll be there for him and Yongguk will be the same for her.. Cute :)
Chapter 37: Oh gosh!! I thought Uppie would die o.o
Yongguk come back D:
GDraseob #8
Chapter 37: Jieuna and Yongguk NEED to finish together!! :) I was suprised all chapter long!! :)
GDraseob #10
Chapter 36: OMG.. Did he get shot? I want to know!! Update soon