If I Fall [52]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV

Here I am. At the cafe where my grandma asked me to go since she wants to see me. It hurts me, because what am I doing is actually one step closer to day wherein I need to break up with Myungsoo.

I sighed, I don't this to happen but I have no choice. If I choose Myungsoo, that means I'm not be able to make my grandmother happy on her last years or months alive. But if I choose the other way, that just means one thing— no more Myungsoo.

"There you are my dear." I felt a pat on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw my grandmother smiling. She looks happy but unhealthy at the same time, makes me think that the time is coming. God knows how much I don't want to break up with Myungsoo.

But I need to. Everything happens for a reason, right?

"Grandma. How are you?" I said as I stood up and help her to sit down. She smiled at me, "Feeling worse everyday, my dear."

I returned to my seat and sighed, "Maybe you should stay in the hospital then."

"Nah. Hospitals got these white themes, but they stink. Foods are worse." She said, tapping the table with her nails. I chuckled. Well, grandma is telling the truth. It's proven and tested by herself, indeed.

"Mhm.. Grandma. I just want to ask you something." I asked. This is it. The moment of truth. Now or never.

She grinned, "What is it, darling?"

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply before looking at her, "W-why do you want me to break up w-with.....him?" I finally asked.

"Because I want you to meet Jongin." She answered me. Huh? Jongin?

"W-who?" I hesitantly asked. I can sense something I won't like. "Jongin. Your future husband." She calmly said. What? That couldn't be.

No. I don't want to. Myungsoo will be the only guy I will marry. He'll be the man I will spend my lifetime with. He'll be the father of my kids. It's Myungsoo. Not Jongin or whoever my grandmother wants to be husband.

"I can't, grandma. I love him." I said, stopping myself from stuttering.

"No. Whether you like it or not, you'll be marrying Jongin."

"H-why? B-but..... NO!" I said as tears started streaming down on my face. That couldn't happen. I don't want to be married to a stranger. I don't want to. How will Myungsoo reacts if he knew this? He'll be sad and I'll blame myself for the rest of my life.

"Don't be stubborn. I just want you to have a better life--"

A better life? I don't need it. I don't need a better one. I already had the best one. It's with Myungsoo. Don't you guys tell me that I should follow my grandmother since she knows more about life because she's already old... That I'm too dumb since I want to follow what my heart wants. This is my life, I can do what I want to.

"No. Grandma, I'm sorry.." I regained my composure, trying to stay calm as much as I can, "Don't worry, I will always be right here for you----"

"No Jiyeon. You'll be marrying him. Don't you know that I've been planning this since you were a child?"

"I....I..." I wiped the tears on my cheeks using my palm. I don't know what to do. 

"Don't you want me to be happy? I've been wanting my only female grandchild to have a perfect wedding. Just like how perfect mine was." She said, smiling as if she's reminiscing about her wedding 57 years ago.

"Your wedding is perfect since you are married to someone you love the most." Yes, it's true. Even though my grandparents had secret wedding because their parents don't want them for each other, it's still the perfect wedding for the both of them clearly because THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. How could my marriage with Jongin be perfect if I don't love him?

And worse? I don't even know him at all.

"It will be perfect. I'm sure you will learn to love Jongin. He's a nice guy." Grandma said in a cold tone.

"Grandma, please. As much as I would like you to be happy, can you just please be considerate with my feelings? I love Myungsoo... It's just that you don't understand."

"What do you mean I don't understand? You're the one who don't understand. I might be dying soon, my dear. Just one last wish..."

Grandmother looked at me with sincerity obvious on her eyes. I just can't.... I can't let her die unhappy. "Please?" She begged as her eyes gets teary.

"B-but grandma...."

"Do this for me, my dear. I'm begging you."

I hope Myungsoo won't hate me for doing this.



"Mhm....?" I tried to speak but failed, I'm just too sleepy. I didn't have enough sleep last night because I kept on thinking about how dumb I was. They're right. I'm too selfless. I always think about how others feel, and doesn't even mind myself. It's better that way. It's better to be selfless than to be selfish.

"Wifey. Wakey wakey." Myungsoo said as I feel his lips touch my cheeks, nose, chin— he's showering me with kisses. Sleepy, I can't help but chuckle. "Wake up, wifey. Or else I'll you." He threatened, which didn't scare me a bit.

"Psh..." He leaned to kiss me on my lips, "Open your eyes." I groggily opened my left eye as my eyes adjust at the brightness of the room. I saw Myungsoo on top of me, smiling.

I will surely miss this and of course, him.

"Good morning, beautiful. I love you." He greeted me as his smile grows wider just like a kid. I looked at him and flicked his forehead gently, "Why wake me up this early, handsome?" I said, trying to sound calm as much as possible; inside, I feel like giggling at his sweetness.

"We'll be visiting someone close and important to you." He answered, "Now get up or else I'll be giving you a bath."

ert as always. =__=

"Okay, okay." I sat on the bed and tried to fix my hair with my hand, but failed. I hate my hair in the morning. It's so unmanageable. Myungsoo leaned to kiss me in my forehead, "Take a bath now. Or you wanna take a bath with me------"

"Don't you dare say that again." I said as I started pulling a few strands of his hair. He winced in pain, "Alright. Chill down, wifey. I-I love you and ah-I know y-you love---aw... That hurts----know y-you love me-e too, so s-stop aw--- pulling my hair.."

I let go of his hair, "That's for being a ." I stand up and grab my bath towels. I heard him chuckle, "That's because you're over sleeping again, wifey."

"Oh please. I'm not over-sleeping." I said. Yes, it's true. In fact, I lacked of sleep last night. It's because I kept on thinking about Myung------

"Yes, you're over-sleeping. Look. You're already getting fat." He said as he hugged me. He's sitting on the bed while I stand in front of him. He poked my belly and lye out an evil laugh. "Piggy wifey."

If I could just say that I can't stop myself from eating because I'm craving for marshmallows and other sweets because I'm pregnant that's why I'm gaining a little weight.

I pouted. "Tch. Hands off me, mister."

"Why, soon-to-be-Mrs. Kim?" He asked as he hugged me tighter, as he rests his head on my belly.

"I haven't took a bath yet." It's true. I feel stinky and dirty. My hair isn't in it's best moment since I've been crying since last night and I don't have the mood to fix it.

"That's alright. You're still the most beautiful girl for me." He answered. Feeling my face heats up, I can't help but kneel down and face him.

"I love you. Don't ever forget that, okay?" I said, facing him. "Whatever happens..."

"Of course. You know that I'll always love you, wifey." He caressed my cheeks. I didn't know that I'm already crying, I just realized it when Myungsoo wiped it off. "Don't cry, love. You know I won't leave you."

You know I won't leave you.

You know I won't leave you.


You know I won't leave you.

Myungsoo's last remarks kept on repeating in my mind. That's when it hit me. Myungsoo won't leave me, but I will be the one to leave him. Life's unfair. They're right. Life is a sometimes.


I felt someone tap my shoulders.. "Mhm. Go away. I'm still sleepy."

"You're asking me to go away? What kind of wife are you?" I recognized Myungsoo's voice. I groggily opened my eyes and looked at him, "Let me sleep more, please hubby?"

"Just continue sleeping later. We're here. As what've told you, we will visit someone important to you." He tapped my head and kissed my nose. "Go up and fix yourself now, wifey."

I looked around and saw where we are and I can't help but smile...


Took me a month to update. I honestly feel like stopping this story because I'm too lazy. But of course, I love all my readers so I won't stop. It's just that it took time for me to have ideas on how to make the ending. I already have the ending for this story... And don't hate me for it. But trust me, since it's tag as a MyungYeon story..... Idk. HAHAHAHAHA.

THERE YOU GO. Comments are love my lovely readers. Please do comment. I just want my efforts to be appreciated. I love reading comments. Even if it's a hate comment. XD Kidding.

Maybe less than ten chapters to go before the ending? Not sure. =))))))))))

Love lots. <3



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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T