If I Fall [29]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV

"Jiyeon-ah.. I'll give you something." He said as he looked at me and smiled.
"What is it?" I asked curiously.
"I've got two conditions. If you don't do that TWO conditions then I won't give it to you." He said as he smirked.
No matter what the two conditions are, I still want the gift. Hahahahah!
"What are those two conditions?" I asked.
"Open my gift in 8 seconds. And if you can't open it in 8 seconds then I'll get it again." He said as he pulled out a rectangular box wrapped with a pink wrapper. Woaah! 
Could it be chocolates?! *o*
He handed it to me and smiled, "I'll start counting now." He said.
I kept on opening and tearing the wrapper. I need to open this. Aish!
Omg. What is this. It's a box. With a-------What ever. I need to open this..
It's the bracelet I saw at Paris. He bought it for me? 
"How did you know that I liked this?"
"I saw you looking at it when we're at the mall. Hahahaha." He said as he chuckled.
Woah. *o* It's already mine right? It's already mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
"Ohhh. Thanks." I said as I tried to put it on my wrist but I had a hard time locking it. Can somebody help me lock it. :(
"Aww. Poor you." He teased as he moved a bit closer and held my hand. He squeezed it abit. Aish. 
Why is he sweet? T____T Myungsoo. Please stop being like that. I hate it. Because I'm scared that I'll fell inlove with you. I'm scared that when I'm ready to love you, you won't be there to catch me.. You won't be there to love me back. So please. Don't. :(
He locked the bracelet in my wrist and smiled, "There you go." He said as he looked at me.
"Thanks. I love you for this." I said as I chuckled after that. Hahaha. Aigoo.
"Psh." He cussed, "Anyways. The other condition is..."
"What is it?" I asked curiously. 
Dugdugdugdugdug. I feel nervous. Tsk. Is it a bad or a good thing?
"Let me stay here tonight.."
He wants to stay here tonight..
He wants to stay here tonight..
He wants to stay here tonight..
He wants to stay here tonight..
He wants to stay WITH ME..
"NO WAY!" I shouted. Nu-uh. Even if I like him, he shouldn't stay here because the more he's around.. The more I fall for him. Tsk.
"Then I'll take this back." He said as he poked my bracelet. 
He's gonna take it back? Nooo. That would be very unfair! Tsk.
"What now? Tell me if I can't stay here. It's okay with me." Myungsoo said as he smirked.
"O-okay.. Stay here. But you should sleep t-there.." I said as I point at the couch. Yes. He should sleep there. Not beside me.
"Okiee." He said as he laid down on my bed and closed his eyes. 
He's gonna sleep now? OKAY. But not in my bed. Aish!
 "Myungsoo, I said at the couch and not there in my bed."
"Hmm~" he hummed. I poked his head but he didn't even move, "Jiyeon-ah.. Let's go to school together tomorrow, okay?" He said before he sleep.
"YAAAA! Go transfer at the couch!" I shouted till the top of my lungs.
(-.-  ') (-.- ') (._.) (' -.-) ('  -.-)
He didn't even move. Tch. No choice but to sleep at the couch. I shouldn't have let that 'gentleman' sleep here. 
He's a blackmailer. He used the bracelet.
But yet, I love it. <3
"Don't push me away. Don't leave me. You're the only one I have now, Jiyeon-ah." Myungsoo suddenly blurted out when I was about to sit on the couch. His eyes are still closed, I bet he's still not sleeping.
At school.
"Omg!" Eunjung blurted out when she saw me and Myungsoo walking together to school. Tsk. 
"The two of you really look good together.. But I know you won't be together since Myungsoo is still dating Yoona.." One of out teacher said as we walk on the hallways. 
I thought it's only my friends who thinks Myungsoo and I looks really good together. Tch. What a life!
"Ya! Why didn't go home last night?" Hyomin suddenly appeared at our back. As usual, she is late again.. Hyominnie hitted Myungsoo's head with her books hardly.
How did Hyomin know that Myungsoo didn't went home last night? What's happening? Is there something between them?
Okay. I admit it, I really like Myungsoo and I'm jealous. Tsk.
"I slept at Jiyeon's house. Why? Any problem?" He said cooly as he walk beside me and pouted a bit. Ugh. So handsome. >//<
"R-really?" Hyomin asked, stuttering. Myungsoo nodded as an answer. I looked at Hyomin and she grinned and jumped a bit.
Then, I saw her and Eunjung giggled. Ya. What's happening? Why are they really happy when it comes to me and Myungsoo. Hahaha. Am I missing something? Tsk.
After that, we went straightly to our classroom and took our seats. 
"Jiyeon-ah.. Do you have something to eat?" 
It's Myungsoo. Why is he here?
Oh. I've forgot that Myungsoo is my seatmate so it's normal if he sit beside me. Aigoo. ;~;
I nearly forgot.. Ahahahahaha!
"Ya! We just ate breakfast awhile ago! Why are you hungry again?"
"Tsk. I don't know! I'm just asking. Can you just please answer yes or no? Psh." He shouted. Okay. That was... Over acting. 
"Yup. I got a tuna sandwich here. You want?" I said. I'm scared. He's really scary when he's hungry.
He grabbed the sandwich and started munching on it. Oh. He's really hungry... And scary..
"Look. There's Jiyeon and Myungsoo." I heared someone said.. "They really DON'T look good together." I heared another girl said.
I thought everyone wants me and Myungsoo together but I'm wrong. Tsk.
At Lunch.
I was sitting alone at our (I, Eunjung, Hyomin, Woohyun, Hoya, and Myungsoo) table. My friends are the one to buy out food, and remember that Myungsoo is still my slave, so he's still be the one to buy it for me until the end of this school year. Hahaha.
"Oh. So here's the reason why Myungsoo and Yoona broke up.." A girl suddenly said.
"Yeah.. She's a . She's the real reason why Myungsoo broke up with Yoona." One her friend said too. Just then, someone pulled my hair. "Ya, it hurts."
"Oh.. It hurts? It doesn't even compare to what Yoona feels when Myungsoo broke up with her. And that because of YOU!" The girl said again. There are 5 of them.
Because of me? I don't remember something like Myungsoo broke up with Yoona because of me. Because the last thing I know is Yoona is the one who broke up with Myungsoo.
Gahd. :| What's happening?
I started pleading them but they kept on pulling my hair. Ugh. Immature girls. T^T
"Please stop.." I mumbled as tears kept rolling down on my face.
 "They broke up because of me? What? I don't even know what you girls are saying." I said as they pull my hair more. :(
Can somebody please help me?
"Jiyeonnie!" Eunjung and Hyomin shouted. They're here! My friends are here to help.
"Hey! What's happening here? What are you doing to Jiyeon?" Eunjung said as she pushed them away.
"We're not done yet. Jiyeon." The girls said as they left. Thank God, Hyomin and Eunjung came to save me.
Hyomin came next to me and started my patting my back. I can't help but cry. So that girls think that I am the reason why Myungsoo and Yoona broke up?
What the hell is that? I'm not the reason. :(
And who are that girls by the way? I know I saw them sometimes here in our school but it's the first time they talk to me..
And they did that to me already?
"Hey! What happened?" Myungsoo popped out out of nowhere, holding his and my food on a tray. "You okay?" He asked as he leaned a bit and looked at my face.
"Those girls said that Jiyeon is the reason why--------"
"N-nothing." I said, cutting what Hyomin is about to say. I don't want Myungsoo to know about that.
When Hoya and Woohyun came back with their lunch, we started eating . They we're chatting, while me? I don't want to talk. I'm not feeling good today.
"You sure that you're okay?" Myungsoo asked as he patted my back. Yes, he's sitting beside me since he ordered frenchfries and we're sharing it. We both love frenchfries, right? Hahaha!
I nodded and smiled as an answer. He looked at me weirdly, "It looks likes you're not okay.." He mumbled.
"Don't worry, it's nothing." I said coldly. I hate this. Ever since Myungsoo and I became friends, I'm ALWAYS getting into trouble. Tsk.
Maybe it's time that I'll start...
Avoiding Myungsoo.
Maybe it's time that I should stop talking to him. I know I like him but he's making my life miserable. And now, I'm being hated for a something they don't know!
The next day..
I was sitting on the bench on our school garden when...
I can feel wet drips on my clothes. Omg..... I'm wet?!?!
I looked up to see who are the one who splashed water on me. And found that its the girls who pulled my hair awhile ago..
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I heared those girls laugh out loud. Ugh. It's so childish of them, "Serves right, we'll make you suffer, ." Jihye, the girl who wear the thickest make-up said.
? What did I do wrong? I don't even have a boyfriend yet. :(
"That's for being the reason why Myungsoo and Yoona broke u-----"
"You... you're name is Jihye right? Stop it, you don't even know anything about what happened." A voice said. I can hear the footsteps of the speaker going near me.
"Psh." The speaker said. 
'Psh? That's propably Myungsoo. He's here again. I'll be on trouble again.. And again.' I thought as I looked up and saw Jihye and the other girls' eyes widen in shock. They thought Myungsoo won't speak something about it. Tsk. Of course, he'll speak about it.
I look at Myungsoo as he walk towards me, "Yoona is the one who broke up with me.. Jiyeon didn't do anything about it. Yoona is the one who cheated. She's the one who gave up.." He said as he continue to walk. As soon as he reached me, he patted my back trying to swag off the wet part.
"You okay?" He said while he pull me towards a tree in our school garden. "I am, no need to worry."
"I'm really sorry.." He said, his hands on both of my shoulders. He sighed and look down. "For what?" I asked.
"It's because they blame you for what happened between Yoona and I. I hope that you still won't leave my side even if things gets wor------"
"Myungsoo." I mumbled, cutting what he was about to say. "Hmm?" He looked at me with sad eyes. I feel bad, but I know I need to do this. I'm so tired of all the troubles.
"I'm... tired." I said. I don't know why, but I think 'tired' is not the correct word. But yeah.. Tired.
"Huh? Do you want to take a rest? Let's cut class then." He said in a low voice. Yes. We still have classes. But it's Lunch break as of now.
"I'm tired of all the troubles I got whenever I'm with you.. I'm getting about using Mavin as 'our' son, even if we both know that it'll make your father sad if we say the thruth.. I miss my normal life." I said as tears are forming at the side of my eyes.
Myungsoo looked and flashed a bitter smile, "B-but.. You promised that you'll never leave me."
"I'm sorry." I said, as I turned around, "I'm leaving." I mumbled before I continue walking.
'Sorry Myungsoo..'

Myungsoo's POV

I was walking at our school hall, when I saw Jiyeon walking her way to our school garden..
I followed her and I saw her seat at one of the the benches in the school's garden. She looked at the sky and sighed. 
'She's really pretty.' My mind said.. Yeah, she's pretty.
But she looked sad, and tired. I can't see happiness in her eyes just like before. Maybe she got a problem? Can I help her?
Just thenn...
I saw it. Jihye throws a bucket of water to Jiyeon who is sitting at the bench.
Jiyeon's eyes widen in shock as she felt wet drips of water on her clothes made by Jihye..
The fck. What are they doing to Jiyeon? .___.
Who's Jihye anyways? She and her friends are the one who helped me with Yoona. The time when I was still courting Yoona, I used to ask her and her friends for some tips since they are a bit close and they know a lot about Yoona.
That's why they are acting like that.. She and her friends thought that Yoona and I are still in a relationship. They thought that Yoona and I are forever.. Yeah. Me too, I thought that Yoona and I are forever.. But guess what, we're all wrong.
Maybe she's meant for someone else? And me? Yeah. Me too.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jihye and her friends laughed at what they did to Jiyeon.
"Serves right! We'll make you suffer, !" 
I should save her before something worse happens. I started walking near them..
"That's for being the reason why Myungsoo and Yoona broke u------"
I saw Jiyeon's eyes. She's already crying. Why don't she fight back? Why don't she defend herself?
Maybe because she's not guilty because it's not true. But if she don't fight back, she'll be... abused.
"You... you're name is Jihye right? Stop it, you don't even know anything about what happened." I said as I was walking near them. 
They, except Jiyeon, looked at me with wide eyes. "Psh."
I continued walking as I reached Jiyeon. I patted the wet part on her clothes so it would be try faster.. She looked at me with sad eyes. She's crying..
 "Yoona is the one who broke up with me.. Jiyeon didn't do anything about it. Yoona is the one who cheated. She's the one who gave up.." I said. I pulled Jiyeon somewhere far from where Jihye is standing. "You okay?" I asked, she sighed and looked at me..
"I am, no need to worry." She answered coldly.
"I'm really sorry." I said in a low voice. I rested both of my hands on her shoulders.
"For what?" She asked.
"It's because they blame you for what happened between Yoona and I. I hope that you still won't leave my side even if things gets wor------"
"Myungsoo." She said, a bit cold.
"I'm tired." Tired? Is she sick? I looked at her and she look pale. Maybe she got a fever again..
"Huh? You want to take a rest? Let's go cut class then." I said. Yes, if ever she said yes, we'll go cut class.
I don't know why but... I care so much for Jiyeon. I love it when she's with me..
She sighed and looked at me, "I'm tired of all the troubles I got whenever I'm with you.. I'm getting about using Mavin as 'our' son, even if we both know that it'll make your father sad if we say the thruth.. I miss my normal life."
"B-but.. You promised that you'll never leave me." I said. I know what she's talking about. She wants to give up on me....
No, I don't want to lose someone again.
"I'm sorry." She said as she turned around and mumbled words, "I'm leaving." She said before walking away.
She left me.
She left me just like what Yoona did. She gave up on me..
Jiyeon gave up on me...
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T