If I Fall [40]

If I Fall


Jiyeon's POV

"Ya! Jiyeon! Hurry up. You've been there in an hour." Aunt shouted. Yeah, aunt. I mean Mavin's mom. They're here together with his brothers, "I'm almost done!" I shouted back.I finished taking a bath. Yeah, I've took a bath. I've been here inside the bathroom an hour already? Woah. I didn't notice the time. It was running too fast.
Yeah. Time has been running too fast. 
I looked at mirror and smiled as I blower my hair in the front of it, still inside the bathroom. A few minutes later, I heared a knock from the outside, "Ya. Jiyeon-ah! Aren't you planning to go out of there?"
At the last blow of the blower, I turned it off and went out. I saw my aunt elicit a deep sigh as she saw me went out of my cave—I mean bathroom, "Finally!"
She then pulled me to a chair infront of the mirror with make up kits, curler, perfume in the side tables of it. Is this a parlor or something? Hahah. She then started curling the bottom part of my hair. After that, she grabbed the make up brush from the make-up kit that she brought here. Oh God. My Aunt is such a fashionist. I look like a fashion terrorist here. Ugh. -.-
I sighed, my neck is already feeling stiff since she wants it to remain to one and only straight place. I've been urging to stretch it, but my aunt's hand are on guard at the sides of my face.
With one last touch of lipstick, she smiled. A very satisfied one, "Done." She said as she tilt my head so I can see myself at the mirror and woah.. I look very nice. Or is it just me that I looked pretty? "You're so beautiful, dear." Aunt said as she removed the curlers at the end of my hair and smiled, "These curls would match to your makeup." She made a statement. Yeah, she's right. I just feel so beautiful today. Maybe that's because I rarely use make-up. I'm contented with powder and sometimes eyeliner.
"I'm sure he would go wow over you, my dear." She said before walking away, "Stay here for a bit. I'll go get something."
I felt a tug on the back of shirt, I turned around and saw Mason, Mavin, and Maden behind me, "Noona. You look cool." Mavin commented as he pulled my arms and hug it as tight as he could. I pinch his cheeks lightly before letting a chuckle, "Thanks dear."
"I'll marry you when I grow up." Mason commented as he waved his hand to catch my attention. I smiled at him and--I was about to nod at him when Mavin suddenly hitted him, "No hyung! You can't marry Jiyeon noona! She has to marry my master—I mean Myungsoo hyung!" Mavin suddenly blurted out as he continue to hit his older brother. To stop their childish acts, I waved my hand in front of them,"Stop!" I shouted. They look at me with shock expression, and I just laughed in return. They started laughing soon. But they stopped as the door opened and saw their mom carying a box. I supposed that's my gown.
I grabbed the gown from my aunt's arm and started walking towards my room. I closed and covered the windows with the curtains. Then, I started changing my clothes. I've got a hard time to wear it 'cause of my makeup. I should pay more extra care, since my hai is already fixed. I should have wore this first before putting my makeup.
This is harder than I thought.
With last one pull, and I'm done. At last! Phew. That was tiring though.
I went outside and saw my aunt waiting by the door with a box of makeup on her hand, "There. You look gorgeous, my dear. I remembered your mom's childhood days. She was like... this pretty." She said as she retouch my face with makeup. She then smiled at me warmly, "Mason, Mavin, Maden! Come here. We'll be picture taking!" She shouted.
After a few seconds, I heared running footsteps behind me, and there the three brother is. They posed beside me and smiled, a gummy one to be exact. They're still adorable. I still remember the way they look when they were still months old. Time flew so fast, does it?
Hmm. Yeah. Do you guys have a clue on what will happen today? It was....
"Jiyeon, my dear. Be careful not to destroy your makeup while you're with him, You need to flaunt out your beauty!" My aunt said. Hahaha. She looked so happy. I wonder how my mom would look happy if she's here right now and she'll be able to witness... 
My Wedding. Yes, I'm going to get married today. Aren't you happy for me?
Joke. -__- It was just our prom tonight. And, ofcourse. My partner is (drumroll please. Joke.) Myungsoo, my hubby. :">
After a few minutes of retouching my makeup, I asked help for my aunt to help me wear the necklace that my dad gave me. For me, it was very precious. Besides from the memories he left for me, it was one of the best thing he do. It was like a remembrance from my dad. :) He's the best!
I saw my aunt grabbed a paper bag. She then pulled out a purse, a new purse to be exact, "I bought this for you." She said as she put all the things I need, like ofcourse tissues, perfume, and etc. I hugged her and whispered thanks as a token of gratitude. I know my aunt really likes to have a daughter, but she doesn't have one. She was given three angels...in disguise. Well, sometimes, the three of them is really a pain in the . -.-
Knock knock knock. I heared someone knocked at the door. I guess it was already him.
Mavin rushed through to open the door, I then went to the nearest mirror to check my appearance, "Masterrrrr!" I heared Mavin shouted gleefuly. I'm right, it's Myungsoo already. 
I suddenly felt my heart beating so fast. It feels like it would blast out of my chest. Oh dear. I feel so  nervous.
I felt my knees shake in nervousness, almost like jelly. What would he feel if he see me? What if he won't like how I dressed today? I'm getting paranoid here. :(
"Noona is here! Over here!" I heared Mavin shouted. I turned around and saw Mavin running towards my direction as he pulls Myungsoo's hand with him, making Myungsoo run after him.
Dugdug Dugdug. Stupid heart.
He looked at me, his black eyes pierced into mine, "You look beautifu---I mean gorgeous today." He said as he walks near me, a smile plastered on his ever handsome face. He grabbed my hand, and I looked at him, scowling a bit. "You don't have to say that I look good today. It's not your responsible because you're my boyfriend."
His smile turn into a grin, "Nope. It's how I actually feel. If it is for you, I would never get tired of stating that you're beautiful because it's true." Why is he so cheesy today? That's so sweet of him.
"You're cute when you're blushing." He said as I felt another heat rush on my cheeks. I absolutely look like a ripe tomato. Waaah. It's always been for him to make me blush, "I'm not blushing!" I said and flashed a fake scowl at him. "Yes, you are." He said as he smirked. Gah. I need to stop myself from blushing if that's humanly possible.
"Maybe we should go now, I bet Hyomin and the others are already there waiting for us." I said, trying to drop the situation, hoping he would ride on.
He nodded as an answer. Phew. Good thing he let that pass.
At the prom.
"You look stunning!" Eunjung commented as she walk around me. My eyes widen at her comment because that's the first thing I've heared when Myungsoo and I entered the commencement hall. I sighed deeply before smiling at her, "Stop flattering me. I feel awkward already." I said thruthly.
"But I'm not flattering you," she scowled and sighed, "Since when did saying the thruth a bad thing, huh?" She said as she slapped my shoulder lightly, and I let out a fake whince.
"Good Evening my Students and faculty workers," Our school's principal greeted, "I'm now opening the hall for this school year's prom. Have a nice evening and enjoy." The principal announce before flashing a smile and leaving the stage.
"Let's go find a table now." Hyomin said as she smiled at us. Wow. Both Hyomin and Eunjung looks dashing. We walked together, I mean the six of us toward the commencement hall. I hope this night would be a memorable one to all of us.
As we sat on the table, Woohyun suddenly went infront of Hyomin. He smirked, "You owe me a dance  tonight, Hyomin-ah." He said as he chuckled. What a nice way to ask someone to dance with him. They're so adorableeeeee. ><
I once told Myungsoo that Hyomin and Woohyun looks good togther but he just laugh. He told me that it would be disastrous since both Hyomin and Woohyun are dorky and can't stand still in one place.
After almost half and hour, Hoya and Eunjung went on for a dance together with Hyomin and Woohyun. While Myungsoo? He said he still don't want to dance since he's feeling lazy. -.- 
"Myungsoo, let's daaaaaance." I said as I pout in front of him, as I try to be innocent-looking so that he would agree to me. He just grabbed my hand and played with it. He looked at me and smirked, "I'm too lazy." He said, making me scowled, "Wow. That so sweet of you hubb-----"
"Hmm. Hey the-there Myungsoo. Is it okay if I asked Jiyeon for a dance?" One of batchmate, Jb to be exact asked Myungsoo. He looke at him as if thinking of an answer..
No Myungsoo. Say nooooo. :(
"Yeah, sure. No problem." He answered calmly. I looked at him and he gave me go-ahead-dance-with-him look. What theeeee. He's acting weird again. Sigh. I looked at JB who's hand is already offered infront of me. "Let's go?" He asked as he flashed me his gummy smile, "Sure." I said as I stood up. I glanced at Myungsoo for the last time hoping to see his regretting face, but I failed. He smirked at me and said, "Take your time wifey."
Scowling, I followed JB who's holding my hand in an awkward position. As soon as we find a good spot, we went to a dancing position where my hands is around his neck and his hand were wrapped around my waist. It's really awkward especially when you know that you're boyfriend is watching you. It feels like I'm cheating with Myungsoo. But ofcourse, we all know that I'm not.
Staring at Myungsoo, he's black coloured eyes pierced into mine, "Jiyeon, You look beautiful tonight." JB said, making me snap back of my thoughts. 
"Eh-hehe. Thanks. You look handsome tonight too, JB-ah." I said as I compliment him back. It's true. He looks good tonight too.
After a few minutes of awkwardness, I started walking back to my seat with JB following me, "Uhm. Thanks." He muttered. I smiled at him and bowed a bit, "No problem. I enjoyed it, actually." I said before waving my hands goodbye. I returned to our table and sighed..
[x] First Dance with Myungsoo.
Yeah. I made up a list what I want to happen tonight on my mind. But I guess the first one already failed and that was very disappointing. What's with Myungsoo again today, huh? Once in a while, he'll be acting like this and it really freaks me out. T-T
To release my being paranoid feeling, I decided to dance with Woohyun, then after that ofcourse, my boy bestfriend, Wonnie.
While dancing with Hoya--I mean Wonnie..
"You and Eunjung looks like a perfect match." I said thruthfully. He scowled a bit and let out a chuckle, "You think so? Well, Eunjung is cute... and awesome." He stated as he smiled.
"And the two of you seems pretty close to each other these days." I stated. He tried not to laugh, "Actually, Eunjung is nice. I enjoy being with her, he makes me kinda forget what feelings I have for you before."
"Then that's a good thing." I smiled.
"Yes, it is." Wonnie said before grinning.
[/] Dance with Woohyun.
[/] Dance with Wonnie.
I've been dancing too much tonight. My feet already hurts. And yet, I haven't dance with Myungsoo. I think he doesn't have a plan on dancing with me. :(  Aish.
"Wifey," Myungsoo whispered as he grabbes my hand, "Let's dance now. We won't have enough time to dance once they announced the prom king and queen." He suddenly blurted out as he stood up and give me worried look.
"But my feet hurts alre----" I have no choice. He pulled me and he started walking to the CENTER of the dance floor. I thought he doesn't have the mood to dance? I thought he was feeling lazy?
"After this, you should not dance to others, okay?" He said and I nodded as an answer. Yes, I would definitely won't dance to others after this. My feet already hurts. I wonder which part of my feet is already wounded? Actually, my first decision is not to wear high heels, but my aunt want me to wear one since I'll be attending my prom and I would look like a midget if I don't wear one because all of the girls here would probably wear high heels.
Myungsoo wrapped his hands on my waist as I put my hands on his neck. He rested his forehead in mine and smiled, "I would want to be your last dance." He whispered. I looked at him and pouted, "I actually want you to be my first dance tonight." I said truthfully. He sighed and muttered, "Oh. I'm sorry."
He kissed the tip of my nose and smiled, "Don't worry. You're my first and last dance tonight."
Dugdug dugdug.
The song suddenly changes into a slow, romantic song. I leaned my head on Myungsoo's chest as we continue dancing, "I thought you don't want to dance with me awhile ago." I said as I sighed. Even my thought my feet already hurts it was still worth it because I'm dancing with him.
He smirked, "And I thought your feet hurts awhile ago, then why are you dancing with me?" He asked. His question made me pull away a bit, "It's because I know you'll be sad."
"Who said I'm gonna be sad if you don't dance with me?" He said as we dance, talking in low voice so we won't catch others attention. He smirked at me. "You always know how to ruin the mood." I said. Yes, Myungsoo would always ruin the mood when we're gonna be sweet to each other. But still, I love him to bits. "Yeah, I know. And also know how to start the mood again." He said as he smirked and rests his forehead on mine, "You're getting more gorgeous everyday, wifey."
"Don't call me 'wifey', I'm still mad at you for ruining the mood awhile ago." I said as I looked at my side, trying to avoid his gaze. "But wife----"
"Myungsoo, I said call me Jiyeon." I said. He suddenly pouted, "I'm sor-----"
"May we call on all the attention of those who are here tonight." Our principal announced as she flashed a smile to us, "Now it's time for us to announce the prom king and queen." Applauses filled the room as she speak. Many of them are waiting for this, while me? The only reason I went here is that I could hangout with my friends, and to have a time with hub–I mean Myungsoo.
A background music of drumroll can be heared. I gawked at it. On my pheripheral vision, I can last year's prom king and queen with the crown on their head. They'll be passing it to the prom king and queen for this school year.
"First, may we call on last year's prom king, Kim Jaejoong, and Queen, Park Dara." Our gym teacher who's currently the emcee for tonight together with our principal said. The two of them walked towards the stage. Seeing last year's prom queen, she's so stunning as always. I remember when she's still studying here (Yes, she graduated already), she was so nice and a very down-to-earth person. I missed the way that she would greet you back when you greet her even if she don't know your name. She's really nice.
Applauses filled the room as the two of them sat at the set of beautifully carved wooden chairs at the side of the stage, near the emcees.
"And now, for our prom queen...." Our principal said as she eyed us, making us feel nervous, or atleast me feel nervous. I'm not assuming it to be me, but I'm excited to know who should I congratulate after this night, "No other than Senior Year's Section A, Im Yoona!" our principal announced. I looked at Yoona's direction, she was shocked by the announcement but still decided to walk towards the stage.
Even if we're still awkward to each other, I'll try to congratulate her. It could be a step where we can be friends like before again. :)
When she arrived at the stage, our gym teached cleared before speaking through the mic. It's her time to announce the king, "And for our prom king, it is no other than...." She stopped with a dramatic pause, leaving us hanging as we waited for the announcement.
"...Kim Myungsoo from Senior year, Section A!" I looked at him. He looked at me back, as if he was telling me to stop him.
He was giving me that sad look. And that hits me. I remembered our school's tradition about the prom king and queen. They should..
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss~!" The students chanted.
Dugdug Dugdug.
My heart is racing fast. I don't want to end this night dissappointed. I hope Myungsoo won't kiss her. Aish.
I looked at the stage and saw Myungsoo and Yoona looked at each other. Seeing them like that makes me remember what they had before, I mean way back before Myungsoo and I knew each other.
I stared at them as my vision gets blurred because tears are building up in my eyes. Myungsoo don't kiss her, okay?
Just then, I saw Myungsoo cupped Yoona's cheeks and....
He kissed her. 
He kissed Yoona infront of everyone. Infront of me. :(
Tears dropped from my eyes as I started walking towards the exit of the commencement hall. Myungsoo is a jerk tonight and I hate it.
I kept on running as fast as my high heels can handle. It was raining. At first, I didn't care. But after a few runs, the rain became heavier so I looked around for a waiting shed and I ran towards it. It's really hard to run like this.
"I hate him.. so much." I said as I arrived at the waiting shed, "I bet he still have feelings for Yoona." I decided to sit on the chair on this shed and remove my high heels. My feet hurts, and I think I got— I know it's embarrasing to admit, but I think my feet has blisters now. Curse this high heels. -.-
[/] Be Myungsoo's last dance.
[/] Make this night a very memorable one.
Yes, It was memorable. Why? I wouldn't have been this sad is Yoona was the one who kissed him. But instead, he's the one who started the kiss. :( Just then, a white-colored van stopped infront of me, it opens one of it's door and a man pulled me inside. Am I being kidnapped?!
I actually planned to post this yesterday, but yeah. I've got so depressed about Myungsoo and the ulzzang girl in a relationship. I won't believe WoolimEnt that this is just a rumor or smthing, 'cause is it normal to go on a grocery with a girl? And take note, the girl's hand is clinging to Myungsoo's arm. :( It's not that I hate the girl, It's just that Myungsoo has been my ultimate bias since Infinite debuted that's why it hurts alot. I wouldn't be this sad if Jiyeon was the girl that he's dating, I'll be more than happy if that happens. And I didn't see that coming, I was actually grateful that Myungsoo is my bias since he doesn't seem to pay attention to girls around him, except for now. :(
And I'm not saying that idols aren't allowed to have a romantic relationship with others either... Yeah, we all know that it's hard if you're a fan girl and your bias is seen dating. Because all you do is stand there and look at them as your heart breaks. :( I honestly cried for two days straight. Sorry if that's way to dramatic, but it's true. :|
Don't mind me peepz. Just comment on what you think about this chapter, it would make me feel loved and happy if you do. :)) Thanks. Have a blessed day everyone. :]
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T