If I Fall [34]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV

Gahd. This is so heavy. -__- Why do I even agree to do this? Tsk. That guy is really asdgashs.
The teacher sighed as she heared the bell. Well yeah. End of classes peepz. Yes, it's still 1pm and the end of our classes is 3:30pm. They ended the classes because we are obliged to watch the basketball game of our school with the basketball players from our rival school.
And yeah, Myungsoo, Hoya and Woohyun are one of our school's basketball varsity players . :) That's why I haven't seem them since this morning. Myungsoo didn't even went to my house to fetch me. But that's okay. Since they need to train more. :)
"Fix yourselves and line up. We'll go to the school's gym to watch the game." Our teacher said.
The students cheered. Yeah, our topic was hell boring so we're all happy to be excused and watch the game. "Yaaaaay!" The students shouted.
Just then, Eunjung sat next to me and smiled. "Hey. Are you sure you'll do the condition?" She said as she laughed and looked down at that thing on the floor.
"As if I have a choice." I said. Yeah. That's right. I don't have a choice. And besides, I agree to do it for the sake of Myungsoo's forgiveness.
"Ayieeee~! You and Myungsoo really looks good together." Eunjung teased and smirked.
"I know. HAHAHAHAHA!" I said as we both bursted out laughing. Hahaha. Well yeah, I've been used to it when they'll told me that Myungsoo and I looked good. And I obviously like it. -__-
And yeah. Do you guys have the clue of what is the condition that Myungsoo asked for? Well... It was kinda big and annoying to bring..
But it's a banner. He wants me to raise it when they are playing later.
Should I do it? Ofcourse, I should. -.-
But the real question is.. Can I do it? Well, I know I should  do it. But I'm not sure if I can. -_- That would be embarrassing.
"Okay. Students, form your line. We'll be going to the gym now." Our teacher commanded. So we stood up and formed a line seperated from girls and boys.
I was actually trying to hide the banner I made but It was too big because it was a cardboard. -__- And my classmates are teasing me. .-.
"Jiyeon-ah! Admit it. You and Myungsoo are dating!" Eunji said. Yes, it's Eunji who said that. I missed her. :( Ever since we finished the group's roleplay.. We rarely talk. Not like before. :(
Oh well, that obviously happens because she got her own friends too. But that's okay. I know that Eunji is still my friend. :)
"We're not dating! Psh." I said I hit her lightly on the shoulder. She bursted out laughing and looked at me. "Now you really speak like him. The infamous 'Psh' of Myungsoo is said by you too." She said as she laughed again.
"You're right!" Hyomin and Eunjung suddenly appeared behind me and laughed with Eunji.
>////< They noticed it again. -.- I hate this!
After a few minutes of walking, me and all of my classmates reach the school's gym. It is where the game will be held. I hide the banner I made for Myungsoo behind me. I feel embarrass if I let him see it.
Just then, I saw Myungsoo looking at me. His face is somewhat sad and nervous.
'Ya. Myungie, Don't worry. I did the banner.. I just don't know if I can raise it later. Aish.'
We went to our seats, I was sitting between Eunjung and Hyomin. On our part, the game is really seen and the players will see us clearly. Phew. -__- This would be more embarassing. 
After a few minutes, the basketball players from our rival school came. Woah. They look sporty. *o* But of course, our school's basketball players are better. :''>
After a few minutes.. The game is started. Tsk. Our team is winning. So there's no need to raise this banner.
I was about to hide the banner when I noticed Myungsoo looking at me. I looked back at him but..
He suddenly looked away.
He looked like he is sad. I mean, very sad.
I suddenly remembered something..
I'm doing this condition so he would forgive me. :(
That means, Myungsoo is still mad at me. We're still not okay. Yaaaaa. T___T What should I do?
Just then, I saw Hoya did something to Myungsoo. He pushed Myungsoo. O__O
What the hell is happening?!?
They're on the same group but they are fighting? -_- But after Hoya pushed Myungsoo... I saw that Myungsoo's leg is sprained.
That's why he got a hard time standing up.
Poor him. T__T I want to go to him and helped him stand up. 
Why did Wonnie did that? Did Myungsoo did something bad to them? The last time I know is that they're buddies, right?
Woohyun then went between Myungsoo and Hoya. He looked at Hoya and talked at him before helping Myungsoo stand up. As soon as Myungsoo stand up, he obviously asked if he's alright.
But Myungsoo nodded and said yes even if he's not fine. He walked limping. :(
The referee gave them I timeout because Myungsoo looks like he's injured or something. 
Just then, Hyominnie stand up. She went straightly to Myungsoo. I and Eunjung just looked at her while Hyomin os obviously asking if Myungsoo is alright.
Hahahaha. Sister to the rescue! :))
But after a few minutes, Hyomin came back with a dissappointed face. She sat down beside me again. 
"What happened?" I whispered as I asked her.
"He still wants to play the game." Hyomin said. She obviously sound very worried of his younger brother. Awww. So sweet. :) It makes me want to have a brother or sister that is good and caring as Hyominnie. Hahaha. Lol.
The referee and the coaches decided to continue the game.
"Shoot--Score by red teams, number 18.. Hoya Lee." The announcer said.
Wow. Wonnie scored. That's so nice of him. :)
What's happening with Myungsoo? He's not scoring at all. And..
He kept on glancing at me. :(
What's wrong?
"Three points by red team's Hoya again. Wow! Nice player." The announcer said.
Wonnie kept on scoring. But Myungsoo isn't. He really look like he is sad. :( Ugh. I hope I can do something to cheer him up.
"Ow. Poor Myungie." Eunjung suddenly blurted out as Myungsoo touched his head. He's dizzy?
What's happening?
Yaaaa. :(
I think it's time that I should raise the banner.
Agh. Jiyeon-ah! You need to do it. :( Or else, Myungsoo won't be okay. And Myungsoo would hate me for the rest of my life. :(
Inhale. Exhale~
One more time. Inhale. Exhale.
Phew. This is it! :)
I reached for the banner.. And..
"YA! Kim Myungsoo!" I shouted as I raised the banner where I wrote 'Go MY HANDSOME Myungsoo~! ^^'
Omg. What the hell am I doing? -.- HAHAHAHA. This would be very embarassing. But that's okay. I know I would regret it if I didn't do this. :) It's okay. I did this  for Myungsoo anyways.
And.. For the one that's written on the banner. It's Myungsoo who told me what to right. Gahh. =___=
He looked at my direction while he run and chased the player who got the ball. Then he smiled. :)
He smiled a very angelic smile. 
T-T Ugh. My heart again. I hate it when this happens. It's because everytime my heart reminds me that I got feelings for him.. It also reminds me that Myungsoo still got feelings for Yoona. T-T
But I saw it.
Wonnie looked at my direction too. And he sighed deeply. 
If I do something good to Wonnie, Myungsoo gets mad. If I did something good to Myungsoo, Wonnie gets mad. Gaaaahd. Why is it so complicated.
"Go Red Team! Go Myungsoo! Go Woohyun! Go Hoya!" Eunjung and Hyomin shouted. They look like a fan shouting their fan's name while watching the concert. Hahahahaha! Fangirls. Loljk.
"Shoot---Score by Red Team's number 10, Kim Myungsoo!" The announcer said.
Wow. *o* Myungsoo scored once again. He's so cool. >///<
After he shooted the ball, he looked at me and smiled before running to get the ball again. :)
Weeeeeee! >////<
I continue to raise the banner as the game goes on. Eunjung, Hyomin and I continue to cheer the three of them as they play and play.
And as obvious as it was, it is our school who win the match! :) 
Yeaaaaaay! XD
After the game. 
I was walking my way to Hoya and Woohyun who just came out of the boys shower room. Yeah, the showered their sweats off. Hahaha.
Just then, someone hugged me from behind. O___O "Hello." He said. Oh.. It's just Myungsoo. I thought it's someone I didn't know.
"H-hi." I said, stuttering because of our awkward position.
"Thank you~" He whispered as he tightened the hug. "No problem." I answered.
Aigoo. >////< Awkward.
"Y-yaa. Is your foot fine now?" I asked, trying to create a topic.
"Hmm. Yeah, it is. But you should blame your boyfriend for doing that to me. Psh." He said.
I've got a boyfriend?!?!
"I don't have a boyfriend."
He chuckled, "Why are you so slow? I was refering to Hoya-ssi." He said as he laughed.
"He's not my boyfriend." I defended myself back.
He tightened the hug a bit. Yeah, he's still hugging me. "I know. I was just joking." Okay. Phew. I thought he really believe that Hoya is my boyfriend. That's a big NO~!
"Let's go to the school's garden after I shower, hmm?" Myungsoo suggested. Okiee! :> I looked at him and nodded as an answer. Ohhhh. :)
'Let's go to the school's garden after I shower, hmm?'
That means he hugged when he was still sweaty? -___-
Oh God. That boy is really asdgasff.
At the garden..
"Ya. Myungsoo."
"Yeah?" He said as he looked at me.
"I'm hungry." I told him as I went near him and pout. He hugged me and pat my head. *o*
Wahahaha. That was sweet. :>
"Okay. Okay. I'll just buy food at the canteen. Wait for me here, okay?"
I nodded and smiled as an answer. So he started walking towards our school's canteen. I was looking around our school ground when I saw someone.. I mean a group of girls.
That's Jihye and her friends again. T-T
Myungsoo. Help meeee. :( Please.  Please. Please. Please. T-T
"Look who's here?​" Jihye said. Her friends looked at each other and smirked. 
"The ."
"The ."
"The ."
"The flirt." 
Yeah. They said that one by one. T__T
I'm not a flirt. I'm a not a , totally not a and a . >_>
"Ya. Who told you that you have the right to tell me that I'm a , , or a flirt when you didn't even know what happened in Paris? Are we even close friends to tell me that I'm like that?! Huh?  I didn't steal anyone from Yoona, because Yoona still obviously owns Myungsoo's heart."
"And why would steal Myungsoo away from her when I love Yoona because she's my friend. AND IF A BOAT SINKS DOWN, SHE'LL WILL BE THE ONE I WILL SAVE! It--- it's just that... Ugh. Don't be such a feeler and a know it all when you obviously know NOTHING!" 
Gahd. Girls these days. :(
Yes. I already defended myself. I'm a ? A ? A and a ? That discrimination is below the belt! -___- 
Sigh. I wanna cry. I'm hell mad. I bet they still won't believe me. :(
I was about to continue what I was saying when they all run away. 
Hmm. Jiyeon-ah.. Relax. Inhale. Exhale..
Calm down.
"That's my girl." :>
I heared someone said as I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Back huuuug! :) We obviously know who said that.  :"")
I turned around and hugged him. And there, I cried. Everytime that I feel and see him around me.. I feel like I'm not alone. That I can solve any problem as long as I'm with him.. It feels like.. It's okay for me to loose everyone, except for him. :(
Yoona, can I have him? :( T___T
I like him.
I want him.
I love him? :(
"Stop crying. Shh." Myungsoo said as she caressed the back of my head.
"They still hate me." I said as I burried my face on his chest and hugged him tighter.
Yoona.. Please.. You have your Donghae already.. Let me have Myungsoo. :( Aish. T__T
I don't know why I'm crying. Maybe because Jihye hates me more now. Or maybe because of what I said awhile ago? That Yoona still obviously owns Myungsoo's heart.
And I've got no chance. They're perfect. T-T
Yeah. They might break up but I know, if the time comes that Yoona came back here.. Myungsoo will do anything to have her back. And me? I'll just be here, watching him as he falls for Yoona more and more each day as my heart breaks.
I don't know what should I call this feeling.
But am I inlove with him already?
"I hate seeing you like this, Jiyeon-ah." He said as hugged me tighter. "Stop crying now. Please?"
He cupped my face and kissed my nose. >///////<
*o* Waaaaah. Myungie-ahhhhh! :>
I pouted and leaned my head on his chest again. Aish. I don't want him to see me blush. Hahaha! Aigoo.
"Ya. I thought you're hungry?" He asked me as he mumbled those words on my ears. I nodded so we sat down under the nearest tree and started eating.
"Ya. Your eyes looks horrible when you cry."
Tsk. This guy really likes teasing me alot. :(
"Oh. Myungsoo and Jiyeon. There you are. Sorry to disturb your date but can you bring this ball to the school's stock room?" Our Physical Education teacher said. -___-
"Sure, sir." Myungsoo said as he stood up and lend his hand so he can help me stand up.
The teacher handed me the ball and we started walking towards the stock room.
At the stock room..
We arrived there. I closed the door because the teachers said that they will have a meeting and the faclty room is located beside the stock room where I and Myungsoo need to put the ball. We need to close the door because they said that we shouldn't not hear what they are talking about. It was controversial. HAHAHAHAHA! Lol. What the hell is that.
Myungsoo put the ball in the basket or tray or whatever you should call where you should put the ball because I don't how it was called. -_-
''We're done now. Let's go home.'' I said. Yeah, I really want to go home now. It's been a long tiring day and my throat hurts because I kept on screaming at the basketball game a while ago. Haha. That's so epic. Hyomin and Eunjung said that my face was unglamorous that time. They mean, unglamorous that you can't identify if I'm sad, happy, embarrased or somewhat constipated. XD
Wow. I've got nice friends. -__- Hahaha.
''Yeah, Let's go.'' Myungsoo said as he approached the door and turned the doorknob so he can open it.
Awkward silence..
''Ya. Myungsoo open the door.'' I said.
''I think we're locked.'' He answered. o___o Locked?
''Ya. Stop joking. I wanna go home already.'' I said as I walked beside him. I removed his hands on the doorknob and decided that I should be the one to open it to know if he's joking or not.
It's really locked. Gaaaaah. This can't be happening. ;(
I knocked on the door. ''Uhmm,, We're here. Can somebody opened the door?'' I shouted as I knocked continously at the door. Waaaaaah. I hope someone will hear my voice so he or she can open the door for us.
While I'm knocking at the door, I noticed Myungsoo walks away and he sat down on the floor. He looked at me with serious eyes. Omg. What's happening?!?!
''Jiyeon-ah, come here.''
''But I need to ask for he------''
''I said come here.'' He said coldly. I was scared so I went next to him and sat on the floor beside him.
''Good girl. Now...'' He said in a low and husky voice. What is he doing? Naaaaaaah. :(
He pushed me down. I was laying down when he suddenly face me.. Is he going to me?!? Nooooooooooooo. Even if I like him, I still don't want to do it because we're still not married.
Lol. As if we're gonna be married. As what I've said, Myungsoo is for Yoona and Yoona is for Myungsoo.  Hahaha. I don't want to think about it anymore. It hurts. ;(
Just then, Myungsoo leaned closer to my face. I can feel his breathe on my face. Okay, I'm starting to get scared. But I believed Myungsoo won't do it. Myungsoo is a nice guy, right? 
He leaned closer.... and closer.. Our face we're just inches from each other..
I closed my eyes like a kid that is frightened of the sound of the lightning.. ''Don't.'' I said lolwly.
''HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!'' I heared Myungsoo laughed. So, I opened my eyes and saw him on the floor, holding his tummy as he laugh out his life. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
''MYUNGSOOOOO!'' I shouted.
''You should have seen your face, It was epic. I suddenly felt energized again.'' He said as he tried to stop himself from laughing. Psh. This guy! Aish. He should be thankful that I love him. :(
Because if not, I would not think twice, I would kill him as soon as possible. -_-
But seeing him laugh like that because of me? I suddenly felt proud. I can make him happy too. I can make him smile just like what Yoona can do. :D I hope he would always be like this. 
I was staring at him, when he stared back at me too. He look serious already. Does he have mood swing or mental problem? Because he was just laughing a while ago.. And now, he's very freaking serious. -_-
''Jiyeon-ah, Do you believe in ghosts?'' he suddenly asked.
''Uh.. A little bit. Why?''
''Because they said that... there are ghosts in  this room.''
I ran next to him and hugged him. Nooooooo. I don't want to die. ''Ya, Myungie-ah.. Don't scare me like that.'' I said.
''I'm not joking. Our coach told us that story when we're training. Because everytime he gets the ball here for or training, he would see a tall girl who wears all white, and she's crying at that corner.'' He said coldly as he pointed out at the right corner of the room. I stopped speaking. I hugged him tighter and I sobbed on his chest. No. Please. T-T
Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh. TT______________TT
''Myungsoo. Let's go out of here, I wanna go home already.'' I said as I started to cry. Yes, I'm really scared.
''But the door is locked. I think we're gonna stay for the whole night here.''
''But... *huk* I don't want to stay here. Please.. Do something.. *huk*''
I can feel that he's hugging me really tight. ''Sorry, Jiyeon-ah. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just joking.''
That's------------------ HE WAS JUST JOKING?!
''YA! Why do you keep on playing around with me? Did I do something bad to you?'' I said as I continue to sob. Yes, I hate when someone scares me about ghosts. :(
''Sorry.'' he mumbled continuosly as he pats my head. Ahhhh, I really wanna go out of here. Pleaaaaase. T^T
''.....'' I kept silent. I really wanna go home. I want to take a rest. Just then, I can feel Myungsoo's hand on my forehead, ''Jiyeon-ah, are you sick?''
''Huh? Me? Ahh.. I don't know, I just feel a bit dizzy since this morning.'' I said. Yes, that's right. I've been very dizzy. That's why I wanna go home already, but it seems like we're stocked here forever. -.-
''If you're not feeling well since this morning then why did you even attended school today?'' He asked, it was obvious that he was concerned with me, I can feel it in the tone of his voice.
''Because if I'm absent today, I can't do the condition. You'll still be mad at me.'' Yeah.. You're right. Even though I wanted to be absent today, I still didn't. Because I want to do the condition so Myungsoo won't be at me anymore. You know how much it hurts me when he's mad at me. T_T
''Aish.'' He said as he stood up and went next the door.
He started banging and kicking the door. He's destroying it. O______________O
''Ya.. Myungsoo, stop it. You'll hurt yourself if you---------'' 
Before I finished my sentence, the door is already opened, yet destroyed. Woah. That was fast, It was just less than ten seconds. *o* Myungsoo is really strong. He then sat down, and looked at me as if telling me that he would carry me in a piggy back position. :>
So I hoped in his back gently and he stood up and walk towards outside or school as he carry me on his back. I hope I'm not a burden. :(
I just thought about it, If Yoona came back here in Korea.. Will Myungsoo and I will still be like this? Will we still be as sweet and close like this? Can I still love him?
Because if no, even if Yoona is my friend.. I don't want her to come back.. Because if she returns, I'll be losing Myungsoo. :(
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T