If I Fall [49]

If I Fall

Myungsoo’s POV

I was at the rooftop now, with Yoona. I heard the news.

Yoona is going back to Paris two days from now. I know it’s awkward for the two of us especially because I kind of ‘dump’ her and choose MY JIYEON. Even though I love Jiyeon now, Yoona will still remain special to me; she still has this part in my heart. If it wasn’t because of her, I won’t have Jiyeon now. That’s why I don’t regret being sad over her. If she didn’t break up with me before, then I won’t know who I really want to marry, and that is Jiyeon.

I’m here with her because I want a closure.

I want us to be civil to each other. Why? Does ex-lovers doesn’t have the rights to be friends again? I just want that next time, if we ever meet again, we’ll be able to laugh and be comfortable with each other. In that way, Jiyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin can be friends with her again. Right?

“So… You’re leaving Korea again, huh?” I started the topic.

She nodded, “Yep. It feels like my parents really want me to study there. You know, they believe that quality education takes time. That means I need to repeat my senior high school year there.”

She never really changed. She’s always the obedient girl, Yoona.

“Mhm. Do really want to go there? I know you, and I think you don’t want to.” I said. Yes, knowing Yoona for almost 3 years of my life, I know she doesn’t want to go to Paris. Her parents want her to be a model, so that means she need to stay there and learn to live her life like Parisian.

Actually, she wanted to be a doctor. And that’s far from being a model, right? So that means, her parents doesn’t want what she really wants to do with her life.

Maybe if Jiyeon would be in her shoes, its fine with her since she wants to be a designer in the future.

Dumb Myungsoo. Jiyeon wants to be designer, not a model. Cut the crap.

“You know you don’t have to ask me.” Smiling, she looked at me, “You already know the answer. You know I really want to be a doctor.” The smile on her face disappears and her eye gets teary, “What more can I do about it? My parents want it and they’ll do everything just to have it.”

Feeling bad, I pat her shoulders. “Just let it out.”

“You really know how to make me feel better, Myungsoo.” She said as she let out a soft chuckle. “So, what’s the real thing? Why did you bring me here? Did you had a fight with Jiyeon? Oh, man up Myungsoo, say sorry to he---“

The ball is on my court. I don’t want to blow my chance away.

“That’s not it, Yoona.” I said as I looked at her and elicited a deep sigh before starting to talk. This is it. “Yoona, I need you back. I want you back. AS A FRIEND.”

She chuckled, “Of course, we can be friends. I’ve moved on and so do you. Time to be friends again.” She said casually. I smiled at her, knowing that I did my part.

I pulled her for a hug. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a romantic hug. It’s a friendly hug. I know that she needs this.

“Maybe you should leave now. Your wife is looking for you.” Yoona joked. “She might see us.” She added. Sadness in her eyes can be seen. She’s not sad because of me and Jiyeon. She’s sad because in a few days from now, she’ll be saying goodbye to her dream of being a doctor and face the wrath of her parents’ dream, for her to be a model.

“Psh. I won’t leave you alone.” I said. I know she needs a friend. I know but ever since Jiyeon became my girlfriend, it seems like Eunjung and Hyomin hates Yoona for the reason that she might steal me away from Jiyeon and that would never happen since I’m sure that Jiyeon is the only girl I wanted to grow old with.

“Promise?” Yoona broke down into tears while hugging me. I don’t know why but I don’t feel any ‘sparks’ with her right now. It’s just it felt like I’m just hugging my sister.

One thing is confirmed. I don’t love Yoona as a lover anymore.

“Of course, I promise. Anyways, I missed you. Because since the day I chose her over you, you started ignoring and snobbing me.”

“That’s because you’re too busy with Jiyeon.” She said as she suddenly smiled. Her face brightens up.

“That’s because I love her damn much.” I said and she suddenly smacked me in my arms. “Myungsoo, promise me one thing.”

I look at her, “And what’s that?”

“Promise me that you won’t hurt Jiyeon. She’s the youngest between the four of us before, I don’t want her to be hurt. Don’t make her sad or else, if she break up with you.. It’s your loss.” She said, “Another thing is that; don’t forget to invite me in your wedding.” She joked and started walking towards the gate of the rooftop. “Promise me, okay? If not, I’ll go back here in Korea just to kill you.” And with that, she left me alone in the rooftop.

I smiled. I guess Yoona deserves their forgiveness. I know this will be hard, but I want to bring back their destroyed friendship. Why? I don’t know but I think it’s me who’s the reason why their friendship was scattered into pieces. Darn.


The bell rang, that means I need to go back to class, and I haven’t grabbed my lunch yet. How about Jiyeon? Did she already ate her lunch? I hope she did. I should’ve eaten with her.

I decided to go back to our classroom when I saw Woohyun looking at me, “If you’re looking for her, she’s not here anymore.”

“Huh?” I looked around and saw the chair beside me vacant. Jiyeon sits beside me, and her bag wasn’t even there. I looked at Woohyun. “Where is Jiyeon?”

“Told you. She’s not here.” Woohyun looked at me seriously before deciding to enter our room. I followed him and sat on my chair. I glanced at the chair beside me and sighed. Where could Jiyeon be?

I scratched my neck and stood up, slinging my bag on my shoulders. Maybe Jiyeon went home already, and she didn't even bother telling me. I know Jiyeon, she won't do something without telling me first, except when....


she's mad at me.


I didn't do anything wrong. Is it because I didn't ate lunch with her? Nah. That's a very childish reason.

I started walking towards the door when Hyomin noona suddenly asked me where am I going. I looked at her, "To Jiyeon." With a sigh, I walked outside our classroom and went towards the gate, I don't care if teachers will see me like this. I don't care if I'm cutiing class. Because one thing is for sure, there's something bad happening to Jiyeon. Maybe she's mad at me (but, I don't know the reason.) or maybe she's feeling sick?

I climbed off the gate and rushed home as soon as I stepped off the ground.

As soon as I reached the gate of our house, I noticed the gate is still locked. I think Jiyeon isn't here because she doesn't have the keys. I'm the one who keeps it. Heol.

I sighed and continue walking. Where should I look for Jiyeon?

I decided to go to the park and look around for her. I checked the fountains, the basketball, tennis, soccer court but no Jiyeon can be seen. After almost 15 minutes of looking for Jiyeon at the park, I decided to go sit on the bench.

I started thinking which possible places Jiyeon could be? At the mall? No. I know she's not feeling well enough to go shopping. At the bay? That's too far and she doesn't like crossing the streets because she's scared even there's a traffic light. At the subdivision's swimming pool? Definitely not.

I looked and see something that makes me realize where Jiyeon was.


At her favorite Icecream Shop.


Once I arrived inside the Icecream Shop, I roamed my eyes around and saw Jiyeon alone with too many icecream on her table.

I decided to approach her. She is busily eating her icecream when she saw me. She looked at me with her eyes puffy and red. I tried to hug her but she pushed me away. She stood up and leave money at her table before walking out of the icecream shop with her head bowed. She's crying.

I followed her outside and stopped her by holding her shoulders, "Hey. What's the matter?"

":... Nothing. Why are you here anyways. You should be with... nevermind."

HUH? Does she thinks I'm cheating on her? Hell no.


"I said nevermind." She said as she continued walking away. I followed her, not talking at all. I don't see any reasons for me to cheat on her. For me, no one can beat her.

She stopped walking and that's when I realized we were infront of her old house. The one where she was staying alone before grandmother asks us to live together. She grabbed the keys on her pocket and unlocked the gate and the door. She then entered the inside and slammed and locked the door even before I enter her house.

I heared her crying even if door is closed. She cries like that specially when she's hurt.

But I didn't hurt her. Or maybe I did?

"Jiyeon.. open the door please?" I said as I knocked on the door gently. I don't want to take this problem down with a hot-headed way. Staying together with Jiyeon made me realize that I should control my temper when there's a problem even if I'm really urging to shout. That's because she's scared whenever I shout.

"No. I'm not letting you in..*sobs*" I'm sure that she's leaning on the door behind because I can clearly hear her voice. "Why not?" I asked.

"Because... After all this time.. you cheated on me." She said incoherently. What? I cheated on her?! WHAT?! WHEN?! HOW?! WHERE?! FCK.

I sighed. I unconciously made her mad. This is bad.

I sat on the floor, leaning my head on the door. I don't know how I would apologize to her, that's because I don't even know how and when I cheated on her. Sht. But ofcourse, no matter what happens, I won't end this day that Jiyeon is sad. I want her to forgive me.

"How and when did I cheated on yo----?"

"With Yoona. I don't know when.. but I think it's been a long time ago." I heared her whispered as she sobbed.

WTH. WITH YOONA? -_- That's when I remembered what happened awhile ago during lunch. Maybe someone saw us at the rooftop and told it to Jiyeon. Or maybe, she saw it with her own eyes but misunderstood it. Holy !"%&.

That's when I saw a guy walking across the streets, holding a guitar. And that gave me an idea on how can I apologize to her. I stood up and rushed to Hoya's house to borrow his guitar. Remember that Hoya leaves in the same street as Jiyeon before? Well, he's the nearest one who I can borrow a guitar.

As soon as I arrived infront of their house, I saw Hoya sitting at the bench at their garrage using his guitar. I rushed inside their garrage and pulled his guitar. He looked at me with a shocked expression. "Hey, dude. I'm using it!"

"Let me borrow it for awhile." I said as I jogged out of their gate while holding the guitar on my hand.

"Why?" Hoya shouted. I stopped for awhile and shouted back. "For my future wife." And that made us both chuckle. Fck. Is this how love affects you? You became corny when you're inlove. So gay. -.-

I rushed back to Jiyeon's house and knocked at the door to make sure that she's still there, listening. "Jiyeon? Still there?"

She didn't answer. Instead, I heared her sobbed. And that's enough for me. I'm sure she's listening.

I started strumming the guitar..

[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbPbGALadBo] ( Author's note: <-Click to listen. A great song. =))) )


I met you at the club that night
Where I was spinning records
And my heart said
Hey now
Hey now
Hey now
Hey now

You said you were pleased to meet me
Through the sweet smell of your perfume
And blew me
Away now
Way now
Way now
Way now

Later on that week we went out,
Talked under the stars until the next
Day now
Day now
Day now
Day now

You drank your Fruitopia
And we never ran out of things to
Say now
Say now
Say now
Say now

Any minute im not with you
I hope I'll see you soon
There's just something that happens
When you walk into the room

And instantly I feel so complete
It hits me right about the time you kiss my cheek
And you give me this feeling
It's like no other feeling
But it knocks me off my feet

Please don't ask me what I like about you
Cause it's every little thing you do
And that's just the way you make me feel

And I don't think
That there are any others out there like you
And I wont blink cause that would mean
I'd miss a second beside you

And maybe you know what I mean
Or maybe this is just a dream
I pinch myself just to make sure
But I'm still here and there you are
I wonder why we just met now
It just kind of happened somehow
But here we are together and
That's all that matters in the end

And instantly I feel so complete
It hits me right about the time you kiss my cheek
And you give me this feeling
It's like no other feeling
But it knocks me off my feet

Please don't ask me what I like about you
Cause it's every little thing you do
And that's just the way you make me feel

You can never ask for too much
Cause I'd travel the world just to feel your touch
That's just the way you make me feel


I strummed the last note before apologizing to her again, "I'm sorry."

"Okay." She said shortly. I failed. She's still mad. Maybe I should explain? But I at explaining. Like really.

"Just as you know, I didn't cheated on you." I said before standing. Maybe she needs some time alone. I know she needs space. Maybe I'll just talk to her later.

I started walking towards the gate when I heared the door open. There stands her. With swollen eyes and reddish nose, she looked at me, "Really?" 




I nodded. My charm never fails to reach her. Hahaha, and that's one thing I love about her. "Yes, really. What makes you think I'll cheat on you?



Sorry for the long wait, yet crappy update. Been busy. Sorry peepz. Comment. :] Infinite will have a comeback soon. Ugh. <3



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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T