If I Fall [16]

If I Fall


Jiyeon's POV

We are now eating here at the cafe. I don't know if I can call this a cafe because this cafe also serves snacks like burgers, fries, ice creams, rice meals and more. Hahaha. They serve icecream here. But, no one can beat my auntie's icecream! Hahaha
And, another is.. 
This is the cafe where I spilled coffee at Myungsoo's coat. I still remember that day. That was so epic. Haha...
To think that he was about to kill me that day. XD
"Why are you smiling alone?" Myungsoo asked. What?
 I'm smiling alone? Hahaha. Tss. "Uhm.. Just remembered something funny." 
"Psh. If you say so."
"Ya, Myungie.. Do you remember when----" 
"Remembered what?" He said, cutting what I was about to say. He's such an excited human. =___= 
"It's nothing. Tch. Nevermind." I said as I grabbed some frenchfries and put them on my mouth. Yumm~
"Psh. What is it?" He said as he furrowed his eyebrows and sipped some of his drinks.
"No." I said as I looked away and sighed. I am PRETENDING to be mad. Haha.
"Please?" He said with a pleading eyes. He looks like a kitten. "Please?" He repeated as he pouted and winked repeatedly.
AHAHAHAHA. He looks funny. It didn't suit him at all. XDD
Maybe I should play with him more. Huh? It's really fun. Hahah! It won't hurt right? It really won't hurt since I'm harmless. Haha! Okay, kidding.
It's just, It is the first time I saw Myungsoo acting like this. I mean, he's funny since he's trying to look like a kitten, begging for food. And this kind of moment should be cherished.
Loooool. What am I saying? AHAHAHAHA.
"What if I don't want to?" I said, crossing my arms. He sighed and smiled like a ten years old kid at me.
He really looks weird. Ahaha. It doesn't suit him to act cute. Because, he's effin' handsome. >///< Ahahaha.
"Ya. Please tell baby Myungie." He said, poking me.
"Baby? AHAHAHA."
"Mommy Jiyeonnie, please tell it to baby Myungie. If you did, he promised to treat you ice cream."
Okay. No more playing. I'm gonna tell it to him now.
As in NOW.
"As I was saying... Did you remember-----"
"Can you speak a little bit faster?"
Gahd. The nerve of this excited human or alien or whatever you call this creature. Can I kill him? Agh. He's so excited!
Patience is a virtue, and killing is a crime. Jiyeon-ah, calm down. You can do it. Inhale... Exhale..
"It would have been better if you let me finish speaking first?" I said, glaring at him.
"Psh. Go ahead." He said with a face like =_____=
"This cafe is where I spilled coffee at your coat. Ahaha." I said. I can see his face getting red.
"Ya! Psh." It's all he can say. He is still red. XD
"Nothing much, I just remembered that day. You were so mad at me. Thinking that, you were about to kill me."
"Haha. You looked like a scared cat that time." He said, smirking.
I cleared my throat and.. "Your sorry won't make me dry." I said, immitating him.
He laughed so hard that the others look at us weirdly.
"You're not good at immitating!" He said as he laughed at me. Others are staring at us again. He really is hillarious when he laughs out loud. Haha.
"Tch. As if you are a good one."
"Oh, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." He said, immitating me. AHAHAHA. He's actually good. He looks like a gay when he was immitating my voice tho. Ahaha.
"Wow. You look like a gay."
"Psh. Shut up."
After a few minutes, we went out of the cafe. And strolled back to his car.
"Hey, slave." I said while poking him. Remember our bet? Haha. I know he let me win, but yeah. Haha. Time to suffer, my dear slave. But don't worry, I won't be that harsh to him.. I'm still a good girl. I'm obviously harmless.
"Show some respect to your master, slave."
"Yes Master. What can I do for you?" He said while , looking at the road, driving.
"Buy me food everyday, at school. Okay?" Haha. That's right, because I'm so lazy to fall in line and wait for my food at the canteen of our school.
"Psh. I don't want to."
"Do not disagree to you master's order, slave." I said, crossing my arms.
He chuckled.. "Okay. Any more request, master?" He looked at my direction and smile. Weee. My slave is so handsome. Hahaha!
"That's all for now. I'll think of more soon." 
He drove me home before he went home. That's so nice. Lmao. But he keep teasing me while we are inside his car.
But that is better than him being sad because of Yoona, right?
And I really hope that Yoona will come back for Myungsoo. :D So everyone could be happy again.
I'm inside my room, when I remembered Hyominnie and Eunjunggie! 
To: Hyominnie; Eunjunggie.
Message: Minnie, Junggie! Yoona is now on the plane. She needs to go to Paris and stay there. :(
After a few minutes, both of them replied. I decided to open Eunjunggie's message first since she replied first..
From: Eunjunggie
Re: What? When? Is she still coming back? :(
From: Hyominnie.
Re: How did you know? Aww. When did she left? T-T Why didn't she told us?
I'm too tired to reply their message, so I decided to call them both. Group call! \o/
[Hey!] -Eunjung.
[Jiyeonnie!] -Hyomin.
"So, as I was saying.. Yoona left awhile ago and went to Paris." I said with deep sigh.
[Why Yoona didn't told us about it?] -Hyomin.
"She said that it was on the spot. Her mom and dad told her the this morning."
[I didn't even have the time to say goodbye to her.] Eunjung said. I can feel that she's pouting.
[Yeah, me too. But Yeonnie-ah, how did you know about this?] -Hyomin.
[Yeah, how?] -Eunjung.
"I was with Myungsoo at my aunt's Ice cream store when Yoona called Myungsoo. We rushed to the airport. Good thing she's still there." I said. Aww. I remembered how sad Myungsoo is. :(
[You're with Myungsoo awhile ago?] -Hyomin. Wow. She became a little bit hyper.
"Yep. Why?" I asked. What's wrong being with Myungsoo?
Just then, Hyominnie and Eunjunggie laughed. Wth? What's happening? Why are they happy? Can someone tell me why?
Tch. The two of them really sound happy now. Lol. Are they because Yoona left Myungsoo already? Woah. And, I think Hyomin likes Myungsoo because they are pretty close. Hahaha. Yie. :>
But I like Myungsoo for Yoona more since the two of them really look cute together. But I as of the last days, I rarely see Yoona with Myungsoo. She's always with Donghae.
I think she's playing around Myungsoo. ;~;
But if she is, why is Donghae not in the airport awhile ago? Agh.
Thinking about them makes my head hurt. -_- But I know, deep deep deep deep deep very freakin deep inside Yoona's heart that...
She loves Myungsoo so much. Because if not, then why don't she let Myungsoo go, right?


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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T